Alice Johansson
Name: Alice Johansson
Nicknames: No known nicknames
Life Span: 1992-Present
Nationality: Swedish
Species: Witch
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Zodiac: Aires
Name Meanings: Alice means 'noble', and Johansson means 'son of Johan'.
Personality: fierce, rough, caring, very protective of her family
Occupation(s): Quidditch player (seeker for The Nordic Team)
Family Members: Birgitta Johansson (mother)
Magnus Johansson (father)
Gustav Olsson (half-brother)
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Appears in: Romance and Quidditch
Faceclaim: Molly Sanden (see photo above)
Quotes: "I saw you with him at the match. I knew something was up them."
"Not coming? What the hell's gotten into him if he's not coming?"
"Liar." (aimed at Tommy Olsson)
From the author: Alice is the only child of Birgitta's marriage to Magnus Johansson. She is the only sibling that Gustav shares a mother with, not a father.
As a child, Alice was sort of taken under Gustav's wing. He liked the idea of having a little sister who might actually be interested in the same things as him. Like him, she wound up becoming a quidditch player, and has played in the Quidditch World Cup.
I imagine Alice having a very fierce and competitive spirit, but has a good heart and is very kind under the rough exterior. She showed a little protectiveness of her brother in Romance and Quidditch, when she was very skeptical and a bit suspicious about Gustav's new boyfriend.
Though Alice and Tommy are not related, she likes to think of him as an older brother.
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