8. Sleepless Nights
Star Pov
After Marco dropped me off from our date I couldn't believe we kissed and I almost passed the limit. Oh my goodness how scandalous of me to even do such a thing. I giggled as I went towards the back. I looked over and see Marco walking towards his house as he looked happy. He's so cute. I didnt really think we would be here but we are. I always wanted to be with him from the very start but there was Jackie. Then it was kelly. Then for a moment it was a random college girl. I was jealous of all of them and also upset because they could never see how sweet and kind Marco truly is. He's always there for them and they didnt appreciate the small things he did. Like tonight.
He planned so much and it got a bit ruined but I didnt mind because it was more important to just be around him. He doesnt have to try so hard to get me to like him. I already do. Way more than I expected. As I walked up to my room my mother stood there. "Star. How was your date." I was a bit confused since she didnt even want me to go. "It was good. Why are you suddenly interested?" She sighs. "I don't want to keep you from your future mate." I blushed and shook my head. "Mom! What the heck!? What are you talking about?!" She shook her head. "Star, your pheromones are being released. I noticed when you left earlier." I lowered my head. "When that is released it gives your partner a weird desire to-" "Stop! I get it. Uh any particular reason why it's being released?" She nods.
"Your body is changing to be able to have babies. So do not engage with Marco until you both are finished with high school. Don't want either of you to have a baby just yet." I blushed and shook my head. I couldn't believe that all that happened earlier was the cause of me. Ugh school doesn't end in 5 months. I have to wait till then? Ugh so unfair. "Star? Did you?" I shook my head quickly. "No. No! We didn't do anything just kiss and cuddle around a fire. He told me we shouldn't be too fast into that. Marco isnt an idiot mom. He knows his rights and wrongs. Why do you think I fell for him?" Mother nods. "Good. I expect you both to not be handsy for the next few months. We don't want you to have a kid yet. You're only 17 Star. Marco is turning 18 soon so be aware." I nod.
"Yes mother. I understand." She held my face and walked towards her room and I went back to mine. I lay on my side as I look out my window to see Marco's house. I seriously hate being a mermaid. So many rules and things I can't do. Teens my age get to do so much fun things and I can barely so anything. Even be intimate with my partner. As much as I want it cause of my stupid pheromones I have to wait.
The next morning I felt dead. I couldn't sleep well and I was really uncomfortable cause of my body. It was like I was on fire and I needed the relief but I couldn't. As I made it down my mother handed me a cup that was pure green. "Drink." I made a face and gagged a bit. "Ew! Mom what is this?" She sighs. "It doesnt taste bad. It's a remedy to cool your body. Your grandmother used this on me when I went through that. Now drink before you're late for school." I pout as i looked at the drink. "Ew mom it looks super gross. I rather suffer." Mother rolled her eyes. "Star. Would you rather be pregnant now or would you rather have fun?" I glared at her. "I can never win." She smirked. "Just drink it quickly." I sigh and chugged it and it went down smoothly and it didnt taste as bad as I thought it would.
"So? How'd taste?" "Not bad. Actually I feel a bit better." She felt my head and sigh cause it actually cooled me down. "Alright. Here take this just in case you feel that desire again." I groan and took it anyways cause my mother is always right. "Can I go now?" She nods as I rushed towards Marco's house as he's waiting for me. "Morning. Uh you okay? You look a bit pale?" I giggled. "I'm fine. Just feeling a bit feverish. Don't worry my mother gave me medicine to cool me down." Marco sighs. "Was it cause we swam and you caught a cold?" I shook my head. "No. It's a mermaid thing." He nods. Still confused but somewhat understood. "Ah, gotcha. So shall we?" He held his hand out as I gasp a bit smiling as I took his in mine. We both chuckled as we walked towards school. As we made it to the front I felt my body start to warm up again and was looking at Marco a certain way.
I bat my eyelashes as I looked at him as I held tighter. He smelled nice and is very cute. "Star? Are you okay? You're burning up." I nodded as I smiled softly at him. "Burning up..oh! Uh!" I pulled away from him and drunk the gross drink. "Maybe you should've stayed home." I sigh. "I think I might go home. Hey don't worry about me I'll be fine." He nods as I kiss him quickly. "Be careful on your way home." I nodded as I rushed back home. My body was burning up faster and the drink wasnt helping anymore. As I was a few blocks from home pain shot through my side as I fell on my knees. I couldn't move and I was so close. I felt helpless. My mind was foggy and all I wanted was "Marco~" I smirked as I stood up to go find him but as I tried arms were wrapped around me.
"Not so fast! River help!" I started to struggle in her hold as my dad came and held me down. "Get off! I want marco!" Mother shook her head. "I don't think so! Now you are going to come with me for a few days. Until your fever goes down you aren't allowed on land." I gasp a bit as I sigh. It had to be done. I'll be dangerous. Especially with people I care about. "Understood?" I nodded. "Yes."
A/n finally updated. Hope you enjoy and sorry for long wait. I'm trying my best. Later!
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