Kidney 7
Vanessa's pov
I waited for hours and hours and hours until it was 7 am and to be honest I WAS tired but I didn't sleep at all so I just let Jam sleep then somebody came knocking at the door. I sprung up from my seat and ran to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Des and Jeff. I sighed and I opened the door. "Hi Vanes- Holy shit did you get ANY sleep!?" She exclaimed I slowly shook my head. "Well damn girl go get some rest!?" Des pointed I shook my head again. "Not until Jam is safe god damnit." I said clenching my knife. Then all of a sudden Jeff picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bedroom. He yanked the covers out and laid me down. Jeff was about to walk out but I yanked his sleeve. "Stay with me please?" I begged as he smiled. "Sure Van." He said as he crawled into bed "sleep tight Van." He whispered. "Go. To. Sleep." I mocked as I slowly fell asleep.
Destiny's pov
As Jeff picked Vanessa up bridal style and took her to bed I decided to go around snooping of anything that I could find that wasn't there before. I was walking into the attic and found knife marks on the walls saying Zalgo is near. Or Zalgo is here. "Jesus." I said as I slowly descended downward. It wasn't far until I saw a piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up and read it. 'After 16 years of searching I've finally found you Vanessa and I'm coming for you and your sisters! ~ Zalgo' I gasped and ran back upstairs and just waited for Jeff. After about 3 hours I quietly sneak in to find Jeff lying in bed next to Vanessa. "Oh my fucking god they are SO cute together!!" I whisper/screamed as I quietly snuck out of the room. I knew this was bad very bad. I ran into the woods towards the mansion to tell Slendy. "Slendy I have bad news to report!" I yelled as Slendy appeared in front of me. 'What is it child?' Slendy asked. As I gave him the note 'shit where are Jeffrey and miss forest?' He asked. "Vanessa went like a week without rest so Jeff put her to bed I guess she didn't want to be alone because he fell asleep with her." I replied. He nodded 'you must go get them right now take Jack with you!' Slendy said as I nodded and grabbed Jack. We ran as fast as we could but it was too late zalgo's goons already took Jam and Vanessa. "Jeff wake up!" I shook him he shifted but now was up. "Where's Vanessa!?" He asked panicked. "Zalgo managed to kidnap Vanessa and Jam we need to return to the mansion now!" I said he nodded and grabbed his knife and we left.
Vanessa's pov
I woke up in a hot yet strange cage. I looked around but soon realized my ankle was chained to the ground. "Shit." I said to myself as I saw Jam in the next cage to my right. I sighed getting pissed. I took my knife and tried to slash at the chains but no use. "Fuck this must be the work of zalgo!" I yelled as I heard a light chuckle. "Show yourself god damnit!!" I yelled as I stood up. "Oh Vanessa dear child it must be weird chained to the ground instead of on a leash." The demon said. "Fuck you!" I spat back. He just chuckled and placed something around my neck. "The fuck is this shit!?" I asked. "Oh it's just a shock collar connected to a chord only I can control. So if you misbehave I will shock you!" He said with an evil grin. "What the fuck are we to you!? Pets!?" I asked pissed off. "Yes you are." He said as he pressed the button that was purple which shocked me. "Asaaaaaaaaaagggghhh!!" I screamed in pain as the shock waves traveled through me. I just want him to let us go! I cried "Jeff des. Where the hell are you!?" I just cried and cried.
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