Barely Living
Daily Schedule
This is my life
but I'm barely
Insomnia takes a
toll when I want to
escape pain the most.
Words won't come
when I need to speak
up the most.
My pain won't form
into stanzas
as a way to escape.
Instead it forms
into a longing to
cut my pale arms.
I feel comforted by
a room with little light
but it's never enough.
I'm merely existing
with a deep
numbness inside.
Everything is
a speeding
Life is a merry go
round that never slows
its fast pace.
The nightmares
in my sleep
reminds me I'm alive.
I'm walking
aimlessly on this
yellow brick road.
This is a one
way train with no
stops in between.
Learn just to
please my parents
and teachers.
Doing everything
that needs to be
done for success
But I always
trip and stumble
on the path,
Cry over losing
loved ones after
I messed up,
With anxeity
knocking on my
door with each step.
There are
millions of stars
up in the sky at night
But I always
follow the bright
full moon.
When the moon
fades away
over time,
I'm lost while
grasping the stars
and clinging to hope.
This is a poem
about my life that
I'm barely living.
This is the life
I'm destined to
Just barely getting
by at the skin
of my teeth,
While losing
hope along
the dark way.
I try to make
the path more
lite and bright,
But a mere
candlelight that flickers
isn't good enough.
I'm forever lost and
never to be found
on this path.
I might as well
be following a
demon blindly.
-The End-
-Made May 9, 2018-
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