Chapter 47
Chapter 47
Title: Christmas Miracle Part 1 *Special*
Mystreet Holiday Special Episode 1
(Y/N) Your Name
(E/c) Eye Color
(F/c) Favorite Color
Word Count: 3135
(Y/n) POV
"Dante! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I whined out trying to wake my blue haired boyfriend.
"Ugh, five more minutes," he grumbled out in his deep morning voice as he tightened his arms around my waist pulling me back towards his chest so I couldn't escape and started to fall asleep again.
"Danteee~!" I whined as I tried to get out of his warm embrace.
"Mmm," he grumbled tightening his grip and pulling me even closer and hiding his face in the crock of my neck letting me feel his breath on my neck.
"There's snow outside!" I told him which made him open his eyes.
"Than what are we waiting for! Lets go!" He exclaimed pulling me with him off the bed and running outside in our pjs into the snow covered streets the same time Aphmau comes running out of her house Aaron trailing behind her.
Aphmau and Dante jointing each other in-front of her house freaking out in excitement as the jumped around in the snow. Garroth and KC boing the two equally as excited about the snow that feel last night.
I walked over to join the less childish people them being Aaron, Katelyn, and Zane as the four of us watched the other four childish adults.
"Should we tell them?" Aaron turned to the three of us as the other four kept screaming in joy.
"Nahhh... just let it sink in," Katelyn responded.
"Wait a minute," Aph said stopping her screams of joy.
"So cold," KC said but just squealed again, "but so fluffy!"
"Gah! Oh it's so cold," Garroth standing next to a sitting KC.
"Yeah, it i-is getting p-pretty cold now that you mention it," Dante said from next to Aphmau hugging himself.
"It's the holiday season, the spirit of the holiday will keep us warm!" Aphmau told the other three as she shivered.
All four of the stood still waiting four the holiday spirit to warms them up.
"It's not working!" Garroth and Dante complained together hugging each other.
"Ash! Come on you guys, you just need to get your winter gear on," Katelyn told the four adults.
"NEVER!" Garroth cried out going crazy in the snow.
Dante ran up to me pulling me into a hug.
"Umm... Dante what are you doing?" I asked confused since he just came and hugged me randomly.
"I'm trying to steal your warmth," he told holding me tight. When he did so, I than started to feel the coldness that was coming off of him and tried to pull away.
"No, Dante let go! Your freezing!" I exclaimed trying to get away but he would just tighten his grip hiding his face in my shoulder letting me feel the smirk he held on his face.
"The year comes with holiday cookies," I heard Aaron bribe as I continued trying to get away from my freezing cold boyfriend.
Aphmau gasped, "Cookies!" And ran towards her house door excitedly KC following after.
"Oh, why didn't you just say so?" Garroth asked and followed after the girls.
"Come on, (Y/n), let's go get cookies!" Dante told me letting go of me and grabbing my hand follow the other three.
"Come on, Dante! Let's get going!" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him out as he ate another cookie in his other hand.
"But I don't wanna go! There's still cookies to be eaten!" He cried still munching on his cookie.
"Oh, shush! I'll make you more at home!" I told him as I opened Aaron's door, "we'll see you guys later and thanks for the cookies Aaron!" I thanked and left dragging an excited Dante out of the house and over to ours.
"Hey, you know, Dante, this is our first Christmas together as a couple," I said just realizing that in my mid when we walked through our front door.
"Yeah, it is! And I'm going to get you the best present ever," he chirped kissing my forehead.
"Heheh... highly doubt that because I'm going to get you the best present ever!" I challenged him.
"Oh, yeah?" He asked getting his face closer to mine to where our noses were touching.
"Yeah," I said unfazed locking my (e/c) eyes with his dark blue eyes.
"We'll see about that, love," he said leaning closer.
"Oh just kiss already and get over with it I want my breakfast, please!" Travis pleaded since he was waiting in the kitchen.
This cause me and Dante to chuckle looking over at him. I continued silently laughing until my chin was grabbed gently and turned. Next thing I know I feel Dante's soft lips on mine as he kissed me. Me kissing back passionately.
"Great! Now stop kissing and give me my tacos!"
"I know girl! I'm excited too!" Aphmau giggled talking to her dog that was jumping excitedly next to her, "but we have to get this place decorated first before they get here!"
"Before who gets here?" Aaron asked his potato girlfriend.
"Uh, my mom! Duh!" Aphmau replied back though it sound like she was hiding something, something important.
"Oh, right," Aaron said.
"Are you excited?" Aphmau asked cheerfully for tonight.
"I'm excited alright, but I have to admit I'm still a little nervous about her coming over," Aaron responded, "it's kinda hard to say this but I'm not exactly used to her being so..... nice to me; or (Y/n)!"
Aphmau until realizing it was true, "you know what? Your right! That's gonna be really weird."
"What should we do?" Aaron asked.
"Uh, just act normal, besides, I have a really big surprise planned for you and (Y/n)! I hope you don't mind if I invite her and Dante to join us."
"Me?" Aaron asked in disbelief about the present, "and I don't mind Aph, I would love to have my little sister over for this than we can both go through your mom being nice to us and both be awkward."
"Mmmmmhmmm...." Aphmau nodded her head at his surprised state about her having a present for him and his sister, "though first, we have to decorate the house of course!"
"Right, right so.... where should we start?"
"Come on, Dante, we should get going," you said getting out of your boyfriend's arms from cuddling with him on the living room couch. Fixing your (F/c) colored Christmas sweater that had a reindeer on it with warm winter themed leggings.
"Alright," Dante said getting up from the chouch as well.
"I'm gonna go get the pie I made and we'll be on our way," you said and walked over to the kitchen where the pie was placed out to cool. "Okay, lets go!" You said walking back over to him holding the pie in one hand and grabbing his hand with your free one.
Dante opened to the door for you like a gentleman closing it behind the both of you. Heading on your way to Aphmau and Aaron's house.
"Whew! There we go!" Aphmau said looking at the accomplished work that her and Aaron had done.
*Ding Dong*
"Just in time!" Aphmau exclaimed, walking towards the door to answer it; Aaron trailing behind.
"Mija!" Silvana exclaimed when her daughter opened the door for her.
"Mommy!" The two hugged.
"And there's...... my...... handsome Aaron!" Silvana said awkwardly sounding a bit forced.
"And it's...... my girlfriend's mom!" Aaron responded back awkwardly as well, but not sounding as forced like hers.
"Aww, look at you two being nice to each other!" Aphmau cooed so proud of the two.
"Of course I..... just... like Aaron so much!" Once again sounding forced and awkward.
"Why don't you give him a hug?" Aphmau asked her mom.
"Alright, now that's pushing it," Silvana told her daughter, "Hahahah! I think we've made enough progress for one winter day! Plus we have a whole week of hanging out with each other, right?"
"Exactly!" Aaron agreed.
"I guess your right, there's no need to rush anything, plus, Mom you just making an effort plus everything you did for us, it means a lot," Aphmau told her mom.
"Hehe... your welcome Mija."
"but mom?"
"Yes Mija?" Silvana asked.
"Your gonna be nice to (Y/n) too, right?" Aphmau asked.
"Oh yes of course," Silvana laughed nervously, "I forgot there were two of them," Silvana muttered to herself.
"And soon in time you'll learn to not be as awkward around them," Aphmau giggled not hearing what her mom said.
You and Dante show up a bit after Silvana just going ahead and letting yourselves in knowing Aphmau and Aaron don't mind.
"Hey, Aph, Aaron, Ms. Silvana," you greeted as you walked in with Dante and he closed the door as Aaron took the pie you had out of your hands and placing it in the counter you thanking him as he did.
"Hi (Y/n), Dante!" Aphmau greeted you two.
"Hi Dante!" Silvana greeted him. Aphmau lightly hit her signaling to greet you as well, "Uhh... hi... (Y/n)," she greeted you awkwardly.
"Hey, Aphmau, Ms. Silvana!" Dante greeted happily to the two ladies than greeting Aaron.
As you were all talking in the kitchen the doorbell rang again.
"Ah! That must be my second surprise!" Aphmau said than walked away to go and answer it.
"Huh?" All four of you said confused watching her walk over to the door.
"Hey, Aph," Aaron said from behind her before she opened the door.
"Ah, Aaron.... I hope you don't mind but I invited a few special people over to join!" Aphmau told him.
"Did you-" Aaron was saying as you stood back in the kitchen with Silvana and Dante your eyes wide knowing what Aaron was going to ask.
"Uh Huh!" Aphmau answered turning around and opening the door, "Tada~!"
"What the?!" Aaron exclaimed when he saw who was standing on his front porch.
"Surprise Aaron!" Melissa said giggling from his reaction.
"Melissa? Mom?" Aaron asked in disbelief.
You walked a little away from the kitchen so that you could see the front door also in disbelief at what you saw.
"Aaron." She said towards her son then looking around him, "(Y/n)." She said towards you.
"Mom." You replied back to her in shock.
"Aph, what's going on!" Aaron asked.
"Aaron, (Y/n), I hope you both don't mind but I invited your family over!" Aphmau told you guys.
"I-I-I... Aph can I talk to you for a minute?" Aaron asked his girlfriend and walked away from the front door her following.
Dante walked in front of you grabbing your shoulders. You look up at his eyes and he looks back at yours. He puts your foreheads together to help you calm down and get back to your normal self. You breath in and breath out.
"You okay now?" He asked you worried.
"Yeah, I think so just in shock," you tell him.
"Okay." He smiles at you and kisses you forehead pulling you into his embrace for a reassuring hug, "remember I'm here with you." He tells you rubbing your back to help sooth your shock. You nod your head into his chest.
"Alright, ready to make- You!" Silvana yelled surprised when seeing Rachel, you and Aaron's mother.
"Mm.. charmed," Rachel replied back unfazed by Silvana.
"Oh good! I didn't wear my good earrings today! Just the ones I got at the 99 cent store!" Silvana chirped faking a smile at Rachel.
You, Dante, and Melissa watching this play out.
"Are you sure you didn't get your hair style from there too?" Rachel said back to her. Dante 'Oohing', from the burn your mother gave, under his breath so the two arguing ladies didn't hear him and pumble him to a pulp.
"OH! ITS ON NOW!" Silvana said lifting her sleeves up ready for a fight.
You trying to hold Silvana back; Melissa trying to hold back Rachel.
"No, no mom fight! Look, let me clear up a few things, Aaron, Mom, (Y/n), I wanted to invite Aaron and (Y/n)'s Family over for the holidays even if it's just for a day or a few..," Aphmau explained herself.
"But, Aph I told you what-," Aaron said getting cut off.
"I know what happened," Aphmau said looking at Aaron, "but Aaron..... it's the holiday season. I want to forgive and forget.... and maybe.... try to start over?" Aphmau said looking around the room than finishing looking back at Aaron.
"Aphmau called and asked us to come," Melissa said than nudged her mom that was next to her, "Ahem, Mom."
"Right, right. After everything that happened, we'll.... I started to feel... bad for what I did. I'm sorry," your mom apologized. Aaron just growled looking at his mother from what she just said not quite believing her. You didn't know wether to believe her or not.
"She means it!" Melissa said directing it more towards Aaron and you. After hearing his growl and the uncertain look on your face, "Have either of you two heard mom apologize?" Melissa asked you both.
"She should apologize for her face, yo!" Silvana exclaimed ruining the moment, "up top!" She turned towards Aphmau than to you but Aphmau just stared at her disappointed and you were in thought on how Melissa was right. "Ugh, fine, I thought it was funny," Silvana sighed.
"Aph, is this really what you want?" Aaron asked his girlfriend.
"Yes.... Aaron if I'm going to be in your life I want to know your life, and that starts with the people who raised you," Aphmau told him, "I'm sure Dante can agree with me. Right, Dante?"
"Yeah, I totally agree. I want to be able to get to know (Y/n)'s life better," Dante agreed, hugging you from behind.
"You already know my life Dante," you said rolling your eyes at him.
"Do I really though?" He asked you.
You stayed silent and looked away. Knowing he has a point, he may know you very well, but he doesn't know your house or family life.
"See, and Aaron, even if they've been.... not nice, at least lets us take a chance to get to know them.... Please?" Aphmau begged.
"Aph, your so sweet," Aaron said, he looked at you to see how you felt about it.
You nodded your head okay with it. Aphmau and Dante do have a point.
"Alright, mom we'll give you another chance," Aaron told his answer, "and you have Aphmau to thank for that."
"That's all I ask," Rachel said nodding her head at her son.
"Wait! Just because you're giving them another chance doesn't mean I have to, right?" Silvana asked.
"MOM!" Aphmau scolded.
"Fine, Fine!"
"C'mon! We've got Christmas cookies to make!" Aphmau exclaimed cheerfully leading the way to the kitchen.
Everyone follows but Silvana and Rachel stay behind.
"I've got my eye on you," Silvana told the brunette woman.
"Jealous I could probably do everything better than you?" Rachel asked back to the raven haired woman.
Silvana laughed, "Ha! You couldn't be a good mom now could you?"
"Ugh! IT. IS. ON!"
"Anything you could do, I can do better!"
"You guys better not be having a mom fight in there!" Aphmau yelled to the two mothers.
"We're not!" Silvana yelled back.
"We're not," Rachel said back in her soothing voice.
The two ladies than walk over into the kitchen to help out.
(Y/n) POV
"Grrrrr." My mom growled at Aph's mom while they both roll the cookie dough up.
"Grrrr." Silvana growled back.
Us kids just watch the two mothers.
"So....." Aaron said breaking the tension that the two ladies are throwing off.
"There having fun, let them be!" Aphmau said smiling at the two ladies.
"I don't think that's fun, Aphmau," Dante told her looking at the moms again.
"I think they're in competition with each other," I added in obviously stating the obvious that Aphmau doesn't see.
"I prefer to think of it as they're just... really excited about the holidays," Aphmau said thinking on the bright side, "Plus, if they're this into cooking, imagine how they're going to do with decorating outside!"
"There! Plain cookies ready for decoration!" Silvana announced.
"Well, I have more!" Mom bragged.
"Perfect! Now let's decorate!" Aphmau exclaimed.
"HA! Top that!" Silvana challenged. Her and my mom having sprinkles all over themselves.
"Are you insane? Mine are clearly superior!" Mom said back.
"We might want to step in," Melissa said turning to look at the rest of us.
"Maybe, but first," I said and got some frosting on my finger.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Dante asked me when I turned to face him.
"Oh nothing," I said and booped his nose and put the rest on his cheek. This caused everyone to laugh. While Dante has an unimpressed look on his face. Just than the door bell rang.
"I'll get it," Aaron said and walked away to the door. While Dante wrapped his arms around me trying to get some frosting on my face.
"Dante, stop!" I laughed out squirming in his arms keeping my face away from his.
I heard Aaron gasp at the door, but before I could look over to see why he gasped Dante has rubbed his frosted nose with mine and put frosting from his hand onto my cheek.
He just laughed.
Than I heard my mom speaking.
"Before this day is over, I will be the champion of the holidays!" She told Silvana.
"Well you've got a long way to go after your mistake!" Silvana said back.
"Hey, I-," mom was saying.
"Wow, you ladies look like as mess," Dad said walking in beside Aaron.
"Oh! Sweetie I-," Mom said blushing.
"Hi!" Silvana greeted also blushing.
"DAD!" I exclaimed and ran to him hugging him careful to not get frosting on his suit. Me being a daddy's girl and all.
"Sweetheart!" He said hugging me back. I pulled away and he obviously saw the frosting on my face, "Why do you have frosting on your face, sweetheart?" He asked me.
"Umm....." I said not knowing how to respond. He looked up at the others and his eyes stopped on Dante.
"I'm assuming because of your husband over there that also has frosting on his face," he said making me and Dante blush a dark red from what he said.
"Ah, and you must be Aphmau, Aaron's wife," dad said seeing Aphmau giggling about what was said about me and Dante until she heard my dad's comment.
"Wife!" Aphmau yelled, "I-"
And she fainted.
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