4. A sirens call
Star POV
I was exhausted from the brutal training was giving me along with Nalani. I honestly just wanted to go to Marco's place to watch the stars. He was right though. The stars will be bright tonight. "Star are you listening?" I jumped and nodded. "You need to be prepared when you're in danger. Sirens are horrible creatures. That's why the humans are afraid of them and even think its us mermaids." I rolled my eyes. "Mom, we aren't living in the past. You know, sirens have their part of Sulani, we are lucky we live near the humans." She sighs. "Don't forget from our family a mermaid mated with a siren and had a half breed child. The child could be around and be evil." I rolled my eyes.
"Mom, you know she loved the siren. What's so wrong about that?" She rolled her eyes as she swam away a bit. "Just be cautious. Marco could also betray you." I shook my head. "What? Marco would never hurt me mom." She scoffs. "Just wait until he sees you for who you really are. When he sees that tail darling, he'll be afraid of you.." I shook my head as she circled me. "Oh? You don't think so?" I nodded once more. "Fine. Don't come to me when he breaks your little heart." She swam away as I stood there feeling a bit off. Marco would never hurt me. He's my best friend. He even told me I was beautiful. Maybe I'll have a little time to hang with him.
I could see the outline of his house and his dock. My heart was fluttering as I got closer but I stopped by the bouy as I heard Mariposa. "Fishy!" Oh great. Please don't notice me. I hid behind as I see Marco grab her before she fell off the dock. I watched a little longer as I noticed something off. As I take a closer glance it was another mermaid. I decided to find out as I dove under and made my way closer. As I did I free seeing it was a siren. Her skin was gray and her teeth so sharp and eyes red as the red sea. "Get away from them!" I yelled as she hissed and laughs. As she swam quickly away. As I go up to check things I hear the wood boards creak "I could have lost you." My heart hurt. Mariposa saw that evil creature and not me. "What did you see?" Marco's voice booms as I slowly move. "Fishy." Shes so cute. I just want her to be safe "You probably saw a dolphin or something." She starts to fuss as I hid my giggle. As I swam a little farther away from the dock. "Look! Fishy!" I quickly swam hopefully Marco didn't see my face. But one thing for sure I have to protect Marco and his family.
I walked towards the shore as I started to walk out the water as I rushed towards my house. "Mom! Mom!" I screamed as I find her in her little office. "Why are you screaming?" I took a deep breath. "Siren. I just saw one underneath Marco's dock. I scared it away but I don't know if it'll come back." Mothers eyes widen as she held me. "Are you alright?! Is Marco ok?" I nodded. "He's fine but I think his little sister saw my tail and the siren. Marco didn't see anything. Mom..the siren was calling out to his little sister. That thing could have hurt her." Tears started to brim as she held me. "This is why I told you the consequences of being a mermaid. We are the good ones. Sirens aren't." I wiped my eyes as I shook my head. "Can I go see Marco. Please." She nods as I rushed out the house and knocked on his door.
Marco was holding Mariposa as he looked confused. "Star? What are you doing here? Also why are you still in your bathing suit?" I wrapped my arms around him and her as I felt her small hand on my cheek. As I felt Marco hold my arm. "Star? What's wrong?" I tried to calm down as I caressed Mariposa face as she giggled. "Can we talk? In private?" He looked at Mariposa an me. "I'm babysitting. We can talk inside if you like." I nodded as he placed Mariposa on the floor as she ran towards her toys. "Star you're kinda worrying me a bit." I sigh "I know and I'm really sorry. I came here because I had a weird feeling something was wrong. Don't you ever get that feeling?" He nods as he watches his little sister. "Yeah. All the time." I looked at him as I placed my hand on his.
"Marco, I've been hiding this but I feel like I should share this with you." He looked at me and nods slowly. "Uh before you do, uh do you remember the folk stories about mermaids our parents told us when we were younger?" My eyes widen a bit. "Uh yeah? What about it?" "I think I saw one today with Mariposa. She kept saying fishy but I thought it was a dolphin or even a shark? But star I saw a dark blue tail with specks of yellow and white and wow.." he freezes midway as I tilt my head. "Wow?" He nods. "I kinda want to see one in person. Wonder what they are like and stuff. I also heard mermaids can pose as humans on dry land and act a certain way when they hear the sound of a conch shell." Wow he's really into mermaids.
"Marco. What would you do if you met one in person and say you knew this person for awhile?" He tilts his head. "Well, I think I'll be a little bit upset but I would be so happy to be even close with one. What about you?" I smirked "Maybe the same. Hey Marco meet me at the waterfall tomorrow at 6 a.m. alright." He nods but is confused. "Why?" "Just do it. I have something to tell you and maybe something else." He blushed a bit. "Uh okay! Yeah! Sure!" He's a mess. So cute. Ugh I'm falling deeper. "Night Marco." I hugged him as he hugged back. "Stay safe alright." He chuckles. "Alright." I looked up at him "Promise me." I pleaded as he nods.
"I promise."
I waved at Marco as I walked home. I don't care for hiding my secret. He needs to know. Now that he's in danger. I can't let anything happen to him or his family. As I entered the house the lights were dim as I decided to walk on our dock. I sat there as I can see Marco's from my view. I see he's picking his sister up and leaving upstairs. I still couldn't believe a siren tried to trap Mariposa. "You ruined my fun.." I looked down and see the siren. She was smiling wickedly as I hiss in a warning. "Easy there young one. You really shouldn't try to fight me. I'm stronger then you." I eyed the siren for awhile as I watched its move.
"Why are you here? Why kill an innocent little girl?" She smirked. "It really bothers you doesnt it?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Yeah. It really does. You stay away from those humans. Go find your own place to hunt." She laughs as she climbs up the latter as she shifts to her human form. It was flawless. So beautiful yet so dangerous. "I was but you got in my way. Besides humans keep coming to the outskirts of the island. We have been trying to get them to leave but they don't stop." I eyed her as she circled me like I was prey. "Well sorry for that. But it's your kinds fault. If you guys were so evil people wouldn't feel attacked by you. Also your giving mermaids a bad reputation."
She rolled her eyes. "Excuse me? Our kind? You mermaids are to blame! If it wasn't for Nalani we would have still been in the dark abyss!" I backed up a bit. "Nalani? She's not like you. She has a heart and loves the humans." She scoffs. "Yeah right. Let me guess shes the goddess of the island too." I nod slightly as she shakes her head. "Sirens and mermaids are basically the same. But a mermaid can turn into a siren if desired." I gave her and odd look. "What do you mean by that?" She laughs as she jumps into the open water. "Not every mermaid is good. Later kid." She swam as I stood there confused. "What does she even mean?" Whatever it is I must find answers.
A/n updated! Hope you're enjoying these chapters cause I'm trying my best on updating and finishing a summer book. Anyways it's getting closer to the truth. Also surprise chapters might be placed here and there. Anyways bye!
Also here is how I picture Mariposa at the age of 3. Such a cutie.
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