Lazy Day
Once Medic finished vacuuming he came and sat down next to you, cuddling you. "Vat do you vant to do today schatz?" Medic asked and you shrugged "I don't know. Lazy day I guess." "Vat is a lazy day?" You looked at Medic surprised. "You don't know what a lazy day is?" He shook his head "Ve don't get lazy days. Ze closest ve get are cease fire days vhere ze REDs und BLUs leave each other alone for ze day. Even zen ve still train und prepare for ze next battle. So no one gets to relax. So vat do you do on a lazy day?" Medic asked "Well usually you get some food and watch TV all day or play video games all day and don't do much that's productive." You explained. "Vat kind of food do you like?" Medic asked and you told him what kinds of food you like "Vait here I vill be back shortly." Medic said "Okay. I'll be in here when you get back." After an hour Medic came back with a bunch of groceries which included (F/F), (FIC/F) (favorite ice cream flavor) and some horror movies. Once you two were ready to start your lazy day Medic went and started the movie. "If you get scared liebe I vill protect you." Medic said as he pecked your lips. A little bit into the movie you made a fort with the pillows and blankets once Medic walked in from putting dishes in the sink he walked over to you and pulled you out. "Vat are you doing in ze pillows und blankets?" He asked and you looked down and muttered something quietly "Vat? I didn't hear you." "I said I got a little scared." With that there was another scary scene and you yelped and hid behind Medic. Medic pulled you close to him and cuddled you and he whispered in your ear "I told you I vould protect you. You are safe vith me liebe. I vill not let zem or anyone hurt you." Medic said as you both cuddled and enjoyed your lazy day.
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