Kidney 1
Destiny's pov
It was Monday morning and a school day I hated school. My alarm went off at 6:00 am I smashed it off and got up I dressed in a Three days grace band t- shirt and blue Jeans with black converses. I combed my hair and grabbed my blue and black backpack and walked to the bus stop meeting Vanessa and Jamyla on the way. "Hey des How was your weekend?" Vanessa asked slouching her white and black backpack on her shoulder. "It was alright just been reading Creepypasta again." I said rolling my eyes seeing the bitch of the whole school. "Amber." I growled. "Oh look it's the slut triplets." She said putting her hand on her hip. "Oh shut the fuck up Amber everybody knows that your the whore here!" Vanessa said making a quick comeback. Amber scoffed as I high fived Vanessa. As we boarded the bus I felt something strange like a type of desire to eat a actual organ. "Hey des you okay?" Jamyla asked nudging me as Vanessa slept on the bus ride. "Uh yeah just strange urges." I said holding my head in frustration. We all got off the bus and headed to our first period. Math I hated math it was so boring good thing we had a sub. After that period was our elective Vanessa had culinary Jamyla had video editing and I had band. I loved playing my instrument nobody ever passed me (1st chair) after the next period is lunch. I had that strange urge again but stronger. It wasn't easy but I brushed it off and just ate my beans. To be honest they looked like kidneys. I ate them up and we all finished the school day. "So how come you ate your beans Des? You NEVER eat your beans?" Vanessa asked I shrugged. "I don't know Van. I don't know." I said reading more creepypasta on my phone." After the bus came to a stop Vanessa, Jamyla and I walked into my house so we could do our homework and hang out. After many hours of homework we finally got a break. We played mine craft on the Xbox one and Vanessa and Jamyla had to go home. Jamyla was like 5 houses down from me. Vanessa was just next door. I walked with Vanessa home and returned home myself. I got dressed for bed in a black tank top and some black pajama pants. I climbed down the stairs and sat on my couch. I flipped to the news channel "this just in a young man at the age of 15 was brutally gutted and has a carved smile cut into his face no one knows who would have done this kind of crime but the police are on the lookout for a cold blooded killer." I sighed 'so they are real this was the work of Vanessa's favorite Creepypasta... Jeff the killer.' I thought as she flipped to another story. "Just in another crime was committed by a little boy who seemed to have died shortly after he opened a new save file on the legend of Zelda majora's mask. Again no one knows who or what caused this but the police are on the alert." "Ben..." I said silently as I flipped to the very last story. "This just in a victim was found dead from major blood loss due to somebody cutting open where his kidney was located but we found the kidney gone what could all these murders and crimes lead to?" The lady said I didn't know what Creepypasta this was so I shut off the tv and started searching Creepypasta. Com and boom I found it. I read it and found who did it. "Eyeless Jack." I said as I yawned. "I'm going to bed I have a long day of testing ahead of me." I said as I crawled upstairs and fell asleep on my bed.
Hi guys so there's the first chapter I hope you liked JeffTheKiller690 it took a long time to think of the plot and stuff so I love all of you and as always vote follow like or GO TO SLEEP!
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