Chapter 6
What happened last time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ceasar's POV:
After Y/n dramatically exited the hut Koba soon followed after leaving me and my son to talk. "So how are you and Lake," I asked getting my sons attention. "Were good I guess" Blue Eyes signed unsure of his answer. "Ah so there's someone else in mind," I said nudging him in a playful manner causing him to smile a bit, "So who is it?"
Ceasar's POV:
"Wait what?" I signed in shock at my son's response. Blue Eyes didn't make eye contact for a while until he gained enough courage to speak again. "I have developed small feelings for Y/N" he signed as I just stared in disbelief. "Human," I spoke pointing outside the hut "You are ape," I said pointing at my son as he hung his head in shame. "Think about what's best for the colony, you will be king soon" I signed as I patted Blue Eye's shoulder and exited the hut.
"What am I gonna do with that kid"
Y/N's POV:
After my little argument with Koba, I exited the hut feeling confident in my words. 'I finally stood up to Koba' I thought cheerfully. I decided to stop by Maurice's hut to talk to him about my dream last night. I was still a little scared but I shook it off. When I got to Maurice's hut I stood outside patiently. "Maurice!! Are you in there" I yelled waiting for an answer. I got a grunt in response inviting me inside. I stepped inside to see Maurice standing by his bed with a warm welcoming smile.
"Hello Y/N" he signed causing me to smile. "Hello Maurice, how are you on this fine morning" I spoke heavily exaggerating the word 'fine' in a playful manner. He shook his head with a chuckle. "I'm doing just fine thank you, but what brings you here" Maurice signed raising an eyebrow ridge. "What? I can't check up on a friend?" I lied knowing that I wanted to talk to him. "Somethings troubling you and it's written all over your face" Maurice signed causing me to just give in.
"Ok ok," I said putting my hands up in defeat, "I had a strange dream last night," I said rubbing the goosebumps that started to form on my arm. "How strange?" Maurice signed as his eyes filled with concern. "I saw my dad and he was trying to tell me something. He said something about Caesar's wife...... something about Cornelia. He was trying to warn me but I couldn't understand him" I spoke as I started to shake and my eyes started to water as the dream replayed over and over in my head.
Maurice could clearly see that I was beyond shaken up at this point as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. "Shh child" he whispered into my ear as my breathing began to run a little smoother. I had never heard him speak before so I was pretty shocked but I kept it to myself. His voice was smooth and calm, kinda how I imagined it to be.
"If what you say is true, you might have a gift," He said with a smile as he pulled away from the warm embrace. "It seems more like a curse than a gift to me" I frowned looking at Maurice like he was crazy. He only shook his head in response. "Lay down," He said calmly. "W-what why?" I asked confused. 'Why would I lay down??? Am I about to be raped by an ape ???? Oh NO!!!!!!'
"You need to finish your dream. Your father might have been trying to tell you something important" He started to sign again as I gulped. 'What if my father says something I don't wanna hear' I thought as a shiver ran through my spine. "O-ok," I said as I slowly laid onto the soft nest made out of moss and grass. I took a deep breath while looking up at Maurice for confrontation. "Close your eyes. I'll be here when you awake" Maurice signed while moving a piece of hair from my eyes.
I sighed before closing my eyes and letting the darkness consume me.
"Y/N, Y/N princess wake up" A voice that I knew all to well said causing my eyes to pop open. "DAD!" I yelled tackling him in a hug as he sighed. We sat in each others embrace for a while until I remembered what I was here for. "What were you trying to warn me about earlier," I said looking into his eyes as they filled with worry and sorrow. "Caesar's wife will..." My dad started but didn't finish. "She will what? You have to tell me" I said starting to get worried. "She will become very ill and eventually...... die soon," My dad said breaking eye contact with me. My heart skipped and beat and my breath hitched. "W-what NO! She can't die, there has to be a way to stop it" I said as I could feel the hot tears stream down my face. "You can't stop fate Y/N. The best thing you can do is warn Caesar so it won't come as a surprise to him" My dad said grabbing my hands in his as I sobbed uncontrollably. "Why does everyone I love die" I choked out as my sobs became louder. Before my dad could react I heard my name being called as I started to wake up.
"Y/N please wake up," A calm voice said pulling me out of my deep slumber. I jumped up gasping for air as hot tears continued to run down my face. I was quickly pulled into a warm embrace as I sobbed loudly. I felt Maurice's hand rub up and down my back as I started breathing normally again. "It was horrible" I whispered as Maurices only grunted in response.
"How was I gonna tell them"
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