Guard Dog
The next morning you awoke and looked around and saw Medic sleeping in the chair next to you. Then the door was carefully opened and someone approached you and you heard a faint click and you saw a flash of silver. You did everything you could to wake Medic and he groaned and once he saw what was happening he growled angry curses at the intruder and held him by the throat and tightened his grip. Then he turned the lights on to see who it was and it was Scout "Vat do you think you're doing here?" Medic asked coldly and he looked down and saw the pocket knife and he kicked it away to avoid injury. "Vere you going to try und finish ze job?!" He asked angrily but Scout couldn't answer and he tried to free himself from Medic's iron grip but failed. Then you yelped in pain and Medic released Scout and rushed to your side to see a fresh wound that was gushing blood "Stay vith me liebe." He said and you nodded and he put a towel on the wound to stop the bleeding and Scout was on the ground rubbing his throat and coughing and in an instant Medic held his throat again and coldly asked "Did you do zis?" Scout simply had a look of fear and gulped and Medic continued to tighten his grip on Scout's throat until he stopped struggling. Then he was released and fell to the floor with a thud and Medic turned to you with a wild and crazed look in his eyes and he started trying to stitch up the wound. He put you on oxygen so you could breathe and he put you under anaesthesia so you wouldn't feel pain. You awoke after what felt like a short time later and you slowly awoke and the first thing you saw was Medic. His glasses were crooked, his usually neat hair was pointed in every direction, his tie was undone and hung around his neck loosely, and there were splatters of blood on his shirt and hands. When he saw you were awake he breathed in relief "Gott in Himmel, I vas beginning to think zat I lost you. How are you feeling libeling?" He asked "Groggy, other than that better." You answered "If anyzing feels out of place or anyzing of zat nature let me know bitte. I vas terrified zat I lost you." For the rest of the day Medic refused to leave your side and he insisted on protecting you then Spy walked in "Hello love birds." You both greeted Spy and he said he wanted to talk to Medic alone "I vill be in ze next room liebeling. If you need me just call." He said and he gently kissed you and left to speak with Spy.
Medic's POV
I followed Spy into the next room and he gestured for me to sit. "I understand that you love her a lot and you don't want to lose her. But." "But vat?" "But you are acting like a guard dog. You refuse to leave her side and insist upon guarding her day and night." "Is zere somezing wrong vith vanting to protect ze one you love?" "Non. It's just no one has seen this side of you before. Scout is terrified of coming here now, the mere mention of your name or the infirmary and he runs off to get as far away from you and the infirmary as he can. If he sees you coming to dinner he goes to the opposite end of the table to stay away from you." "Zen maybe he shouldn't haff tried to hurt her in ze first place. If he hadn't zen he vould not haff a reason to fear me, now vould he?" "Non." "Is zat all?" "Oui. Have a good night." "Danke herr Spy. You too."
Regular POV
With that Medic returned to your side and climbed into your bed with you and wrapped his arms around you to bring you closer to him and he gently held you. "Let me know if anyzing starts to hurt. Okay?" He said "Okay." You answered and you cuddled and fell asleep in Medic's arms, certain that nothing could hurt you as long as you were with him.
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