Chapter 79
Chapter 79
Title: Choice
Mystreet Season 5 Episode 23 & 24
Word Count: 2446
(A/n: A picture of Dante if he were a Werwolf. Enjoy the Chapter!)
(Y/n) POV
The room was silent after I asked Dante that question. I looked down at my lap patiently waiting to hear what he would say, but I never got an answer. The only thing I heard was the small creeks of foot spets getting closer to me.
When I felt a presence in front of me I looked up slowly to see him standing there.
"(Y/n), if this is about how people see a werewolf and a human relationship and how they don't last then get rid of those negative thoughts because I love you and I will never stop loving you," Dante told me sternly as he caressed my cheek. Even though his voice was stern his eyes showed care and sincerity.
Without me knowing tears built up in my eyes and Dante had pulled me into a warm embrace as I clutched my hands grabbing firstfuls of his shirt into them.
"I love you, Dante, I love you so much!" I cried muffled from my face being in his chest.
Somewhere in the boat, I think, sat Derek and Garte having a meeting in front of a fireplace, each seated in a seat across from each other, a small bear skin rug in between them a their feet.
"Thanks for coming here on such short notice," Derek started off, "I'm sorry we had to delay our meeting. I felt Zianna needed to relax the moment she got here. She's a feisty lady."
"Tell me about!" Garte exclaimed, "When she wants something she'll just go for it. It was a bit annoying but you were right to allow us the brake. She would have grown suspicious if we had, had our meeting sooner."
"You haven't spoken to her about Michael?"
"No! And I never want to. What he put all of us through I never want her involved."
"I understand. For the longest time I felt the same way about getting Rachel involved," Derke agreed looking down, admitting he had told his wife about the situation at stake.
"Wait, you told her!?" Gerte asked shocked to hear that from his friend.
"Yes, ultimately I decided I had no reason not to she knew about the Ultima curse I figured she needed to know about Michael one day. I haven't told her everything but she knows what she needs to."
"Then why isn't she here?" Garte asked.
"She's keeping Zianna busy right now. I don't want any interruptions for what I'm about to tell you."
"What about Maria?"
Derek sighed before looking Garte in the eye, "I don't think she should know about this part involving her brother."
Garte nodded his head understandingly, "Fair enough."
With that Derek told him that Zack, Maria's brother, Dante's uncle, was on the island and that Michael had to be free.
(A/n: real quick note. I don't know it Zack is actually her brother I'm just putting in like that just in case he is but I'm not sure if we'll ever find out)
You were walking into the kitchen after getting out of Dante's arms to get something to drink when your werewolf ears picked up on Melissa's voice.
"Well I'm looking forwards to all my nephews and nieces running around," Melissa teased into the phone to who you presumed was Aaron.
You walked closer to the pool towards where she was, sitting in a pool chair under an umbrella when you heard the person from the other side.
"Melissa!" You heard which confirmed that it indeed was Aaron.
"Hahaha, I wasn't just talking about you. I'm sure (Y/n) and Dante will give me some too. I mean they just got engaged they must of," Melissa laughed telling Aaron through the phone.
"Melissa!!" You yelled, turning red, revealing your presence.
"What, you know it's true!" She argued back.
"Shut up!" You yelled turning redder.
"Your just proving my point that you guys-"
"Shut up!" You yelled covering her mouth as you felt that your face got so hot it could possibly cook an egg.
Melissa moved your hand from her mouth revealing the smirk on her face as she looked at your reddened face.
"Uhh I'm still on the phone," Aaron reminded his two sisters from the other line.
"Oh right, I just wanted to call and tell you that you and Aphmau owe me a trip to the haunted house," Melissa said, "And~ were all coming back to the resort tomorrow," she said, stretching out the word 'and'.
"What!?" Aaron said sounding shocked and a little worried.
"Yeah, sorry to spring that up on you guys but we've already done a lot here at Starlight Adventure Park so we decided to head back to the resort. Gonna rest for a few days, pick you guys up and then head on over to the real Starlight Park," Melissa explained.
"But you can't!"
"Why not?" You asked confused through the phone.
Aaron's eyes widened as he tried to come up with an excuse and quickly picked up a potato.
"Uhhhhh, becausssseee.... Kissing Aphmau right now!" He told and make fake kissing noises to be heard through the phone.
"Sweet, hehehe, I wouldn't want to interrupt that, but seriously we have to come back. You can't hog Aphmau all to yourself!" Melissa sassed.
"See you tomorrow little bro!" Melissa chirped before ending the call.
"Hehhehe, Mom guess what!" Melissa sang pulling you with her and to your mother.
Later that day when you finally got your water and got free from your sister and mother you headed back to your room to see Dante on his phone still in bed.
"Hey, where were you?" Dante asked looking away from his phone and at you to see your face red, "why's your face red?" He asked chuckling a bit.
"Melissa, Mom, and Maria." Was all you answered with.
Melissa had dragged you away and into the where you mother was.
"Mom, Aaron was kissing Aphmau while we were on the phone with him~" Melissa sang out.
"Aweee, how sweet," Mom cooed in her calm, relaxing voice.
"Melissa, let me go, please," you begged just wanting to get your water and go back and cuddle with Dante.
"No, not until I tell Mom something," Melissa said looking at you with a big smile.
Your eyes widened knowing what your sister was going to do. You thrashed your arm around to try and get out of her grip but ended unsuccessful.
"I think we're going to have some little kiddies running around, right (Y/n)," Melissa asked nudging me as my face turned red.
Maria, who was in the small living room next to the kitchen, over heard that and sprang up and stood next to Rachel. Both women having huge teasing and happy smiles on their face.
"Ohh, I can't wait to see them!" Maria chirped causing you to go redder.
"I can't wait to be a grandma," Your mom teased.
"Maria! Mom! Stop it," you whined as your face turned red.
"Awe, don't get so flustered sweetie! I'm sure you and Dante poo~ will be great parents!"
"Thanks Maria, uh I'm gonna get going now," you said shyly your face still red you grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and quickly left to your room before they could stop you or say anything else.
~End Of Flashback~
Dante laughed at your embarrassment but stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around you.
"We would be good parents though," he smiled and kissed the top of your head. You smiled back and looked up at him.
"We'd be the best out there," you answered and pulled him into a sweet kiss.
(Y/n) POV
Dante, Gene, Maria and I were all hanging out on the top pool enjoying ourselves and having a family bonding time. Leaving Dante, Gene and I in bathing suits while Maria was in shorts, and loose shirt with sunglasses on while sipping on a refreshing drink in hand.
Maria and I were chatting in the beach chairs under an umbrella when I suddenly got picked up.
"Ahhh! Dante, don't do it!" I yelled grabbing onto him as he picked me up and held me over the pool water ready to drop me.
"What do I get in return?" He asked a smirk on his face.
"Ummm, a-" before I could give my option Dante got pushed from behind by Gene and we both fell in.
When we swam back up to the top, I glared daggers at Gene.
"Come on, I almost got away!" I yelled at him as he just laughed his butt off.
"(Y/N)!!! I need help!" Kawaii~Chan yelled running over to us.
"Huh? What do you need help with KC?" I asked moving my hair out of my face and climbed out of the pool.
"Can we go a little away from here?" She asked shyly her face red.
I tilted my head confused but agreed nonetheless and we walked away from the group.
"(Y/n), you know how me and Zane went on a date, right?" She asked cutely.
"Yeah, what about it?" I asked confused on why she was asking.
"Well in a relationship is it better to go slow or fast?"
"Hmmm, I prefer slow because then I don't feel rushed to have to do something either I'm not ready for or their not ready for," I told her truthfully after thinking my answer through.
"Okay, thank you (Y/n)~Sama!" KC thanked me before going on her way. I watched her runoff, confused I tilted my head, with my ears hanging down a bit.
I walk back over to everyone else and sit down where I was before I got thrown into the pool. Dante walked over to me when he saw me come back and sat on the edge of my chair.
"What did KC need?" He asked.
"Relationship tips, she asked if it was best to go slow or fast in a relationship," I told him.
"Definitely slow, the only person I've gonna slow with and look now, were getting married," he smiled kissing my temple.
"Yeah, I don't like when guys make the relationship go too fast," I told him cuddling up to him.
"True that!" Maria exclaimed from next to us.
"Hey, do you guys mind if I call Aaron real quick?" I asked not wanting to be rude and just leave.
"Yeah, go ahead, sweetie. We should be getting ready to get off soon so we'll finish hanging out at the resort," Maria answered happily, very big up from.her seat, "we'll see you two love birds later, okay?"
"Okay, see you later Mom," Dante answered as his mom and brother walked away to their room.
"Now to our room angel," he smiled and kissed my temple and picking me up bridal style.
"Ahh! Dante, I can walk myself you know!"
"I know," he smirked and continued carrying me with a care.
When we got back to our room he placed me sitting on the edge of the bed sitting up to call Aaron. He laid down on the bed behind me and handed me my phone.
"Hmph," I pouted but took my phone anyways and dialed Aaron.
"Hello?" He asked sounding worried.
"Hey, Aaron, how's things going back at the resort?" I asked him happily
"Oh uh things are fine over here, why?"
"Because we're not to far away from the island. We should be there fairly soon, but that's not the only reason I called I wanted to ask you about what Aphmau asked you, you thought it through right?"
"Uh, yeah we already made a decision about it," he said back nervously.
"Aaron?" I asked worried from his tone as I felt like the situation got serious, "What did you choose?"
"AARON!" I yelled startling Dante.
"(Y/n), hear me out first!"
"What were you thinking, you know dad's going to be outraged."
"Just let me explain," he begged.
"Fine, explain!" I growled out, feeling my eyes turn red. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and out, "explain" I repeated back calmly.
"I'll tell you when you get here."
When we reached the resort Dante and I were all packed up and ready to go. When we docked Melissa quickly left to go see Aaron and Aphmau while Dante and I headed to our room to drop our stuff off at our room and headed to Aaron's room.
When we reached their room we could see that Melissa was walking away from it. Dante knocked on their room door as he held my hand to help keep me calm.
"Come on in guys," Aaron said when he opened the room door.
We walked in, my head facing the floor. Dante lead me towards the foot of their bed.
"How is she?" I asked, finally speaking up.
"She's sleeping right now, but she's in a lot of pain."
"You mean she's not done transforming?" I asked looking up, showing my faint Ultima red in my eyes.
"I'm assuming you bit her right?" Dante asked joining in.
"Yeah, it's safer than the eyes," Aaron answered looking over at Aphmau's sleeping figure.
"How are her ears and tail?" Dante asked.
"Scrunched up like a young werewolf," Aaron told him.
"Hmm, has she been hot and cold the whole time?" Dante asked.
"Yeah, how did you-?"
"I did a lot of research when you guys were gone for a year. Stories about your grandfather were in the fairy tail section of the library. A Lot of them talked about the transformation through bite. Aphmau's only in pain because her bones are reforming. The random heat and cold is her body trying to deal with all the pain. The heat is from the pain, the cold from it trying to make it feel better, but it just ends up making her feel uncomfortable from the different body temperature," Dante explained looking at Aphmau with sad eyes.
"Wow, do you know when the transformation is over?" Aaron asked curiously.
"Sadly I don't, we'll just have to wait for it to be over. And hopefully it's soon too," Dante told.
"Here," I held our a potion of healing and of pain, "Dante, told me to make them. Let her drink half of the blue one when she wakes up, it's for the pain. It won't do the trick but it will subside the pain for a good while. The pink one is to help heal her for when she's done transforming. It'll just help with any discomfort that she's getting."
"Thanks, Dante, (Y/n)" Aaron thanked the both of us taking the potions.
"Don't thank me yet, you still owe me an explanation."
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