The Might of Ham
Do not underestimate the power of ham. It could come in handy one day.
The team had to go into battle again and this time you stayed close to Demoman and you had secretly brought ham with you in case you needed it. You were about to run off again to escape from the blast site when a small knife was held against your throat "I usually go for a backstab but seeing as this is what you did to me yesterday it seemed fair. Plus you took my spleen." You stood still and carefully pulled out the ham and took a piece and put the rest away and you freed yourself and managed to break the BLU Spy's fingers which forced him to drop his knife. You gave him quite the beating and while he was on the ground he tried to call for his Medic but you silenced him with ham and got your scalpel and for once the Spy had a look of fear at you. You started to make an incision and this time you took his heart and placed it in a plastic bag for later. The BLU Medic came by to see what happened and he saw what you did and he stared at you "Did you do zat?" He asked quietly and you grinned and nodded and got another piece of ham and quickly ran in front of him and shoved ham down his throat which caused him to cough and choke until he finally died. You ran off but little did you know your Medic saw what happened and he had a happy grin and he quietly said "Zat is mein girl." And he left to go and help the others. You managed to infiltrate the BLU base and got to their intel and grabbed it and ran as fast as you could and you were almost to your base when you felt something on your back. "Hudda." You slowly turned around to be met with a BLU Pyro. You mentally cursed and you knew you couldn't do much in your current situation when you heard angry curses in German and prayed that BLU Medic hadn't respawned and a bone saw was stabbed through the chest of the enemy Pyro and he died instantly and you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright?" Medic asked worridly "I'm fine now. Thanks." "No problem liebe." Medic said and he kissed your cheek and you ran off to get the intel to your base and you made it without further incident. You got the enemy Spy's heart and went over to Medic and tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see who was there but you stepped to the side. This continued on for a bit before you thought he gave up and you went to investigate and in an instant Medic was holding you and grinned "Very funny liebe." Then he glanced at the plastic bag you were holding "Was ist das?" "A little gift for you." You said and he opened the bag to be met with a bloody heart. "Whose heart is zis?" "BLU Spy's." You said "You certainly like to take his organs don't you?" Medic said and he kissed you and said "Danke libeling." "No problem." You said and Medic put the enemy Spy's heart in a jar next to his spleen. He gave you a little side hug and Engie walked in and at the sight of you two being adorable he said "Aww. You two are adorable together. Anyways dinner is ready." "Thanks Engie." "Danke Engie." And you and Medic went to dinner where you shared stories of the day with the rest of the team. "You guys remember how Engie said all we really needed to do was threaten the BLUs with ham right?" Everyone nodded "Well, if used correctly ham can be a very deadly weapon." "I want to hear story." Heavy said and you told them the story and everyone started cracking up laughing. "Guess I was right and we should bring ham into battle." Engie said and Scout just shook his head quickly so no one would notice and didn't partake in the conversation as usual. When asked about his abnormal silence he claimed he was a bit tired and was going to sleep early. Once it was time for bed Medic came and got you and carried you bridal style to his room and tucked you in. He kissed you good night and said "Gut nacht liebechen." And he crawled into bed next to you and cuddled with you until you fell asleep in his arms.
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