Weird things about me.....in irl....
1: I don't like being alone, and when I am, I try to imagine people there to have conversations with....weird. I know.
2: I HATE the dark, but I also don't like sleeping with a lamp on, it keeps me awake.
3: I talk and cry, by myself at home, when I'm alone.
4: When I take showers, and nobody's home(and the doors are locked), I play a playlist on my phone, then start "singing" at the top of my lungs.
5: I hate people, at my school, and really wanna move, but hey, bullies are everywhere....
That's all I could, think of right now.
Shoutout to......Sparti06
Thank you SOOOOOO much for all of the nice comments, after a hard day of being called EXTREMELY rude names, I come on Wattpad and normally see polite comments about my stories. Just thank you so much!💙💙
(Another one)
Shoutout to......naluanimelovee
Thank you for saying that I am really nice, and that I should be famous. That day, it was really rough for me at school, and seeing you say that just.....made and brightened up my day. I was on the verge of crying, it just made me happy. Anyway, thank you again!💙💙
(Last one!)
Shoutout to......Animelover0721POP
Thank you for being such and amazing friend! You always know how to make me smile, and you're always just making me smile. I really need more friends like you! Thank you! 💙💙
There will be more shoutouts in the next chapter, until then, buh-bye!
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