Amelie Christensson
Name: Amelie Christensson
Nicknames: No known nicknames
Life Span: 1964-Present
Nationality: Swedish
Species: Witch
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac: Aquarius
Name Meanings: Amelie means "hard-working" and "industrious", while Christensson means "son of Christen".
Personality: Hard-working, ambitious, fun-loving
Occupation(s): Founder and co-owner of Christensson's
Family Members: Hannah Christensson Rydberg (daughter)
Nicholas Rydberg (son-in-law)
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Appears in: Romance and Quidditch
Faceclaim: Laura Wright (see photo above)
Quotes: "It feels very family-oriented, and we love that about it." (about Christensson's)
"Well, come on, everyone, let's take a break. I think everyone wants to know how the two of you met and all that."
From the author: Before she made her first appearance in Romance and Quidditch, it was previously mentioned that Amelie was the woman who had an affair with Gustav's father, resulting in the end of his parent's marriage. If you asked Amelie about it these days, she would probably tell you that she doesn't regret it anymore, because she got a daughter she loves out of it.
When Amelie first opened Christensson's, she was a single woman with a young daughter to take care of, but she managed to make everything work out in the end, and now Hannah is a co-owner and the two get many customers.
Amelie is still single, having never invested in another serious relationship after Stefan. She is happy being single, but would probably also be happy if she happened to find love again.
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