Happy Thanksgiving everyone! If you travelled hope it went well. I hope you ate plenty of food!
You and Medic were watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade while Engie and Pyro were cooking. After a little while they called you both to help out with cooking.
You were making cranberry sauce and Medic was making German Chocolate Cake. "Medic why are you making a cake?" You asked. "Seemed like a gut idea." He said with a grin.
You both finished making food so you went to check on the turkey. "How is it coming?" Medic asked "Nearly done. Just a few more minutes." You said. So you and Medic talked for a little while when the timer went off to signify that the turkey was done.
You took out the turkey and cleaned out the excess grease. You then wrapped the turkey in foil and told Heavy to guard it. "Make sure Scout doesn't get to the turkey." You said. Heavy nodded "Thank you so much Heavy! This helps so much!" You said.
Heavy smiled "You are welcome leetle girl." He said as he patted your head.
Time skip to later
At five that evening everyone gathered at the table as Engie, Pyro, Medic, and you put the food on the table. "Hey Doc, what's that?" Scout asked pointing at the cake that Medic had made.
"German Chocolate Cake." He replied. Soon everyone was seated so then you got your food and sat next to Medic. Soon enough there wasn't much food left. So Medic and you went to get the desserts.
Pumpkin pies, apple pies, cherry pies, lemon marange pies, coconut cream pies, chocolate cakes, Medic's German Chocolate Cakes, and a few tubs of ice cream. "Try to contain yourself liebling." Medic said with a small grin.
"No promises." You replied with a smirk. You both brought the desserts and made sure you both got some before Scout ate everything.
"Haff you ever had German Chocolate Cake?" Medic asked "Can't say that I have." You replied. "Allow me to fix zat." Medic said as he cut you a piece of the cake he had made.
You tried it "This is amazing!" You said. "I am glad you like it." Medic said with a smile. Happy that you liked the cake.
Time skip to later
Scout was the first to pass out from too much turkey. "What's wrong with him?" Engie asked. "Zere is a chemical in turkey zat makes a human drowsy. He vill be fine." Medic replied.
Soon enough you started to get drowsy so you went to your and Medic's room and quickly fell asleep. You awoke a while later to find yourself in a world of turkey!
"Where am I?" You asked out loud. "Welcome to Turkey Town!" A turkey said with a familiar Texan accent. "Engie? Is that you?" You asked. "No... I'm... Uh... Eric!" The turkey said.
You pulled off the turkey's head to reveal Engie. "Really?" You asked. "It was Medic's idea to prank you." Engie said defensively.
You chuckled and asked Engie if you could have the turkey costume. "Sure. Why do you need it?" He asked. "Getting back at Medic for the prank." You replied.
You went out and acted like a turkey. As did everyone else. You went off to your tree and hung out there for a while.
"I can't believe they didn't know it was me." You thought with a smirk. You tried to hold in your laughter and succeeded only laughing silently.
Soon enough it was late so you went to the infirmary and went to your and Medic's room and crawled into bed next to him.
"See anyzing interesting?" Medic asked. "I saw everyone in turkey costumes. I know you tried to prank me, you guys didn't even notice that I took Engie's costume." You said.
"Zat vas you?" Medic asked surprised. You laughed "Yeah, that was me. Good night Medic, love you." You said. Medic chuckled "Gut nacht darling. Love you too." He said as he pecked your lips.
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