TAG You're It!
YOOOO TAG HI! Lol. From @Anti-Doll
Copy of the rules posted there:
1. You must post ALL Rules.
2. You Have to Tag 13 people!
3. Each person has to say 13 things about themselves..?
4. You have to answer the questions for the people you tagged....??
5. You cannot say "I don't tag".
6. Tag backs are allowed? (I don't understand half of these lol)
7. You have to finish within a week.
8. Be creative with the title! No, "I GOT TAGGED BLAH BLAH!" lol.
9. You have to put this IN a book not in the comments! :3
Okay so I'm really confused, lol. So Ima answer the question she asked us. ;/
1. Kittens or Mittens?
Kittens.. No hesitation about it.
2. If you were a Gem what would it be?
Well I'm going off of my birthstone, an Emerald, my power I'm not sure..
3. Blue or Black?
Hm.. Can I say both?
4. Dessert or Beach?
I'm not sure it this was accidentally spelled wrong to be Desert, but if so I pick Beach.
5. Fire or Air?
Are we Last Airbender/Avatar? Lol I'm jk. I think.. Air so I can close my door when people leave it open. X3
6. Bold or Optimistic?
Well, I'm neither, I'm both I guess.
7. Dr. Pepper or Pepsi?
Dr. Pepper bro.. I like Pepsi, but I used have all the time, so I got too sick of it.
8. Would you rather see yourself as a Villain or Die a Hero?
That's tough, I don't know.. I guess both but no? Idk!?!
9. YouTube or Facebook?
YouTube.. Duh! X3
10. What do you hate the most about school/paper work?
When they don't explain it clearly.
11. Who's your favorite OTP(s)?
Banana Bus Crew as they call them, but mostly H2OVanoss, GARMAU, a little bit of Larmau.. Zanemau, and Bascially YouTube Ships! Also, Undertale! :3
12. Shiny or Dull?
Hm.. Depends, metaphorically, Shiny and I like shiny things when physical seeing! ;3
13. Summer or Fall?
Ooh, toughy.. I like both, but the warm feeling of Fall gets me every time.. <3
-- My Turn to ask you! :3 --
1. OTP(s)?
2. Halloween or Christmas?
3. Which of my Books do you like the most ;3?
4. YouTube or Twitch?
(Bonus for MC Diaries Fans) 4.5. Garmau or Larmau?
5. What's the last book\work you read?
6. Which term thinks suits us Gamer/Bookworms/Shippers/etc. Dorks? Geeks or Nerds?
7. Wattpad or Reddit?
8. DevianArt or Tumblr?
9. Purple or Blue?
10. Kittens or Puppies?
11. What do you think of our "new hip" words?
(For example: Bae, Netflix and Chill, etc.)
12. What do you find cute in a person?
13. Will you accept my apology for this "forcing" tag?
I tag, and you don't have to, I'm breaking the rules okay? Lol.
Again, you do not have to do this lol. I just did thirteen like it said :3! X3
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