Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Title: I love you~
Mystreet Season 2 Episode 2
(Y/n) Your Name
(F/m) Favorite Movie
(F/ms) Favorite movie snack
Word Count: 1593
Back at Mystreet there is a dog that was left alone named Celeste. Celeste whimpers and runs out of her house and to the guys house where Travis is.
"Celeste there you are girl. Your here. Ah thank goodness. I knew you could never leave me." Travis says weakly. Celeste then runs out of the house. "Ah good she's going to go get help."
~~~~~~~Back at ~~~~~~~
~~Love Love Paradise~~
(Y/n) POV
I wake up in Dante's arms and my head on his chest. I smile and look at his adorable sleeping face and giggle quietly. I get out of his arms carefully so I don't wake him up and put a pillow in for my place. Once I got out of Dante's arms I look over at Zane and see he's still sleeping peacefully. I smile and walk down stairs.
I go down the stairs careful not to wake anyone up. I look over at the living room couch and see my brother and Garroth cuddling. I giggle softly and walk over to the kitchen and grab something to drink. Just then Aphmau comes down the stairs quietly. "Hey (Y/n)." Aphmau greets me quietly. I wave putting my water down.
Aphmau walks over to the living room and I follow smirking. She giggles and looks up at me smiling evilly.
"Aaron time to wake up." She says sweetly.
"Huh what? W-what?!"He says looking at who was next to him and jumps off the bed/couch. Me and Aph laugh.
"Have fun cuddling with Garroth?" I ask giggling along with Aph.
"I'm super jelly." Says Aph still laughing a bit. I then walk away from them to get started on breakfast. Zane and Dante walk down stairs. Just as Aaron and Aph walk up from the living room.
"Morning." Zane says sounding a bit annoyed.
"Morning guys! How'd you all sleep?" Dante chirped. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and whispers in my ear. "I slept amazingly". I blush and continue with breakfast and answer his question.
"I slept great! What about you guys?" I say looking over at my brother, Aphmau, and Zane.
"Meh." Aaron says.
"I slept well!" Aph says happily.
"Like a queen!" Katelyn says reaching the bottom of the stairs. "Dante, hands off!" Katelyn says seeing Dante's arms around my waist. "Zane why didn't you do anything?!" Katelyn asked.
"I'm still just waking up!" Zane answers sounding annoyed.
"Ugh Dante off!" Katelyn says again.
"But Katelyn!" I whine.
"No buts missy your lucky I'm letting you sleep in the same room! Now off, Dante!" Katelyn says like an over protective older sister. Dante kisses my cheek quickly then unwraps his arms from around my waist. I pout but continue making breakfast.
"Oooh! I just realized we'll be having (Y/n)'s cooking for the first time!" Aphmau says excitedly.
"Oh yeah! I can't wait to try your cooking (Y/n)!" Katelyn says smiling at me out of her protective state.
"Well you guys don't have to wait long because I'm almost done." I say flipping the last pancake. "Breakfast is ready!" I say just then Garroth springs up and runs over to the kitchen.
"Did you make it (Y/n)?!" Garroth asked me right away. I nod my head happily smiling at him.
"Yasss!" He yells and runs over to the table ready to eat. "Come on guys lets have breakfast! Right Dante!"
"Yup let's have breakfast!" Dante says sitting down at the table as well.
Me and Aaron laugh while Zane just rolls his eye(s) at the guys behavior.
"Wow your cooking must really be good." Katelyn says looking at the two adults sitting at the table excitedly a waiting their food.
Everyone is at the table getting served but once Garroth and Dante get served they dig in right away. Everyone but me is looking at them from how fast they're devouring their food so quickly. 'That's why I served them last.' I then sit down after putting the rest of the food near the guys so they can get more once
they're done.
"Ooooh I can't wait to try your food!" Aphmau says excitedly. Everyone else nods well except for Zane and Aaron since they've had my cooking before and know how to control them selfs.
Everyone takes a bite and their eyes widen. They start to devour the food as well while Aaron, Zane, and I are just shocked at everyone's behavior. Aaron, Zane and I grab our food and walk over to the island in the kitchen and eat there instead and chat.
Once everyone is done eating up all of the food. They kept saying on how I'm such a great cook.
"Wow (Y/n)~Sama your cooking is so good!" KC exclaimed.
"Yeah your cooking is amazing babe" Dante says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Thanks you guys!" I say smiling at all of them.
"We should go some where guys!" Dante says excitedly to every one his chin resting on my left shoulder.
"Yeah we should guys!" Aph says agreeing with him.
"Well what can we do?" Katelyn asked.
"Well we can do anything since we have...." Dante starts off and looks at Aaron.
"All access passes!!" Aaron and Dante scream together.
"Awesome!!" Aph, KC and I say happily.
"What do you have in plan?" Lucinda asked
"The beach?" Dante asked everyone.
"I'm down for that!" Me and Aaron answer together. While everyone nods their heads in agreement.
We all made it to the beach after we stopped at the shoppe well except for Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan they went to hula lessons.
Aph, Katelyn ,Dante and I are playing volley ball and Aaron is on the side watching us. Right now the score is 10 - 10 me and Katelyn are going to win. Yes, I said me and Katelyn. Aph wanted to verse me and Katelyn so Dante being the sweet person he is was fine with it. 'even if he did want to be on the same team as me.'
Katelyn serves the ball and hits it over the net Dante hits it back and Katelyn sees a chance to set it up for me to spike. Once she sets it up I spike it making me and Katelyn win.
"Yess!" Me and Katelyn scream and hug each other and she picks me up off my feet. When she puts me down, I get picked up again but this time by Dante and bridle style. I squeal surprised.
"Dante!" I scream giggling. Dante laughs and runs over to the water and drops me in. "Dante!" I scream when I swim back out of the water. I push Dante back into the water but he grabs me and pulls me in with him and he wraps an arm around my waist. While we're under water he pulls me into a quick kiss as we float back up. When we're above water I smile up at him and hug him happy that he's my boyfriend and just being in my life in general.
Just then I hear barking. I look to where the noise is coming from and see something in the distance. When it gets closer I notice it looks like......
"Celeste!" I scream as it runs up to me and Dante. She licks me and pushes me and Dante towards land. Once we reach land she jumps all over me until Aph notices her. Aph screams her name but Celeste runs right past her and to Aaron.
Me and Dante laugh as Aphmau screams on how Celeste loves Aaron more then her. While Aaron just rubs it in her face.
As we are all walking back to the house. Me and Dante walk behind everyone else holding hands. When we get to where we're staying Dante drags me up stairs to our room. While everyone hangs out in the living room. Dante puts me on the couch in our room and grabs the remote turning on the tv in our room. He grabs some movies and tells me to pick one that I like and runs downstairs.
I giggle and choose (F/m) and put it in and pause it so Dante doesn't miss any of it. Just then Dante comes in with (F/ms) and grabs a blanket and sits down next to me. He wraps the blanket around the both of us and pulls me close to him.
It's towards the end of the movie and Zane's still down stairs. I yawn and I put my head on Dante's shoulder. Dante picks me up bridal style and lays me on my side of the bed.
"Thank you for doing this, Dante." I tells him yawning. He smiles at me and then he gets under the covers with me after turning off the tv and cleaning up. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him I lay my head on his chest sleepily and without knowing it, I say fours I don't regret......
"I love you, Dante"
Dante lays there shocked, but happy with what you just said to him. He leans down and kisses your head and whispers.
"I love you too,(Y/n)" and you both fall asleep with the love of your life in your arms.
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