"Liebe can you come here?" Medic asked and you followed the sound of his voice. You found him and Engineer in Medic's lab "I asked Engineer to create somezing to defend you in case ze BLUs come after you again." Then Engineer removed the cover to reveal a machine "What does it do?" You asked "It sends an alert to tell you and one of us if a BLU is close to you. It varies on who is closest to you though, whoever is closest to you gets the alert." "Thank you Engie." You said "No problem." Engie said.
Time skip to the next day
Medic and the team had to go into battle again "I vill be back soon liebeling." Medic said and he pecked your lips. "Alright. Please be careful Medic." "I vill." He said and he went off to battle and you hung out in his lab and read. You didn't notice the door open and who came in until there was a bone saw a few inches away from your throat. "Hallo again Fraüliene." You looked up to see BLU Medic with an evil smirk on his face. "Stand." He commanded and you obeyed and you wondered if the alert had gone off. He simply smirked at you and said "Zat vas a troublesome machine. At least it vill not get in ze vay anymore." "Wh-what?" "Our Spy managed to sap zat annoying machine your Engineer created." You slowly backed away from him but he kept advancing towards you "Zere is no reason to be afraid." He said and you knew you couldn't run, he would only catch you again and that wouldn't end well. You reached over on the counter and grabbed what you could and pointed it at him and he started laughing. "You are trying to threaten me vith zat?" He continued laughing and you looked at what you had and you were threatening the BLU Medic with a piece of ham. "D-don't make me use it." "As if ham could hurt me." "I'll kill you." You said "Ja, sure you vill. Vith a piece of ham." With that he began laughing again and you shoved the ham down his throat causing him to cough uncontrollably until he finally swallowed the ham. "You are going to pay for zat." He growled angrily you kept backing away from him until you hit a wall and he kept advancing towards you until he was a few inches away from you. "Vhich do you vant? Bone saw or syringe gun?" You paused and tried to think of how to get out of this situation. Your thought were interrupted by BLU Medic grabbing your throat and you tried to pry his hand off your throat. "Answer me." He said "N-neither." You said and he smirked "Zen I vill just haff to kill you vith mein hands." He said and his grip on your throat tightened and you tried to free yourself. He released you and you held your throat and looked at him "Stand." He commanded again and you pulled yourself up and you looked around for a possible mean of escape. "You cannot escape me fraüliene." "If I can get out of here I can find somewhere to hide and try and find someone on the RED team." You thought and you saw a book and ran to get it with the BLU Medic right behind you "Get back here." He growled and you got the book and waited outside the infirmary doors and waited for him to step out and you hit him as hard as you could over the head with the book and he fell over knocked out. You ran out on the battlefield and looked around for anyone on the RED team. "Y-you vill pay for zis fraüliene!" BLU Medic said holding his head and you ran as fast as you could with him right behind you. You ran into a building and looked at a sign as you were running and you mentally cursed yourself since it was the BLU team's base. "Might as well try and get their intel." You thought and you went and found their intel and grabbed it and ran as fast as you could onto the battlefield. You kept running while being chased by BLU Medic, and BLU Soldier "Give zat back und I vill allow you to live." BLU Medic said but you pushed yourself to run even faster and managed to get the BLU team's intel to your base. It was announced that the RED team had won and Medic was first to come check on you. "Are you alright?" He asked you were breathing heavily and once you caught your breath you said with a grin "Don't underestimate the might of ham." "Vat?" "I shoved a piece of ham down BLU Medic's throat and hit him over the head with a book." He hugged you gently and said "Danke for getting ze intel." "Your welcome." You went to the rest of the team with you and Medic holding hands. "Great job out there (Y/N)." Demo said "Thanks Demo." "You should consider joining the team (Y/N)." Spy said "Da. You fought BLU Doktor and BLU Soldier alone." Heavy said and Medic gave you a surprised look "Well I didn't fight them. I ran away from them. Though I did almost kill the BLU Medic with a piece of ham and a book." "I want to hear story." Heavy said and you told them the story and at the end everyone was laughing. "Maybe we just need to threaten them with ham." Engie said and you all sat down to eat. Once dinner was over you went back to the infirmary with Medic. "Do you vant to join?" Medic asked "I'd like to be of help to the team and not be a bother for someone to baby sit." You said "No one thinks zat you are a bother und if you vere in trouble someone vould come help you." Medic said "I'll join." You said "Vhich class do you vant to be?" "Medic." "Ja?" "No silly I want to work with you." "You vant to verk vith me?" "Ja." You said "Zen let's go und tell ze others. Zen ve vill haff to tell Red Mann zat ve haff a new Medic. I vill haff to train you though." He said and you followed him to the rest of the team "Hey guys, have you decided on if you're gonna join (Y/N)?" Scout asked "Yeah. I'm gonna join and work with Medic." "Only fittin after all with you two gonna get married in a month." Engie said and Medic called Red Mann to tell him the news and he was happy to hear that there was a new recruit and he congratulated Medic on getting married. When Medic came back to you he told you the good news that you had been accepted "Do you vant to start your training today or tomorrow? Tomorrow is a cease fire day." Medic said "I'd like to start today." "Alright zen let's get started." You followed Medic to the infirmary where he showed you how to use the syringe gun, medi gun, bone saw, and über saw.
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