A pair of dark brown eyes peer from a place high above at an old TV rumbling with loud static. The eyes pan to the couch towards a loud rustling noise. AIDEN CARRIER, a young boy, probably seven, with ashy olive grey skin, deep brown eyes, and jet black hair, pulls his hand out of a big bag of pretzels as he glares at the TV from a couch. The pair's eyes move closer. Those same brown eyes glisten behind the sofa in the dark, under a hood.
The hooded figure and Aiden stare at the staticky television as it comes to life with sound and light, and a monster illuminates the screen. Aiden screams, and the hooded figure laughs. It's not a deep laugh. The laugh belonged to a young teen. He pulls his hood from his head, revealing BENJAMIN CARRIER, about 13 years of age. Aiden and Ben are brothers with their dark hair and deep brown eyes.
Damn it, Ben. What the hell!
Ben's porcelain figure appears in the light, slips his hood from his shoulders, and throws it to the floor.
I told you not to watch that show, Aiden. Mom and Dad are going to be so angry.
Aiden huffs, handing the clicker over to his brother. Ben hops on the couch and slams his back against the back cushions as he shuts down the television.
So what, Ben? Not like they care? Besides, there was an actual monster in my room.
Ben scoffs, throwing his hands behind his head.
You still believe in monsters, Aiden?
Yeah... I mean, maybe. I mean, you would believe me if you saw it, Benny. Trust me.
Could you not call me that, Aid? Go to bed.
Aiden walks off, descending back up the staircase into his room.
Aiden screams at the top of his lungs. Ben rushes into his little brother's room. Aidan thrashes around in his bed, screaming. Ben wraps his arms around Aiden to comfort him, slumping down in the bed beside his brother and pulling him against his chest.
It's okay. It was just a dream, Aidan. Wake up.
Ben rocks his brother back and forth. Aiden's eyes flutter open, and he rubs his groggy eyes.
(With a yawn)
Are Mom and Dad coming home any time soon?
I don't know.
Ben lays his brother down and walks off to the doorway. Aiden grabs Ben's wrist.
No, Ben. Please stay. I'm scared. There's a monster.
Ben huffs, contemplating missing the last part of his favorite show to stay with Aidan a little longer. He groans, knowing the right thing to do, and stomps back over to the bed, sitting down beside Aiden.
I told you, aid, there is no such thing as monsters. Go to sleep.
Ben descends from the bed to the door.
Int. Living room - night
Time-lapse - 30 minutes later
Aiden cries loudly as Ben walks out of the room, returning to the couch where he finishes the mere seconds of his monster show. Ben turns up his television program, snacking on pretzels and orange juice, his favorite snack. Suddenly, a haunting scream echoes from Aiden's room, causing Ben to throw the pretzels all over the couch. Irritated, Ben charges up the steps.
Aidan, I thought I told you monsters don't-
Ben bursts through Aiden's doorway. The thrust hurts his shoulder. A very tall figure, pale and bony, stands over his brother, huddled at the head of the bed. Aiden looks paler than usual. His dark brown eyes sink when he sees his brother standing in the doorway.
Aiden's breathing shallows. The creature looks at Ben. Ben's eyes widen in fear. The creature's eyes are deep purple, sharp fangs protrude from his grin, and the tips of his ears reach a point. He growls at Ben and turns his attention back to Aiden.
Don't touch my little brother!
The creature pays no attention to Ben. The demon-like monster opens his mouth, sucking in the last of Aiden's soul. Ben lunges for the beast, pushing him against the wall and taking a few things down. It's barely a fight. The monster tries to suck Ben's soul, but Ben stabs the creature in the chest quickly with Aiden's soccer trophy.
The monster lays still on the floor, almost lifeless like Ben's brother. Ben stares at his brother's paled skin. Aiden is dead. Off to the side, the monster fades to sand and dust.
It's a crime scene. Ben tries not to cry, watching them wheel his brother's corpse away in a body bag.
Ben's mother and father stand off to the side, crying and talking to officers and paramedics.
Pictures place the body on the bed and the sand on the floor. The window is open, and the pile of sand flies off.
A newspaper marking the anniversary of Aiden's death lies on a reception desk. In big letters, the headline reads "Aiden "Samuel" Carrier, the young boy who DIED OF CARDIAC ARREST: Where are the Carriers now?" It's supposed to be the cause of death. The room opens to Ben, now 28, sitting at the receptionist's desk in his white doctor's coat, taking phone calls and notes. Kids sit with their parents in a decent-sized waiting room.
No, we don't have an appointment opening that day, Mr. Samuel, but I can put you down for a cancellation appointment.
(long beat)
No, sir. I'm sorry, but we have too many people waiting for appointments as well.
Well, have a nice day, Mr. Samuel, and we'll call you when we have another opening.
Ben slams the phone down as the receptionist returns to her desk. Ben, smiling wide, offers her seat back to her with a simple hand gesture.
Hey, Maria. How was lunch?
MS. MARIA PAGE, a young and beautiful receptionist, sits at her desk and smiles at Ben.
Ms. Page
Thanks for filling in while I was out, Dr. Carrier.
Not a problem. I guess it's back to work.
Ben leans against the desk in front of him.
That was another parent on the phone for a fill-in appointment. He doesn't seem to understand the word no. This is precisely why I let you handle the phone calls, Ms. Page.
Ms. Page
I am your excellent assistant, aren't I?
Ain't that the truth? (Beat) Well, we should get back to work before we have an angry mob of parents after us.
Ben taps the desk with the end of his key and walks off down a long hallway. In the hallway is a photograph of Aiden, propped up next to Ben's practice award for "sleep specialist of the year," and straight into his office. He leans against his desk with a huge sigh.
INT. Girls bedroom - night
Benjamin stands on a rooftop, adjusting his pistol hidden in the belt loop of my pants under his shirt. A dagger is stuffed in my other belt loop and fastened. H opens the window of a young girl's room and slips inside. A sandman hovers over a young girl, hungry for her soul as she cowards on her bed.
She stares at Ben but doesn't have the energy to scream. She's pale, which means the creature is already feeding on her.
He pulls out his dagger. The creature's dark purple eyes dart in Ben's direction. I gulped.
You leave her alone.
The creature screeches, noticing the shiny, pointy thing in Benjamin's hand. The girl shivers, frightened by the monster. Her sudden heavy breathing brings the monster's attention back to her. She gasps while Ben sighs.
The monster opens its mouth abnormally large to take its last couple of gasps of the girl's life, and Ben lunges for it, squealing his battle cry. He plunges the knife into the back of the nasty creature, and it hunches over, letting out its last cry. The sandman's disintegrated body lays in a heap of ash and sand on the girl's bedroom floor. Benjamin retrieves his knife from the floor and checks on the girl, but she's already gone. I leaned in and whispered.
I'm sorry.
Ben slips out the window cill, climbs down the fire escape, and races down the street to his car as fast as dogs bark and howl. Screams echo in the distance.
Int. Benjamin's apartment - Midnight
Ben snacks on pretzels and Bud Light. He lays back on the couch and watches the News feeds.
Intercut - television
A newscaster stands in front of the young girl's home as coroners wheel out a body in a bag.
News Caster
Back in a quiet neighborhood, seven-year-old Myra Johan passed away from what is believed to be a heart attack. Behind me, family, friends, and neighbors are grieving her loss. An open investigation has been ordered. An inside source says that suspicious sand was found at the scene. A go-fund-me has been made to support funeral costs, and Police will continue investigating further while atopy is performed. Now, back to Charles with...
Int. Benjamin's Apartment - day
Sunlight peeks through the window, hitting Ben in the face. Ben's eyes flutter, and he peels the blanket off of himself. Ben rolls the floor.
INT. apartment - later
Series of quick shots
Ben slips on his socks and shoes.
He adjusts his button-up white shirt and two black pants in a mirror.
He fixes his gun and knife to his pants.
He grabs his jacket.
He took an apple off the table.
End of Quick Cuts.
Ben slips out his doorway.
Int. Office - day
Ben stops in the hallway, his eyes landing on Maria. He stands in the doorway.
Good morning Maria.
She smiles and waves, gnawing on a bagel.
Good morning, Ben.
INT. office - day
Ben sets his stuff down in his room and drops his pistol and dagger in a lock box.
He slips into a white lab coat and takes a breath of relief.
Ben walks down the enormous hallways, readjusting the photo of his brother on the wall.
This is for you.
Maria peers out of the office at Ben in the hallway.
Mr. Carrier, You have a new patient at the front desk waiting. He has a ten o'clock appointment. Gabriel Samuels.
Send him in.
Benjamin walks to the door and opens it for MR. SAMUELS and his son, GABRIEL SAMUELS, with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair, looking like he could be Aiden's identical twin, sit in the corner.
Ben stares in shock, leaning against the wall, taking long, slow, and steady breaths to prevent hyperventilation.
Are you okay with taking him, or do you need me to tell them to reschedule?
Ben looks at the photograph of his brother on the wall.
No, no, It's okay. I can take care of him.
Ben leans in the doorway of the patient's waiting room, catching his breath. Gabriel stood up and walked towards me with his dad bouncing around on his feet. He reminded me of Aidan so much that I had to bite my cheek to keep myself calm.
Hi, I'm Doctor Carrier.
The boy wanders past Ben down the hallway and stops in front of the photo of Aiden.
Is that me?
Mr. Samuel glares at Ben, waiting for an answer. Ben wanders over, staring at the photo before bending to Samuel's height.
That is my baby brother, Aiden.
Ben hides pain under a smile as he stands up. Then, he looks at Mr. Samuels.
Please follow me to room 03.
Ben wanders down the hallway, leading Gabriel and Mr. Samuel to room 03.
Int. Room 03 - day
Samuel sits on a table next to his dad, in front of Ben, sitting on a stool with a laptop.
So, how's his sleep?
Gabriel smiles.
Mr. Samuels
He's been having some nightmares.
Ben looks nervously at his computer, pretending he's typing.
What kind of nightmares?
Ben looks at Aidan.
Like monsters.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner.
"Monsters? What do these monsters look like?
Tall, pale, razor-sharp teeth, purple-
Benjamin huffs.
Are there any other symptoms?
Mr. Samuels
I'm concerned he stops breathing at night. A few times when I went into his room to check on him, he was as pale as a ghost.
Ben sighs. Beat.
I want to see Gabriel in a week for a sleep session to figure some of this out.
I will have Maria give you some paperwork to sign and make an appointment to see me again.
Absolutely. Thank you, Mr. Carrier, and I'm so sorry about your brother.
Ben huffs, unsure of how to respond.
Thanks. I'll have Maria set you up, and I'll see you next week.
Ben shakes Mr. Samuel's hand, and Samuel leaves the room. In the solitude of silence, Ben groans, his head in his hands in frustration.
Int. Apartment - night
Benjamin gets comfy on the couch with a copy of Gabriel's records on his coffee table. He starts to slip into slumber. His eyes flicker as Ben stares at the paperwork. He shuts his eyes. Then everything...
Int. apartment - mORNING
Ben lies asleep on the couch. A think-long claw taps his shoulder from behind the sofa. Ben opens his eyes and looks around. Nothing. He closes his eyes. Something taps him on the shoulder again, and he opens his eyes to a Sandman peering down at him from behind the couch. He squirms, trying to run, but he's stuck in its power. Aidan's cry echoes in the distance. Then...
Ben's eyes burst open as he sits up on the couch. He's covered in disgusting sweat. He huffs deep, panicked breaths.
Int. Bathroom - day
A series of quick cuts
Ben's lengthy leg stepped into the shower.
Ben turns on the water.
Ben is drying his hair in the bathroom mirror with a towel. His six-pack is showing in the mirror.
He brushes his teeth, then spits and rinses.
End of Quick cuts.
Ben adjusts his dagger and pistol to my belt loop and walks out his front door.
Int. Office - examination room - noon
Ben stands in front of Gabriel, attaching wires to his head. Mr. Samuels stands in the doorway.
So, you said that the nightmares have intensified?
Mr. Samuels
He hasn't gotten much sleep because of it.
Ben clicks his tongue.
No more hallucinations of monsters or noises in the middle of the night. You're not going to bring them here, are you?
Ben laughs nervously. Gabriel nods, and Ben gets him to stop, placing another wire on the boy's head.
The monster says I will go to a better place soon. Does that mean...
Ben prepares another spot for a wire on Gabriel's head.
Mr. Samuel
You're okay, Gabriel. It's just your imagination.
Okay, so these monsters, in your dream, what do they do?
Ben places the last wire and listens.
They tell me they're going to take me away.
Scare you like?
Gabriel shrugs.
Just scare me, Daddy. Am I dying...
Mr. Samuels
Okay, that's enough.
Benjamin's muscles tighten. Then he sighs.
Follow me to your room.
Ben scoots past Mr. Samuel and leads them down a large hallway to a room with a bed.
Anything else?
Mr. Samuels
I'll be in my office if any of you need me.
Ben wanders away.
Int. office - magIC HOUR
Benjamin sits at his desk, half asleep, while watching the security cameras. He suddenly sits up, alerted when a Sandman hunches over Gabriel. Gabriel lays there frozen, paralyzed in the monster's gaze, while Mr. Samuels snoozes in a seat. Benjamin quickly grabs his dagger and races down the hallway to the room.
Mr. Samuel's eyes widen, landing on the monstrous demon before him and screaming. Ben appears in the doorway, swiftly pulling out his dagger. The monster wails in response. This one is going to put up a fight.
Benjamin jabs the creature in the arm. It swings at him, catching him on the right shoulder. Ben flies across the room, crashing his back against a shelf. Ben quickly gets back on my feet. Mr. Samuel swings at the beast but is thrown back, too.
Then, Ben charges forward, slamming the dagger into the beast's ribcage. It cries out in response and swings again. Ben ducks, slashing its feet, causing it to tumble. Finally, Ben grabs his pistol, aiming right at the chest, and shoots. The monster disintegrates into ash almost immediately.
Ben and Mr. Samuels rush to Gabriel's aid. Gabriel's body lays still on the bed. Mr. Samuel's father curls Gabriel into his chest, rocking him back and forth.
Mr. Samuels
This is all your fault.
I was trying to protect Gabriel, not get him killed. This would have happened even without me.
A twitch movement of Gabriel's hand signifies life.
Mr. Samuels
I'm right here, Gabe.
Dr. Carrier. You saved me.
Ben sighs.
Yeah, I guess I did.
Mr. Samuels
What was that thing?
It's the thing that killed my brother. A creature that preys on children.
Monsters are real, and people don't realize it. They're taking our children's lives.
Ben nods.
Yeah. That's why I became a sleep doctor.
Mr. Samuels puts Gabriel down. Ben leans down and hugs Gabriel. Then, Gabriel leans in and whispers in Ben's ear.
It's dark down here, Benny.
Gabriel's eyes glow amethyst like the beasts. The lights...
The end.
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