Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Title: Make Over
Mystreet Season 2 Episode 9
(Y/n) Your Name
Word Count: 2195
"Dante I love you the way you are! Stop being so hard on yourself!" (Y/n) says to her boyfriend that's freaking out.
"No, (Y/n), Erik's right. I've lost my game and you deserve someone that has game." Dante says to his girlfriend.
"But-..." (Y/n) starts, but gets cut off.
"No, (Y/n), I'm getting myself redone. You deserve the best and right now I'm not the best." Dante says holding your shoulders looking you in the eyes.
"Now you can come with me if you want. You can help me with my new look and make sure I look the best for you." Dante says moving his hand up to the side of your face.
"Okay then, fine if that's what you want then I'll be there for you the whole way!" You say looking into his eyes and place one of your hands on his that is holding your face and lean into his touch.
"I wouldn't want it any other way" he says smiling at you while looking into your eyes as he leans forward towards your face and connects your lips together.
After a couple of second you guys pull away you smile up at him and put your forehead on his and say
"Let's go get you that makeover." While smiling at him.
"DID SOMEONE SAY MAKEOVER!?!?" Aphmau says breaking down the couples room door. With Kawaii~Chan standing behind her. Both of them having stars in there eyes. [Middle Left Picture]
"Where did you guys come from!" Dante yelled startled as him and (Y/n) jump apart. "But yeah we did"
"Aphmau~Senpai was right we have been summoned!" Kawaii~Chan said.
"Dante we better run!" You say scared for your boyfriend.
"What? Why?" Dante asked confused, but when he turned to look at his girlfriend she was already gone. He turns and sees she's looking at him with an apologetic face. [Bottom Left Picture]
"Sorry, Dante, I'll come back later for you! Don't be to hard on him girls! Bye love you, Dante!" You say apologizing then making a break for it and going to go hang out with your brother; knowing very well you'd have to make it up to him later.
"Don't mind anything (Y/n) says. I gave her a make over once back in high school and since then she's completely freaked out about me giving make overs. I guess she really is like her brother. I painted his nails once and he's completely freaked out about make up." Aph say trying to calm Dante down and starting a conversation.
"(Y/n)~Sama let Aphmau~Senpai give her a make over?" Kawaii~Chan asked.
"And Aaron~Kun let Aphmau~Senpai paint his nails? That's the cutest thing Kawaii~Chan has heard all day!"
"Hehe I know right I painted his nails red with little howling wolfs on them and they looked adorable and I did (Y/n)'s make up and an outfit that made her look like she was a werewolf! She looked so amazing!" Aphmau told Kawaii~Chan.
"But with Aaron I kept going and I may have tried to paint his face to look like a wolf and with (Y/n) I tried to make her put fangs on to look like a werewolf." Aphmau says laughing nervously while looking down at the floor.
"What's with the both of you. And why are we talking about painting nails and make up it's creeping me out!" Dante says to them.
"What were not being creepy we just want to help you and as ladies we have a natural ability to do make overs, we are willing to do this for you." Aphmau tells him.
"If ladies have a natural ability to do make overs then why don't you guys just let me have my girlfriend do it?" Dante asked them wanting to get away from them at the moment.
"Because Dante~Kun, (Y/n)~Sama deserves to see you once your done with your make over to make it a surprise for
(Y/n)~Sama!" Kawaii~Chan says in her cheery voice.
"Yeah! You should surprise (Y/n) with your make over, Dante!" Aphmau says agreeing with Kawaii~Chan.
"Wahhh! Kawaii~Chan has had a vision, she must get a few things!" She says as she runs to her room.
"Haha your gonna look so beautiful uh I mean hot when we're done with you. It'll be a whole new Dante!" Aphmau exclames excitedly.
"Hey! Are you saying I'm not hot already?"
"Ha, what? No! I'm not saying that! It's just that you look kinda.. sloppy sometimes. Ladies likes a man that can take care of them selfs; like (Y/n)." Aphmau tells him.
"Okay okay. I'll let you guys do a make over, but no nail painting! Please."
"Hm, fine, but you know you don't need a make over, maybe you should just be yourself and not care what others think. (Y/n)'s right you shouldn't let Erik get to you."
"It is your lucky day Dante~Kun! Kawaii~Chan has brought her rainbow colors!"
"Uh, no offense Kawaii~Chan, but I don't think rainbows are what I'm looking after."
"Shush! Dante~Kun, must not worry himself, there's only Kawaii~Chan's interpretation of a rainbow. It is sure to bring good luck and win the heart of your
(Y/n)~Senpai! Now sit down!"
"Tada Kawaii~Chan's master piece is finished." She says as she steps away from Dante to show Aphmau.
"Hehe, you look fantastic Dante! All the ladies will notice you now! Look in the mirror." Aphmau tells Dante while laughing at points after see him with rainbow colored hair. [Middle Right picture]
"Oh My Irene! What have you done!" Dante screamed once he saw himself in the mirror.
"Hehehehe Dante~Kun is all sparkly and pretty now!"
"But I don't want to sparkle!"
"Hehe don't be silly everyone looks good when they sparkle!" Aphmau tries to reassure him. As Zane walks into the room.
"Huh, nice work Kawaii~Chan. I've never seen such an accurate rainbow splash before. I'm impressed. I'm sure (Y/n) will be too." Zane complementing her work.
"Have you ever done a pinkie cake look before?" Zane asked
"Pinkie Cake is Kawaii~Chan's favorite, Kawaii~Chan does the most Kawaii pinkie cake look ever! Wait Kawaii~Chan didn't know you liked My Little Horsies?"
"I don't I just saw Aphmau watching it once or twice. Well I have to go now. Dante, hahahahaha!" He says before walking out of the room laughing at Dante.
"There is no way I'm going anywhere like this! I-I mean thank you Kawaii~Chan for your uh effort on my behalf, but this just isn't me."
"Hey Girls are you done with Dante's make over yet?" You say walking up to the door and once you reached the open door you see Dante's rainbowed hair. "Uhh what did you guys do to Dante?" You asked as you look at your boyfriends hair.
"Ha don't worry Dante and (Y/n) even though Kawaii~Chan did an amazing job!and stole my idea," Aphmau mumbled the last part before speaking normally again, "we'll put your hair back to normal, Dante, and you, (Y/n), can see him once we're done with his make over." Aphmau says as she starts to push (Y/n) out of the room gently.
"Okay Okay I get it Aph I have to leave. I'll see you when your done, Dante, love you" you say once away from Aphmau and hug Dante quickly then kiss his cheek and walk out of the room and Aphmau closes the door gently behind you.
"Now I know what your looking for, Dante! I just need to get a couple supplies." Aphmau says as she walks into her room looking for what she needs.
"Ah ha I found it. Katelyn's hair dye!"
"What Katelyn dyes her hair!" Dante exclaims shocked.
"Yeah, Katelyn~Sama isn't very good at keeping secrets."
"But me and Katelyn don't even have the same hair color!"
"So we'll just add more hair dye."
"What.Have.You.DONE! I'm a monster!" Dante exclaimed when he saw himself again in the mirror, but this time he had Katelyn's blue colored hair, but brighter and make up on his face. [Bottom Right Picture]
"So Umm Dante do you like the new you?" She asked nervously.
"I don't even know who I am anymore!"
"I guess that means we have to try again Kawaii~Chan!" Aphmau says turning to look at the pink Meif'wa.
"Don't worry Dante~Kun we're sure to get it right this time!"
"No! No more I can't take it!" Dante screamed as he ran away from them running down the stairs past his confused girlfriend and her brother.
"What did you guys do to Dante?" (Y/n) asked going up the stairs to where the girls are.
"We were just trying to help and I guess it didn't work out very well." Aphmau says answering her question.
"Its nice that you girls were trying to help, but I think you guys went a little over board." Aaron tells them.
"We know we just wanted to help him. He didn't even need a make over, but he was determined to be the best he could be for (Y/n)." Aphmau says to them.
"Oh Dante, you idiot!" You muttered to yourself before running out of the house to look for Dante.
(Y/n) POV
'Come on Dante where are you?' I thought to myself as I kept looking for Dante. When I heard....
"This is amazing! My girlfriend is going to love it! Thanks so much....uhhh" I hear Dante say
"Jenavive, but my friends call me Jenna." I heard a girl say.
"Well thanks, Jenna." Dante says thankful.
"Don't mention it! I'm sure your girlfriend will love your new look!" Jenna chirps as I get closer to them.
"DANTE!" I scream as I run to him and hug him. "Don't just run off like that. You really worried me." I say as I hide my face in his chest.
"I'm sorry I worried you, (Y/n), but I just couldn't deal with Aphmau and KC anymore." Dante tells me apologizing.
"It's fine, Dante, I understand I'm sure Aphmau told you what she did to me and Aaron." I say giggling remembering what she did.
"Yeah she did I should of ran when you told me to."
"So this is your girlfriend you were talking about so much, Dante?" Jenna asked.
"Yeah! (Y/n) this is Jenna, Jenna this is my girlfriend (Y/n)." Dante says introducing us.
"Hi nice to meet you, Jenna!" I chirp sticking my hand out for her to shake.
"Nice to meet you too, (Y/n), I've heard many things about you." She says smiling at me kindly while shaking my hand.
"I hope all good things." I says as we let go of the hand shake.
"They were all wonderful things. You sure got yourself a sweet guy." Jenna tells me in a teasing manner.
"I-i guess I did; didn't I" i say blushing a bit from embarrassment, rubbing the back of my neck and looking at the floor.
"You were right, Dante, she is quite adorable when she blushes." Jenna says giggling.
"Well any way I'm guessing you helped Dante with his make over?" I asked her once my blushing has calmed down a bit.
"I did!"
"Well thank you for it he wouldn't stop saying on how he needed one even if I would tell him, he didn't."
"Well you should of seen him when I saw him sitting on the bench over there. He had running make up and bright baby blue hair." Jenna says giggling remembering what he looked like when she first saw him.
"Wow! Aphmau and KC sure did mess you up didn't they?" I say look up at Dante giggling a bit myself.
"Yeah they did" he says chuckling.
"Well still, thank you, Jenna! How about I buy you an ice cream for a thank you." I offer then look up at Dante. "And I'll buy you one too since you had to go through so much today."
"I'd like that, thank you, (Y/n), that's sweet of you!" Jenna tells me. "Just let me get my stuff real quick and we can get going."
"Okay we'll be waiting here!" Once she got her stuff the three of us headed to the ice cream parlor and I paid even if Dante wanted to be a gentleman trying to pay.
Next Chapter~ Date Disaster!.....Or Not?
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