Chapter 7
"Y/N, Y/N princess wake up" A voice that I knew all to well said causing my eyes to pop open. "DAD!" I yelled tackling him in a hug as he sighed. We sat in each others embrace for a while until I remembered what I was here for. "What were you trying to warn me about earlier," I said looking into his eyes as they filled with worry and sorrow. "Caesar's wife will..." My dad started but didn't finish. "She will what? You have to tell me" I said starting to get worried. "She will become very ill and eventually...... die soon," My dad said breaking eye contact with me. My heart skipped and beat and my breath hitched. "W-what NO! She can't die, there has to be a way to stop it" I said as I could feel the hot tears stream down my face. "You can't stop fate Y/N. The best thing you can do is warn Caesar so it won't come as a surprise to him" My dad said grabbing my hands in his as I sobbed uncontrollably. "Why does everyone I love die" I choked out as my sobs became louder. Before my dad could react I heard my name being called as I started to wake up.
"Y/N please wake up," A calm voice said pulling me out of my deep slumber. I jumped up gasping for air as hot tears continued to run down my face. I was quickly pulled into a warm embrace as I sobbed loudly. I felt Maurice's hand rub up and down my back as I started breathing normally again. "It was horrible" I whispered as Maurices only grunted in response.
"How was I gonna tell them"
After spending a few hours with Maurice he had finally got me to calm down but I was still very much traumatized. "What happened" Maurice signed looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "I- I um-" I tried to speak as my words came out broken and unfinished. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to stop the tears that were filling my eyes. "I saw my dad and he told me things I wish I didn't hear," I said opening my eyes to see Maurice look at me confused. "What did he say" Maurice signed as my heart broke. "H-he told me that Cornelia was gonna die," I said as the tears ran down my cheeks uncontrollably. "When," Maurice said not meeting my gaze. "I don't know," I said quietly shaking my head.
We sat in silence for a few minutes both processing the information that was just shared. "You need to rest" Maurice signed as I shook my head in response. I stood up to leave but before I could, I felt a warm hand grip mine. "You could stay if you want" He signed causing me to smile. "Thanks but I think I'll head to my hut instead" I spoke walking out with a smile. I made my way to my hut trying my best to avoid any apes in the process. When I made it to the entrance of my hut I saw a shadow of an ape from the inside of my hut. I froze as I saw the ape move around freely unknowing of my presence.
'What if it's Ceasar or Blue Eyes' I thought as my heart sank once again. I took a huge deep breath before pulling the vine curtains of my hut to the side, I froze. I stood looking at an ape who was still unknown to me standing there but it was someone who I didn't expect to see, AND HE WAS GOING THROUGH MY THINGS. "KOBA!!" I yelled in anger and shock. I saw him tense up as he slowly turned to face me. "W-why are you in my hut!" I yelled again as I walked over to him snatching one of my undergarments from his hands. 'Wait...... UNDERGARMENTS!! THIS IS MY FREAKING BRA' At this point, I was beyond pissed.
"Why are you in my hut," I asked again calmly with anger still very much present in my tone. He just looked at me with an 'I don't give a fuck' type of face which made my blood boil. "GET OUT" I yelled as he rolled his eyes and slowly exited my hut. I ran a hair through my hair stressfully as I cleaned up the mess he made.
'I'm definitely having a talk with Caesar tomorrow'
I woke up to the sound of working apes outside of my hut and groaned. 'Ugh its morning already' I thought as I rolled out of my cot walking over to my backpack. I quickly got dressed and ran a hand through my hair stepping out of my hut but there was a certain ape waiting for me. "Good morning Ceasar," I said smiling, "You know you could've waited inside," I said gesturing to the entrance of my hut. "You need your privacy" Caesar signed shaking his head with a small grin as I giggled. "So what's on the agenda today brave leader," I said nudging his shoulder as he smiled. "I want you to go collect fruit with my wife and the other women" He signed as I frowned a little. "Aww whyyyyyy" I wined playfully as he rolled his eyes.
"So you can bond with the other female apes, and as extra protection" Ceasar signed causing me to tilt my head in confusion. "Protection" I questioned looking at him in a puzzled manner. "Yes.... I feel that something isn't right, I just don't know what" he signed as I swallowed a huge lump in my throat. 'Could he be talking about my dream? Did Maurice already tell them?!?!?!' I started to get nervous and of course, Ceasar could tell. Instead of asking questions he tried to lighten the mood.
"You used to be chubbier" He spoke tickling my stomach slightly as I swatted his hand away. "And you used to be ticklish right... here" I said tickling his neck as he hooted and jumped away. I started laughing uncontrollably as hit my arm with a small pout. When my laughter died down we both sat in a comfortable silence just looking at each other. "You've grown up so much Y/N. You used to be this small little girl and now your a-" Ceasar started as I finished his sentence. "Women," I said smirking as he shook his head with another smile grazing his lips. "A strong women" he replied shaking his head.
He was right though, I used to be this small fragile girl who was afraid of anything outside of my normal lifestyle. Now I'm always searching for something outside of the ordinary, but I could say the same about him. He used to be so childish but now he's older and way wiser. In the midst of my reminiscing, a giggle escaped my lips. Ceasar looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything. "I should probably get ready to go," I said pointing toward the apes that were gathering up to leave. "Have fun" he signed patting my shoulder with a nod.
~Time Skip~
I had left with the women about an hour ago and it wasn't as boring as I thought it would be, they seemed to like having me around. They giggled and told stories about their little ones which made me smile. They even asked about my past life which I was more than happy to tell them about. I told them about my father and my grandfather and how I learned to play piano at such a young age and learned to read at the age of 4. It was even funnier when they started making fun of their mates even, Cornelia joined in on the fun. Although all of this was very enjoyable I couldn't help but see River, Blue Eyes mate, stare at me with annoyance every time I would make a joke or get involved in a conversation. So being the curious person I am, I decided to say something.
"Hey, your River right" I spoke walking towards her with a smile. I was expecting at least an answer from her but she just snarled at me and turned her gaze somewhere else. 'Did I do something' I wondered as I frowned at her. "Did I do something to you cause I don't ever remember saying two words to you before today" I said crossing my arms over my chest in an annoyed manner. She looked at me and I could sense the anger in her eyes. 'Why does she look so disgusted by me'
"Stay away from Blue Eyes, he already has a mate"
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