I got the demo and I finished it. I'm now playing around with my Tauros. Hau is a cinnamon roll that needs to be protected; he's gotta be one of my favorite rivals.
But holy Miltank so much Pokémon have been datamined.
I for one am so freaking happy that the starter leaks are real. I actually really like all of them, but Rowlet is still my favorite. *whispers* Gonna name it Oliver... (If you get that I love you)
Pikipek threw me off. I was so sure it would evolve into a huge, buttkicking woodpecker.
If Salandit's evolution isn't female-only, I swear I'll never understand anything again.
Gotta say I actually kind of like the anchor Pokémon! I'd actually like to use it!
Wimpod's evo is...actually kind of cool. I thought it would be the Magikarp of this gen!
However Crabrawler's evo is just a mess, tbh. I really don't like it.
Other Tapu forms! That, I'm kind of iffy on, but hey, still cool.
Also all of the Ultra-Beasts look like abominations, and I love it.
Magearna's cool, reminds me of Diancie.
Marshadow is like the Mew of the gen. I really hope it's just a form it takes, because I was not expecting that tiny thing... I was kind of expecting something, y'know, larger.
BUT, my only problem so far with Sun and Moon:
Personally the only Alolan forms I'm even considering putting on my team are the Vulpix, Sandshrew, and Cubone line.
Also I was quite surprised when I found out the legendaries had other forms. Evolutions. Whatever. It's kind of cute.
Their shiny forms...
I love Lunaala's shiny form. Blood red moon. It's perfect.
However...Solgaleo doesn't wear red well. That's all I'm saying.
After all of that talk, and the demo, all I have to say is that the music is absolutely wonderful. I had to stop what I was doing several times just to listen to the battle and encounter music; especially Team Skull's. They got some awesome beats.
So here's what I think about the game overall:
It's either going to be a big hit, or a devastating miss.
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