Once you woke up you looked at the clock to see that it was 12, then you looked around and saw that Medic had fallen asleep with you in his arms. You just layed there with your head on his chest listening to his heart beat. A little while later Medic woke up "Hallo liebe. Vat time is it?" "12:10." You answered and he nodded. There was a short silence before Medic asked "So (Y/N), from earlier, vat do you think?" "About what?" You asked "Ze heart. So do you feel ze same? If you don't und you think zat I'm a monster I understand." He said as he looked down sadly. "Medic I don't think that you're a monster. You did what you did to protect the one you love. You did that to protect me. And I feel the same." "You don't think I'm a monster? Und you love me too?" Medic asked and you smiled and said "Of course." In an instant Medic was inches away from your face grinning a happy grin. "Zen let's make it official. Shall ve?" He asked "What do you" was all you could say before Medic cut you off by smashing his lips onto yours. "(Y/N) Sei Mein?" Medic asked and you asked him what it meant and he said "Be mine." You kissed him and after a little while you said "Does that answer your question?" You asked "Ja." Medic said happily. "I still have to vacuum." Medic said "Why? I thought you took care of all that?" "Zat is all I have left to do. I didn't vant to vake you vith ze vacuum." "Aww you're sweet." You said. Then Medic went off to go and vacuum the house and you went to go sit on the couch.
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