She's Gone
Based off the song She's Gone by Black Sabbath
"DOC WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Soldier exclaimed angrily and Medic woke up and looked around the room frantically searching for you and muttered curses under his breath and passed by Soldier, grabbing his bone saw and syringe gun and he said "I'm coming for you Merasmus." "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" "I vill return to you one vay or another (Y/N)." But he wasn't allowed to leave.
Time skip to a few days later (Medic's POV)
The days are passing slowly without her. I was always afraid this would happen, I never wanted to see her go, not like this. I wanted her to be my wife... The endless pain and heartache... I only have the memories of all our time spent together... I can't go on, not without her... She made me feel loved and appreciated. Why did Merasmus do this? WHY?! Without her here it's quieter and I don't like it. Without her, there's no reason for me to live. But I have to keep living so I can go back to her! Soldier kept yelling at me but I didn't care eventually I had enough and asked him to leave but he didn't "Soldier I am not in ze mood to deal vith zis. Leave me alone." He grumbled and left and I grabbed my bone saw and syringe gun and left to find Merasmus.
Time skip to later (still Medic's POV)
I walked around searching for Merasmus or any signs of his whereabouts. "Merasmus vhere are you? Ve haff much to discuss." I said and eventually I found him and I approached him. "Hmph I send you to another world as punishment and you fall in love with a pathetic girl." I was filled with murderous fury but I managed to keep myself in check. "Merasmus send me back or bring her here." "Why should I?" "Because I cannot live vithout her." "Yes you can. You are now, you just have to deal with this forever." At his statement I lost it and held my bone saw against his throat and I glared murderously at him. "Give me ze book Merasmus und nozing vill happen to you. I swear." I began laughing uncontrollably and said "Who am I kidding? I vill kill you either vay." He reluctantly gave me his book of spells and I slashed his throat open causing blood to spray everywhere. It was truly a wonderful sight "Such a wunderbar sight. I vish (Y/N) could be vith me to see zis. I vill be back vith her soon though." I continued to slash as Merasmus' lifeless body to make sure that he was dead. Then I built a fire and burned his corpse. Then I returned to the base with the book. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Soldier asked. "I killed Merasmus und now I can go back to mein love!" I said happily. I sat in my lab reading the spells and I saw her sitting on her couch curled up in a blanket. "I vill be back soon mein liebling." I said and her head shot up and looked around frantically "Medic?! Where are you?!" "I am in mein vorld but I am going to come back. I promise." I said "I'll wait for you, however long it takes." She said "Ich liebe dich mein liebeling." "I love you too Medic. I'll see you soon." We said good bye and my pain subsided from seeing her. "That your girlfriend Doc?" Demo asked "Ja but she is mein fiancée." Demo patted me on the back and said "Congragulations! When's the wedding?" "Halloween." I answered "That's a ways away." "I know but ve both loved ze idea of being married on Halloween." I talked with Demo for a bit before he asked "So are you going back permantely or is she coming here with us?" I sat there contemplating the pros and cons. If I went with her I may not be able to see my friends again and if she came here, well Soldier's here. "I haff not decided yet." I said "You realize you'll be taking that book with you in her world, it probably doesn't belong there and it may cause severe damage to her world." Demo said and I made my descision and I opened the portal to her world and I entered with the book in my hands. She came running at me and we hugged and kissed. "I missed you so much!" She said "I vas a wreck vithout you." I said and I told her to pack her bags. "Where are we going?" "To mein vorld. Zis book may severely damage your vorld und I cannot allow zat." You called your job and said you were moving and had to quit and you called the priest and told him that you were moving to Medic's world and you called your family to tell them that you wouldn't be able to talk with them for a while until you were settled. Once you had everything you told asked your neighbors if they would watch your house for you. Then you and Medic carried your bags into his world and once you were both through the portal you saw the other members of the team coming to meet you. "Is this Doktor's bride?" Heavy asked and Medic held you close to him and proudly said "Ja. Everyone zis is (Y/N)." And everyone greeted you and you spent your time with Medic while he prepared you a room in his lab. After an hour he was done "Zere you go liebeling. Let me get your bags." Medic got the heavier bags and showed you your new room. "It's amazing." You said "Danke." Medic said as he helped you get settled in your new room. Then it hit you "Medic whose going to marry us?" "You und I silly." Medic said you pecked his lips and said "You know what I meant." "Ja I know vat you meant but I vanted to be funny. So I am verking on zat." And you laid down on your bed and awaited Medic's return.
Medic's POV
I asked everyone if they would be willing to marry us and Soldier volunteered to but I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I accepted his offer and I went back to (Y/N) and I told her that Soldier offered to marry us. "Soldier volunteered for this?" She asked in disbelief and I nodded. "I never thought Soldier would know how to marry people, let alone offer to marry them." "Ja, I haff lived vith zem for years und I didn't know zat about Soldier." Then Spy came by to say hi. "You must be (Y/N) correct?" "Yeah that's me. And you're Spy right?" "Oui. Nice to meet you, Medic talked a lot about you when he came back. He refused to leave his lab and was depressed without you." I hid my face and blushed "Aww. I was in bad shape without him too." She said "Well I'll leave you two alone. Au revior love birds." With that Spy left. "You didn't tell them everything that happened while you were in my world did you?" "Nein. None of zem know vat happened." I said.
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