Kidney 2
Destiny's pov
It was Tuesday morning at 6:00 in the morning I didn't want to get up knowing that there was a kidney eating dude probably watching me in my sleep oh well. I get up and put on a linkin park band t- shirt with some black jeans. I also slipped on my black converses. I go in my bathroom and decided to straighten my hair and wear a little blue headband with a little clip I made to resemble Jack. It was a little blue mask I clipped that in my hair. After that I grab a brown sugar and cinnamon pop tart and my backpack and left to meet Vanessa and Jamyla. "Hey girls!" I said waving. They waved back Vanessa had curled her hair and clipped in a little Jeff the killer hair clip. Jamyla had straightened her hair and had a cute little Ben drowned hair clip in. "Girls you look really nice today!" I said hugging them. "Yeah I made this pin last night! What do you think!?" Vanessa said as she climbed on the bus. "It's adorable!" I said as she smiled. "Did you hear the news!?" Jamyla said. "No what?" Vanessa asked. "Jack had killed a history teacher last night!" Jamyla said as Vanessa's and my eyes widened. "Really!?" I asked she nodded. "Yeah they have been way more active than they used to be!" Jam said excitedly. "Well maybe they are looking for somebody?" Vanessa said as she ate her pop tart. "I don't know but maybe they are looking for more possible killers?" I said hoping that that was it. We walked into class but everyone was backed into a corner and looking at a man. We shivered. I look behind us and find Vanessa not behind us. Me and Jam sat in the corner while the guy had a gun. He was talking to somebody on his walkie talkie when Vanessa all of a sudden got on his shoulders and slit his throat. "GO NOW!!" She said as her face and hoody was bloodstained. She got off him and ran out the front door with us following. Instead of us going home we fled to an abandoned wooden shack. "VANESSA! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?" I yelled. "Shhhh! Be quiet!" She said as she held the door shut. "I only did that because the police weren't gonna get there on time I had to do something so I broke off a piece of sharpened metal and killed him." Vanessa said as she zipped off her jacket. "W-Why!?" I asked shaken up. "Because I couldn't let you die! Your my sisters. Hell your all I have left! My sister died 3 years ago!" Vanessa said crying. "Did anyone see you kill that man?" Jam asked. She nodded. "I'm sorry Vanessa but your going to have to break this to your parents." I said as I put my hand on her shoulder. "Then prepare for me to go missing." She said crying I just hugged her. Yes I was greatful that she killed that man and saved us all. But I'm also sad that she had no other choice. "How about me and Des go with you to talk to your parents about this?" Jam said trying to make her feel better. She nodded and put her jacket back on and we all walked toward her house. We finally reached Vanessa's house her parents where home so that was a plus. "Mom! Dad! I need to talk to you!" Vanessa called. "What is it baby." Her mother said walking down the stairs. "We need to talk ASAP." She said as the 3 of us her mother and her father all sat on the couch. "Mom....Dad.....I KILLED SOMEONE." She began to cry. "Baby. Vanessa.....Why!?" Her mother asked ready to cry her dad looked disgusted. "The police weren't there on time and I HAD to do something I HAD to protect my ONLY friends. So I killed a man." Vanessa said as her mother calmed down. "Honey you know that's life in prison right?" Her mother said as she picked up the phone. And was about to call the police but a young boy at the age of 15 Vanessa's age busted through the window. He wore a white bloodstained hoody and black pants. He slit Vanessa's fathers throat and her mothers throat and looked at us. "Keep her safe there are more people after her now..." He said I knew him it was Jeff. Me and Jam took Vanessa to my house next door good thing I had another bedroom. "Vanessa do you have ANY idea who that was?" I asked shaking her a bit. She nodded "it was Jeff....Jeff the killer. He wants to protect m-me." She said sounding paralyzed. "It's going to be ok." I said trying to comfort her. I couldn't believe her own mother would try to turn her in.
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