Further Investigation
The next morning you heard a knock at the door so you went to answer and you were met with two officers "Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" "Yes." "We have reason to think that your boyfriend (BF/N) was murdered." Then Medic came by and greeted the officers and asked what was going on. So he was told all that they had told you. "Vat evidence is zere to suggest murder?" "Well the cuts and stab wounds that were the cause of death would have caused blood to splatter a ways away from the body but there aren't any splatters anywhere except for near the body. Plus there would have been a lot more blood present but there wasn't therefore suggesting someone cleaned up the blood. So we're going to investigate the case a bit further." "Okay." You said and you grabbed Medic's hand and once they left you hugged Medic "They're gonna find out that it was you and they're gonna take you away." Medic held you and gently tilted your head upwards and kissed you "No one vill make me leave you. Und I vill never leave you, Ich liebe dich a lot." "Are you sure?" "Ja. Zey vill rule it as a suicide or convict someone else." You watched the news to stay updated with the news and on occasion an officer would come by and tell you news. "Ms. (L/N). We have come to the conclusion that it was a suicide. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused or if it has upset you. Again I apologize." "You're just doing you're job. And you wanted to be sure." You said and the officer left and Medic hugged you and said "I told you." "I was worried about you." You said "Vant to vatch a movie?" "Sure what movie?" "Anyzing you vant liebe." You had decided on Grumpier Old Men (the sequel to Grumpy Old Men) and you were both cracking up laughing at the funny parts until it hurt. Then once it was time for bed Medic told you if you needed him to stay with you then tell him
Time skip to later
You were walking around rather late at night. Upon checking the clock you saw it was 11 at night and it was storming bad and you were getting soaked from all the rain. The rain didn't bother you so you went to a familiar address and a car pulled up and you watched them sleep, once they were fast asleep there was a crack of lightning showing your shadow in the room and there was a loud boom of thunder. You opened the window, but didn't bother to close it. You needed a quick mean of escape anyway so once he woke from the rain hitting him in the face he screamed. You covered his mouth and gently touched the blade of your saw against his throat. "You vill regret vat you haff done to mein liebe." You said "What?" He asked and you whispered in his ear "Die Madachen ist mein. (The girl is mine. Die is pronounced dee and Madachen is pronounced mad-a-shen) You vill not keep her from me." You said and you gently dragged the blade across his neck drawing a little blood. "Die Schweinhund." You said as you cut and stabbed at your victim. You found one of his saws and covered it in blood and placed it near his hand to make it look like he dropped it. And you escaped covered in blood and thankfully no one saw you but you made sure the window was locked. "Liebe? Are you alright? Liebe?" Medic asked from next to you. "I.. I killed someone." You looked at your hands but didn't see blood. "What? But there was blood on my hands." "Do you think it vas a dream?" Medic asked "It must have been. It was so real though... The screams and the blood..." You hugged Medic "Even if it was a dream, I don't think I could bring myself to do that." Medic held you trying to comfort you. "Who vas ze victim?" You thought for a moment over who you saw and it struck you. "(BF/N). But why?" You asked "Do you think it's guilt? I don't know why it would be guilt, but do you think it is?" Medic thought for a moment before responding "Perhaps it's guilt over feeling like you are cheating on him vith me." You thought about it "Maybe. I don't know why but I feel guilty for letting him die." Medic patted your back trying to find an answer. "I don't know vat to tell you. Being a mercenary, as cold as it sounds, you stop caring about guilt over your victims." You faced Medic and nervously asked "Do you feel guilt over the death of a victim?" It took him a while to answer "I vill not lie to you. Please don't be afraid of me, I vould never EVER hurt you. But I love to hear zeir screams of agony. But nein, I usually do not feel guilt." You stared at him surprised and he lowered his head. You lifted his head gently and said "Regardless of what you do, I would never fear you." "Really?" Medic asked hopeful "Of course." You said and Medic hugged you. "Danke schön, mein liebeling." You had caught on to what words and phrases in German meant so you understood what he had said. "No problem." You replied "Liebe do you vant me to stay here vith you?" "Ja, bitte." You said and Medic smirked at you "Du bist beautiful schatz. Ich liebe dich." You tried to process what he had said with the exception of what he had said in English but you understood that he had said "Darling" and "I love you" "What did you say?" "I said zat you are beautiful darling. I love you." "Aww." You said blushing a little "I love you too Medic." Medic gently pulled you onto his chest and gently held you there.
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