Late Night Horror
Hope you've had a safe holiday and got lots of candy. Or did what I did and have a friend over and watch scary movies. We watched The Exorcists and Boo. And at 12:30 in the morning she played Eddie Gluskin's voice in my ear and I freaked out and then she did that this morning to wake me up and she did an imitation during the night and I ran and hid under my computer stand which is the absolute worst hiding spot and then she did it again and I hid under my bed and I got stuck but I eventually got out.
"Hey Medic." "Ja liebe?" "Wanna watch a movie?" "Sure. Vat movie?" "I was thinking The Grudge." "Zat is a very scary movie. Are you sure zat you're up to it?" You smirked at him and held his arm "If I get scared I have a big, strong man to protect me." You said "Alright, I vill go get ze movie." Medic said and he kissed your cheek and returned shortly with a copy of The Grudge. He started the movie and went back to bed and laid next to you and you both began to watch the movie.
Time skip to a half hour later
(I haven't seen The Grudge but I do own it. Funny how that is)
About a half hour into the movie it got creepy "No! Don't go in there! You won't get out alive!" You said and Josef leaned over and whispered in your ear "Are you scared darling?" You put on a brave face "No." Then the Grudge girl (that's what I call her) showed up and killed the person and you yelped and buried your face in Josef's chest. "Okay. I'm scared now." He tilted your head upwards and pecked your lips before holding you close to him "Zen I vill protect you." He said and you snuggled into his chest and felt safe instantly.
Time skip to after the movie
You had been fast asleep but for a strange reason to decided to wake up and the first thing you did was look around and you found that Josef had fallen asleep and you were still in his arms. You tried to free yourself but he only pulled you back until you were laying next to him and facing him. You sighed and gave in and you snuggled up to him and you glanced at him and saw him still sound asleep but he was smiling. "Ich liebe dich (Y/N). I vill never allow anyone to harm you or take you from me." He said sleepily "I love you too Josef." You said and Medic pulled you closer to him and gently held you in his arms. "I'm glad I haff you mein love. I finally haff someone who doesn't mind me being myself." "I never minded your sadistic side. I loved everything about you, even your sadistic side." You said quietly and Josef kissed you and before he fell completely asleep he quietly said "You're mine forever." You smiled and fell asleep in Josef's comforting hold.
The dream
You were running in what you thought was an abandoned hospital and you paused to breath for a moment and then kept running. Then you heard a strange, demonic sounding groaning and you kept running and you were almost to freedom when something held you and you desperately tried to escape and kept yelling and screaming and the demonic groaning was directly behind you and you awaited death but it never came.
In reality (Medic's POV)
(Y/N) was thrashing around in her sleep and seemed to be desperately trying to escape from something. I crawled over to her and tried to comfort her and held her and whispered reassuring words in her ear. "It's alright, I'm here now. Josef is vith you now. Nozing vill harm you now, I vill not allow it." Nothing I said calmed her down and instead she only tried to escape. Then I gently pressed my lips onto hers and immediately she calmed down and her eyes slowly fluttered open and saw me. She broke the kiss and hugged me tightly so I gently hugged her back "Was it you that was holding me?" "Ja, you vere thrashing around in your sleep und I vas trying to calm you down. Vhen you vouldn't calm down I kissed you." Then she smashed her lips on mine and I sat there dumbfounded before I kissed her back "Thank you for trying to calm me down." "Anyzing for you liebe." I said and I laid down again "If you haff another nightmare I vill protect you." I said and she crawled over to me and we cuddled and fell asleep in each others arms.
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