Annette Chevalier
Name: Annette Chevalier
Nicknames: No known nicknames
Life Span: November 1891-Present
Gender: Female
Nationality: French
Species: Hybrid
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Name Meanings: Annette traces back to the name Hannah, which means 'favor' or 'grace'. The last name Chevalier means 'knight'.
Personality: Loyal, caring, courageous, but can often come off as cold and unemotional
Occupation(s): Former factory worker
Family Members: Monsieur and Madame Chevalier (parents-deceased)
Appears in: 'The Apprentice'
Fandom(s): The Vampire Diaries and The Originals
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara (See photo above)
Quotes: "But now, I want you to teach me to kill vampires."
"You remind me of Sherlock Holmes, with the way you are able to tell things about people and your refusal to be more social." (about Mikael)
"Pick a place, anywhere. I think we should just go away somewhere for a while."
"Let's take in the rest of the joys of being vampires, and when we can't take it anymore, we'll split the contents of this bottle, settle down, and live an ordinary human life."
From the author: 'The Apprentice' was the first story where I created an OC to use as a main character, meaning that Annette is and always will be special to me in a way. I'm never going to consider 'The Apprentice' one of my better works, but Annette will always be special.
I think Annette's strongest personality traits ended up being her loyalty and her willingness to help others, and I think (or hope) that's the parts of her that showed the most throughout the story. But I think her weakest trait was that she sometimes came off as a bit of an ice queen, meaning she wasn't all that good with emotions. But I think that could have come from Mikael.
It is true that Annette was just fifteen was she first met Mikael, still a child, still impressionable, and she had just lost the most important people in her life. It seems like she did end up being kind of like him, and being alike and understanding each other is probably what kept together for so long.
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