Kidney 10
Vanessa's pov
I woke up feeling a bit stronger than I did. I get up to go piss and find myself all bruised up and had band aids all over my face. "Damn zalgo did quite a number on me." I said to myself as I brushed my hair and put on mascara. I walk back to my bed and see a small wrapped up box there was a card stuck to it. I took it off and it read 'hey Vanessa I got you something that I thought you'd like it merry Christmas ~Jeff' I smiled. As I slowly opened the box I was astonished. Inside was a beautiful necklace that had a knife charm. The handle of the charm was amethyst and the blade was diamond it came with earrings just like it. I put them on and walked out in the living room. "Vanessa we have bad news." Des said looking depressed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Your neighbor filed a missing report on you." Des said looking at me. My eyes started to tear up. "B-But that can't be!?" I said clenching my necklace. "But it is so you and Jam need to return to your house. And we can't see you ever again." Jeff said CLEARLY upset. I nodded and grabbed Jam. Before we left I walked over to Jeff and gave him a long well deserved kiss before we left. As I walked home I could feel the desperation and depression in everyone's looks especially Jeff's.
Jeff's pov
Before Vanessa left with Jam. I ran away in my room where Vanessa was staying and I just locked myself in my room. I just cried and cut to try to get her out of my mind. It wasn't working at all. The more I tried the more it hurt I wanted to see her again so bad. But I knew it wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. The love of my life (I will continue in book 2) just left to live a horrible and miserable life. I never ever came out of my room I just lied there crying and cutting. Now I knew what going to hell and back feels like. And I didn't like it not one bit.
Destiny's pov
I hated hearing Jeff cry and just lock himself in his room. Occasionally I'd bring him food when he'd open his door I could clearly see cuts on his wrists and to be honest i felt sorry for this asshole. I wanted to try and make him happy but that would end in Vanessa soon hating me. And I didn't wanna ruin that. I sighed I really missed them alone I hoped that nobody else would try to hurt them.
Vanessa's pov
I really didn't wanna leave them. But I had to I knew I never could see them again. I cried at that thought and just ran home. I busted through my door and cried in my bed. I locked myself in my room not wanting to come out. I had a mini fridge in there so I was good with drinks and my candy. The only thing I wanted was Jeff. Instead of trying to calm myself down with old pictures and memories. I went into my drawer and found a razor and started cutting again. I cried for hours stopping the bleeding a long time ago. I scroll through all of my selfies of me and Jeff there was even a picture of me and des (pic above) I cried so hard I couldn't take it. I ate sour patch kids and drank soda until i heard a knock at my door. I opened the door to see a boy a little younger than Jeff maybe 14 he had emerald green eyes and had stitches on his face. "Hi I'm Vanessa." I said still depressed. "I'm Liu I have come with a message from zalgo's son." He said and handed me the paper.
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