You awoke at 7:00 and you didn't have to be at work until 9 so you got ready and Medic got up at 7:30. You were done getting ready at 8:00 so you went to stay with Medic for a while and you both watched TV. "If only it was always a weekend. Then we could spend all day together." You said "Ja. I vish it vas alvays a veekend too." Medic agreed. Once it was 8:30 you were heading out the door hugging Medic and him wishing you a good day and a quick kiss and you were off.
Time skip to your arrival at work
You arrived at work at the usual time. Once everyone else arrived they looked at you sympathetically. Then your boss came over to you "Hey (Y/N). You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "Well with (BF/N)'s suicide I just wanted to make sure you were okay." S/he said. "I'm alright. I get nightmares a lot but Medic is helping me with that." Your boss looked at you confused "Who's Medic?" "My boyfriend and roomate." You answered. "You already have a boyfriend so soon after (BF/N) you know... But seriously so soon? How can you do that to yourself?" S/he asked. "Medic and I were good friends and he was staying with me for a while and then he became my roomate. After it happened I was trying to process what had happened and Medic was there to comfort me. After a while he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." You explained. "Oh, well at least you already knew him and it's not some stranger." With that you were left to do your job.
Time skip to lunch break
Medic had insisted that he make you lunch so you checked your lunch bag to see what he had packed for you. (F/S) (favorite sandwitch), (F/C) (favorite chips), (F/D) (favorite drink), (F/C) (favorite cookie) and some fruits. "For a doctor he didn't give me much healthy food." Then one of your co workers came over and sat down next to you "Hey (Y/N). I heard you talking about a doctor, what's it about? You know if you want to tell me." "My boyfriend is a doctor. Well he was a doctor, he lost his medical liscense after an incident with a patient." "What happened? Did he lose too many patients or something?" Your Co Worker asked "No. It's complicated." By that you meant that you didn't want to tell them that he stole a patients skeleton. "Can you explain it?" S/he asked. "Well... Okay. He was performing a surgery on someone for a bone transplant because their bones were pretty much the equivelent of glass. So anyway he removed the skeleton and went to go and get a new skeleton for them. However the anastasia wore off earlier than anyone expected and the patient woke up to find that their skeleton was missing and then he died. So Medic lost his medical liscense due to that and he wanted to keep the patient's skeleton for research." "Wow. Where did you say he's from?" Your co worker asked "Germany." You answered. "Does he speak English or does he only know German?" They asked "He knows English but he speaks German a lot too. Just the basics though, yes, no, all that." "Ah I see. Good talking to ya (Y/N)." With that your co worker left and you finished your lunch and went back to work.
Time skip to coming home
You arrived at home at the usual time "Medic I'm home." You said and you walked around the house trying to find Medic. "Where is he?" You thought to yourself "Medic? Where are you?" You asked while walking around. Once you got to the kitchen you found a table set for two with two plate fulls of (F/F). "Awww. That's so sweet of him." You said and you felt someone hug you from behind. "Hallo schatz. How vas verk?" Medic said "Work was good. The same as always though, a bit boring. Thanks for lunch by the way." "Your velcome." Medic answered and you both sat down to eat. "People asked about you today." You said "How did zey know zat I'm here?" Medic asked "Well they were curious as to how I was holding up. They care about the employees. So I said that I've just had nightmares but you were helping me with that." You explained and Medic nodded. "Liebe?" "Yeah? What is it Medic?" "Vould you mind mein doves living here vith us?" Medic asked "Of course they can stay." You said with a smile "Danke schön!" Medic said happily. With that he opened the window and his doves flew in and settled down and Medic introduced you to his doves. "Und zis is Archimedes." Medic said "As in the Greek philosiphor?" You asked "Ja! Finally someone who knew zat. Everyone else alvays asks me vhy I named him Archimedes so I alvays had to explain it to zem vhere his name originates." Medic said and Archimedes flew onto your shoulder. "Hello Archimedes. How are you?" You said to the bird as you petted him. "Ve should feed zem. I don't know ze last time zey ate." "Alright. What do they eat usually?" You asked "Bird seed." "Alright I'll go to the pet store and get some bird seed. Is there any type of seed in particular that they like?" You asked. "Ask if zey have anyzing for doves. If zey don't zen regular bird seed vill verk." Medic said "Alright. Be back soon."
Time skip to arriving at the pet store
"Hello ma'am. How can I help you today?" The clerk asked "Do you have anything for doves?" "Doves?" The clerk asked "Yeah." "Where did you get doves?" "They're my boyfriend's doves from Germany." "Oh okay. Well we have this, it's originally for parrots but it's also healthy for doves." The clerk explained as he put a large bag of bird seed on the counter. "Alright how many do you have?" "Currently we have 30 bags in stock." "How much for five bags like this one?" You asked "$20." So you bought the bags and loaded them into your car.
Time skip to arriving home
Once you got home you were greeted by Archimedes flying over to you and sitting on your shoulder. "Hey Archimedes. Where's Medic?" After you said that Archimedes flew off and you followed him to find Medic preparing his room for the doves. "Hey Medic I got the bird seed. There are four other bags in the car." "Danke. I vill go get ze other bags. Just fill zat bowl over zere vith ze seed." And as soon as you opened the bag and began pouring the seed into the bowl all the doves flew at you to get to the seed. "Wow. When was the last time you guys ate?" You asked.
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