Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Mystreet Season 1 Episode 15
(Y/n) Your Name
(F/c) Favorite Color
Word Count: 2765
(Y/n) POV
I'm over at Aphmau's house hanging out in her room along with Zane. The three of us are playing with ponies and drinking tea at the moment.
"Hey Aph you locked the door ,right?" Zane asks for the seventh time.
"Yes Zane. I'm pretty sure the door is locked." Aphmau says. Just then Travis comes barging into the room.
"Hey guys!" He says looking at us while Aphmau and Zane freak out and stand up.
"Oh you guys are playing with your little ponies. How cute" he says in a teasing manor.
"It not what it looks like!" Aph and Zane scream out while I'm still sitting crisscross on the floor still drinking tea showing no emotion.
"Me and (Y/n) forced him to play with ponies with us! R-really it was mostly me who forced him tho." Aph says in a shocked manor.
"Okayyyy what ever you say" he says putting his hands up in surrender.
"What are you doing here, Travis?" I ask him putting my tea down and standing up dusting myself off.
"I'm making Cookies with Kawaii~chan and was wondering if you guys would like to join" he says answering my question.
"Did you say Cookies!?!?" I say excitedly with a wide smile on my face.
"Yeah want to join us." He says flirtatiously,but I don't really notice from me being to excited about cookies.
"Yes!!!!" I say running over to him grabbing his wrist and dragging him downstairs.
"Let's get cooking!!" I scream excitedly like a little kid.
"Thank you, (Y/n)!" Zane says after you ran out of the room taking Travis with you.
"Why do you say that, Zane?" Aphmau asked the pony loving emo.
"Because she did that on purpose. Yes she loves desserts and sweets,but she puts her friends and family in front of her very very strong love for sweets. So she dragged Travis out so he wouldn't ask any more questions." Zane explained to Aphmau.
"Ohh." Aph says understanding. "Well that's really nice of her."
"Yeah kind of the reason why she's my best friend" Zane says.
"What are the other reasons?" Aph asked curious.
"When I first met her I was really rude to her,but she just kept trying to get to know me and be my friend. I was really confused on why she wanted to be my friend so badly until one day I asked when she walked up to me......"
~Flash back~ (Still No POV)
(Y/n) was jogging with her brother, Aaron, when she sees Zane and tells Aaron she's going to go talk to him. He nods at her and keeps jogging while she walks over to Zane.
"Hey, Zane!" She greets him while waving. Zane just ignores her and continues on his way home.
"What's wrong?" She asked him her smile fading.
"Why?"he asked her stopping in his track.
"Why?," She ask confused tilting her head, "Why, what?"
"Why? Why do you want to be my friend so badly?" He ask the girl that had a (F/c) bandana covering her eyes.
"Because I know what it like to not have someone to talk to, someone to be there for me. I know what it's like to not have a friend." She says look down at the ground at the end.
~ End of Flash Back~
"After that I....." Zane says looking away pulling his mask up to cover his pink tinted face.
"You what? Zane!" Aph yelled impatient wanting to know the ending.
"After that he hugged me" (Y/n) says walking into the room. Aphmau turns her head to look over at her. "And since that day we started hanging out and eventually became best friends." (Y/n) says finishing the story about her and Zane's friendship.
"Wow." Aph says amazed by their story like a little kid during story time. "So (Y/n) what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be downstairs helping with baking?" Aphmau ask after being amazed by the story.
"I am, it's in the oven right now" (Y/n) says answering Aphmau's question.
"Ohh. Well , (Y/n),I feel like we should make Zane make more friends!" Aphmau says excitedly.
"Baby steps Aphmau" (Y/n) and Zane say at the same time. Just then the fire alarm starts to ring.
(Y/n)'s eyes widen, but the only way someone can tell is from her bandana moving up. She dashes down stairs and sees Kawaii~chan and Travis trying to handle the fire.
"Travis~Kun stop making the fire worse!" KC says to Travis.
"It's not my fault my hotness was so hot that it would actually make actual fire!" Travis exclaims.
"Kawaii~Chan call the fire department!" You say to her once your in the kitchen.
"Ok (Y/n)~Sama" Kawaii~Chan says taking her phone out of her pocket and calls the fire department. "Travis go outside and wait for the fire department with KC while I get Aph, Zane and Katelyn out of the house." You say to him then running off upstairs to do what you said you'd do.
"Guys theirs a fire get out of the house!" (Y/n) screamed loud enough for Katelyn, Aphmau and Zane to hear.
Then Zane, Aphmau and Katelyn walk out of the rooms they were in. "What!?" They yell and then they go down stairs to see what's happening you following. They see the fire and you all run out of the house. You see Kawaii~Chan and Travis outside freaking out.
(Y/n) POV
"Did you guys call the fire department?" I asked walking over to them just as Celeste runs out of the house and Zane telling Aph that he has to go to work and saying bye to me and Aph. Kawaii~Chan and Travis nod their heads. "Good" I say nodding my head. "Well let's go Aph and Katelyn" I say walking away from KC and Travis and walking over to my house with the two girls following and Celeste walking next to me with her tail wagging back and forth happily.
"But (Y/n)~Sama!" Kawaii~Chan yells out to me.
"That's your problem!" I yell back to them. "Good luck!" I yell standing in front of my house and walking in along with Aph, Katelyn, and Celeste.
"Aaron I'm home!" I yell up to him. "I'm in the gym!" He yells back.
"Okay you guys can go into my room. I need to talk to Aaron real quick." I say taking them to my room then walking upstairs to talk to Aaron.
"Hey Aaron can Aph and Katelyn stay here for a day or two?" I ask him walking into the small gym we have.
"Why would they need to stay here?" He asked putting his weight down.
"Cause there was a fire in their kitchen today." I tell him looking into his eyes since he doesn't have his bandana on.
"Sure I guess but where are they going to sleep?" He asked.
"They can sleep in my room and I can sleep at Zane's house or on the couch while they're here" I say to him calmly while untying my bandana and putting it in my back pocket.
"Do they know about you asking this?" He asked looking into my eyes.
"No I just came up here to ask you. I haven't told them yet." I tell him. Just then the door handle starts to move and me and Aaron grab our bandanas. We're about to put our bandana on when Aph and Katelyn walk in with Celeste running to me and Aaron. Me and Aaron turn away from them and put our bandana on, but my bandana slides out of my hand as I'm tying it. I crouch down and look for it with my eyes closed.
"(Y/n), you don't have to let us sleep here. We can still sleep in our house." Aph says to her. While Aaron grabs my bandana and ties it around my head to cover my eyes.
"It's fine Aphmau it's best if you guys stay out of your house until the kitchen and stairs are repaired." I say turning around to face them. "My bed is big enough for both of you to sleep on it. I'll just sleep on the couch or at Zane's house." I tell them reassuringly.
"Are you sure?" Katelyn asked
"Yes I'm sure." I reply back smiling at them.
Still (Y/n) POV
After talking to them about it. It was night so I go and grab some cloths and stuff from my room and put it in a bag so I don't have to go into my room and disturb them.
Once I have my stuff I go and place my stuff under the couch and lay down on it. Just then Celeste comes running in and jumps on me laying down on my stomach, it's a good thing I zipped my jacket up or she would have scratched me.
"Celeste! I'm so sorry (Y/n)!" Aph says apologizing about what Celeste did and picking her up.
"It's fine Aph no harm done" I say smiling up at her since I'm laying down.
"Ok as long as your ok. Oh that reminds me can me and Katelyn borrow some of your pjs, some that aren't revealing?" Aph asks shyly.
"Yeah sure I think I have some warm fluffy PJ's that aren't revealing for the both of you." I say getting up and going to my room. I look in my closet and take out a blue pj with birds on it and a purple unicorn onesie and hand it to them.
"You guys can keep them I don't really use them anymore. Especially that purple unicorn onesie, it doesn't fit me. Oh and the bathroom is right there across from my room. One of you can change in there and the other can change in here" I tell them and walk out so they can change and go to bed.
I get a phone call, as I'm about to lay back down, and I answer it without looking at who it is.
"Hello" I say through the phone.
"Hey, (Y/n) I was umm. hehe umm I was wondering if you wanted to s-s-sleep over at me and the guys place?" I heard Dante say through the phone.
"Y-yeah S-sure when?" I ask
"Tonight" he says
"As in right now?" I asked him
"Y-yeah" he says back.
"Umm ok sure. I'll be there in less than 5 minutes." I tell him
"Ok see you in a bit then." He says
"Yeah see ya" I say then hang up.
"Hey Aaron I'm going to the guys house!" I yell to him grabbing my stuff and leaving after hearing him say "All right be safe!"
I make it to the guys house and I'm about to knock when I get pulled inside and have my face in someone's chest. Once I realize that it's Dante's I relax and hug back taking in his warmth and sent.
"Hey,Dante?" I say smiling and pushing my head into his chest enjoying this moment.
"Yeah,(Y/n)" he say hugging me tighter.
"Why'd you want to me to come over?" I asked pulling my head away from his chest and looking up at him.
"Cause I wanted to see you and I heard what happened about Travis and KC starting a fire. I wanted to make sure you were okay." Dante says blushing and having one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck, nervously, and the other still around my waist.
"I'm fine Dante don't worry about me, but is Kawaii~Chan here?" I asked him worried about her.
"Yeah speaking of Kawaii~Chan she's in the living room.... right behind us.." Dante says letting go of me and standing next to me turning around to look in the living room.
In the living room we saw a fangirling Kawaii~Chan squealing. How did we not hear her?
"Uh hey, Kawaii~Chan" I say waving at her.
"Ahhh! (Y/n)~Sama and Dante~Kun are so kawaii together!!" She says fangirling again. While me and Dante just blush a very bright red.
"Umm Kawaii~Chan? Aphmau and Katelyn are at my house they're going to sleep there for tonight if you want to go over and sleep there too?" I tell her.
"Really (Y/n)~Sama you will let us sleep there!" KC says.
"Of course! Tho your going to have to sleep on the couch cause Aph and Katelyn have my bed." I tell her.
"Oh it's ok (Y/n)~Sama, Kawaii~Chan doesn't mind sleep on the couch!" KC says happily until her smile falls. "But where will (Y/n)~Sama sleep?" KC asked.
"Don't worry about me Kawaii~Chan. Now you should get going and you can choose any Pj you want from my cloths." I tell her not wanting her to know I'll be sleeping here.
"Oh okay (Y/n)~Sama, Goodnight." She says leaving.
"Goodnight Kawaii~Chan."
"That was really sweet of you" Dante says to me once she's gone.
"Thanks, so where am I going to sleep?" I say looking at Dante.
"Oh umm.... I-I w-was wondering if you wanted to sleep with my bed?" Dante says one again blushing and looking away.
"Oh umm. Th-that's fine. I d-don't mind" I say blushing and looking down.
"Ok well then um it's getting kind of late so maybe we should go to sleep now and in the morning?" Dante says/asked me. I nod my head and follow Dante to his room.
A couple of minutes later I'm getting under Dante's covers after taking off my bandana waiting for him to get back from taking a shower. He then walks in closing the door behind him. I look up and see him wearing basketball shorts, not wearing a shirt, his hair still wet and a towel around his neck.
I get up and walk over to him and when I'm standing right in front of him I get on my tip toes and touch his hair. While I do this he just looks at me blushing very lightly. I grab his towel and start to dry his hair best I could form being on my tip toes.
When I'm done me and Dante just look into each other's eyes. It felt like we were the only ones in the world. We slowly start to lean in while looking into each other's eyes. Just as Travis come barging in. Me and Dante back away from each other and me looking away so Travis doesn't see my eyes.
"Ohh! Am I interrupting something" Travis asked 'innocently'. I can feel that stupid smirk of his on his face.
"Oh shut up,Travis!" I yell at him still looking away.
"Oh come on baby." Travis says flirtatiously.
"Travis!" Dante yells at him.
"What!? I was just kidding!" Travis says defensively.
"Whatever" I say quietly pouting.
"What do you want Travis?" Dante asked.
"What can't I just say good night to my best friend." Travis says hurt.
"No. You can't" Dante says not believing what Travis said.
"Ok fine! I didn't hear any talking so I thought you guys were either making out or sleeping. So I wanted to check on you guys before going to bed." Travis says in defeated.
"Well now you know, so get out!," I says still not turning around.
"Oh come on! Can I at least see your eyes?" He asked curious.
"N-no! Y-you can't" I tell him looking down.
"Then why does Dante get to see them?"
"Because h-he can!" I tell him. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to bed." I says getting under Dante's sheets again facing away from them. Then I hear the door close.
"Is he gone?" I ask Dante.
"Yeah" Dante answers back. I feel the bed dip down a bit then feel Dante's arms wrapping around my waist and him pulling me closer to him. I turn around and feel Dante's bare chest. Him and I just stare into each other's eyes again. We lean in and this time our lips meet. When we pull away he pulls me closer to him and we fall asleep cuddling.
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