Sorry about not updating in a while I've been busy with school and I've been working on a couple Medic X Readers. Also I'm sick and I have a headache and it sucks
You were once again sitting in a tree relaxing when you heard a lot of yelling. "What's going on?!" You yelled and your Spy came by to explain "Surprise attack from the BLUs!" You nodded and rushed to the infirmary where you were stopped by the BLU Medic and BLU Spy and they didn't look happy so you looked around and picked up a stick. "Vhy are you threatening us vith a stick?" BLU Medic asked with a small smirk "You really want me to beat you both with this?" You asked faking confidence (I can do dat too) "This will be easy." BLU Spy said as the two of them approached you "Back up!" You growled at the two "I think not liebechen." BLU Medic said and he pulled out a small rag. "Is that chloroform?" You thought and you ran as fast as you could to get away and managed to find Soldier "Hey Soldier do you mind fighting the BLU Medic for me? And have you seen Pyro anywhere I'm also having a problem with the BLU Spy." "Sure and no." Soldier replied and ran at the BLU Medic and beat him with a shovel and then there was a small blade on your neck "Let me go." You said and a voice spoke directly into your ear and said "Non. Come with me and don't fight. If you fight I'll have to end this sooner than I planned." You silently prayed that someone on the RED team saw your dilemma and would help when you heard an all too familiar growl with numerous angry German curses and you heard the BLU Spy coughing and you felt something on the back of your arm and you looked to see that it was blood. You then turned around to see Medic with blood stains all over his lab coat and he was death glaring the Spy and he stomped down on his throat to kill him. Then he looked at you worriedly "Are you alright liebe?" He asked "I am now." You said and you kissed Medic "I'm glad you're nicht hurt liebe." "Well I was having a bit of a problem with the BLU Medic." "Vat?" "He tried to use chloroform on me." "He did VAT?!" Medic asked infuriated and you nodded and Medic kissed you and told you to stay in a hiding place and he returned shortly with his lab coat soaked in blood, blood was splattered on his face, gloves, glasses, and bone saw. "Whose blood is that?" You asked and Medic grinned a little "Ze BLU Medic's." Then the BLU Spy respawned and crept up behind you after Medic left and he happened to glance over and saw the Spy with his knife raised poised to strike.
Medic's POV
I saw the BLU sneaking up behind (Y/N) and I charged at him and managed to sneak up behind him and started repeatedly stabbing him with the über saw and yelled "NEVER TRY UND HARM HER AGAIN!" As he laid on the ground bleeding I picked him up by the throat and held his throat in an iron grip and said slowly "Never come near her again. If you come near her again I vill rip out your vital organs und make your corpse a nest for Archimedes. Am I clear dummkopf?" Venom in every word and he fearfully nodded quickly "Gut. Now zen... DIE SCHWEINHUND!" I yelled and cut his body apart with the bone saw. I immediately went to (Y/N) to see if she had been hurt. "Are you alright liebe? Did anyone hurt you?" "I'm fine Medic. No one hurt me. Thank you for saving me." She said and she kissed me. I blushed a little and said "It's no problem liebeling." And the RED team was declared the winners and the BLU team was screwed to say the least. As soon as we got back to the base (Y/N) and I decided to go to bed early as we were both exhausted after the surprise battle. "Just zink liebe ve vill finally be married in about a veek." I said with a smile and she returned the smile "Yeah. Hey Medic, can I ask you something?" "Anyzing." "What's your real name? I mean I was thinking that I take your last name and I'd like to know what your real name is." No one really ever asked me what my real name is, but for her. I'll tell her. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her, we're soulmates. A match made in Heaven if you will. "Heilburger. Josef Heilburger." "Josef suits you." "Danke." "Your welcome Josef." I chuckled a little and wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled into my chest. "Ich liebe dich (Y/N)." "I love you too Medic." We kissed and she rested her head on my chest and fell asleep and I played with her hair a little as she slept and then I fell asleep too.
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