6. I need your help.
Star POV
I couldn't think clearly all day during school and even at work. I told my number one secret that my mother forced me not to say but I did it anyways. Marco needed to know the truth. I just couldn't keep him in the dark. It's not right. Also I didnt want that evil thing to hurt him or his family. I was so in thought that someone pulled my arm. I looked down at a little girl she was in tears. "C-can you help me find my mommy?" I nodded as I held her hand and looked around for the mother of this child. It didn't take long since the woman was screaming her name. "Leilani! Oh my goodness you almost gave me a heart attack." She held the girl closer as she looked at me. "Thank you so much." I smiled. "No problem. Just keeping the beach safe." They left as I went back to my post. There wasn't many people out today and also a moonsone was gonna hit the island soon.
After a few hours my shift was over and I had to go practice but before I did I was stopped by a woman with curly green hair. She was wearing a red bikini and had a small child on her hip. Roughly around the same age as Mariposa. "You. Is the beach closed?" I nodded. "Yes. Its closed. Come back tomorrow." She ignored me completely as I pulled her arm. "Hey, Miss you can't go in the water." She laughs as she looks at me. "I just want to play in the sand with my daughter." I looked at her child as I noticed how dark her eyes turned and went back to her normal brown. "Oh. Uh alright just don't go in the water. A storm is expected to hit this evening." She laughs as she placed the child down. "I'm quite aware. I caused it sweetie." I raised a brow at her as I noticed her pendant. It was butterfly Crest.
"Uh I don't want to assume but I am. Uh are you by any chance Eclipsa Butterfly?" Her smile fades as she looked at me. "How do you know that name?" I gulp a bit as she looked intimidating. "Well, I've heard the story of you running away with a siren and having a half breed child. You were royal but left it for a siren." She scoffs. "I was. I live in key point. It's pretty hidden and its basically off the grid. Also I changed my last name to King. Eclipsa King. Who are you?" I sigh. "I'm Star Butterfly. Part of the Butterfly clan. My family and I live in Sulani for years now." She hums. "Interesting. I can't believe they kept the name going." I thought for a moment. "Wait! You know all sirens right?" She nods. "Yes I do. My husband is the king of the sirens." I nod. "Right. So do you know a siren with black dreadlocks? Grey skin and red looming eyes and sharp teeth?" She chuckles a bit. "Oh dear, do you how many sirens have sharp teeth? But I think I know who you might be talking about." I was hopeful. "Perfect. Also can we talk more? I find you quite interesting." She gave me a wicked smirk. "Of course.."
Now I knew who she was. Mekanna. She was the siren who was alluring Mariposa. Now I need to let marco know her name and to be aware of it. As I swam back home I see Marco hanging at his dock looking at the sky. I smirked as i decided to play around with him. I carefully reach for his feet but before I could he moved away and stood up. I pout as the sound of footsteps left and I scoff. As I was going to leave I jump finding Marco with a wide grin as he was laughing. "Oh man I got you good!" He kept laugh as I turned red. "No fair I was going to scare you." He rolled his eyes. "Well too bad. I have good reflexes Star." I splashed him as he splashes back. "Alright. Enough. Why are you swimming so late? Thought your shift ended due to the odd weather?" I nod. "Yeah about that. I might've met a distant relative." He raised a brow. "Oh? Who is it?"
"You know that painting of the mermaid that my mom has in her office?" He nods. "Yeah the one with the woman with short green hair?" I nodded. "Well, she's still alive and living on the outskirts of the island. She's with her siren husband and her child. She told me about all the sirens and their names! The one that was trying to lure your sister is called Mekanna. So if you hear the name be aware of her since her human form is really attractive." I say groaning at the fact she's prettier than me. "Alright. Why do I need to know she's attractive?" I blush "Cause I know how you guys are! Always drooling over hot or pretty girls. I'm just warning you." He smirks as he moves closer and I could hear my heart race a bit faster.
"Star? Are you by any chance jealous?" He smirks as I flush a slight pink. "What?! No way! Why would I be jealous of a stupid siren!" He chuckles as I look at him. God he's so adorable. "Alright. I'll keep watch for an attractive woman. Cause apparently since I'm a guy I'm going to drool and get horny for her." I pushed him getting him to laugh. "Marco!" He laughs.
"I'm kidding Star. You know you're more beautiful than anyone else." My heart skips a beat as I looked into his eyes. "You mean that?" He nods. "Of course. I always thought you were. Inside and out." I giggle as I noticed how much closer marco has gotten. "Listen star, I know we've been friends for a long time now and I was.." he was fumbling with his words."Well, if you want? I'm not gonna pressure you. Uh would you?" I smirked as I tilted my head. "Would I what?" He groans. "Would you go on a date with me?" It was silent between us as all I could hear was our beating hearts. I couldn't believe he actually asked me on a date. What do I say?! Yes? No? I don't know?! "Star? Can you at least say something? Your silence is worrying me a tad bit." I blinked a few times and sigh. "Marco, I would love to go on a date with you. Let's go on it tomorrow at 6pm." He looked surprised and smiles. "Yeah! Totally! Of course. Uh let's meet at the beach down the road." I nodded. "Sounds good. I better go before I get in trouble." He was flushed red. He was so happy and it was so cute. "Oh..yeah alright. See you Star." He stood there but I wasn't leaving until he got out of the water. "Uh you leave first Marco." He had an ok moment. "Right! I should go first cause it's dark and I don't know what creatures could kill me." I splashed him with my tail as he chuckles. As he was going to swim back to shore he came close towards me and kissed my cheek. "Night Star." I blushed as I held my cheek. As soon as he was on land I made my way home. I couldn't believe he asked me out!
A/n hello update! I just was editing it to make sure it sounds good. Hope you enjoy!
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