2. Waterfall seascapes
Star pov
That was so close. I could have revealed my other eyes. Mom told me I have to control my temper since I usually get upset quickly. But in all honesty Marco was being annoying with all these dumb questions. I know I've been acting distant but truth is I've been shifting into my mermaid form. My mother told me it's a process I'm going to have to deal with. But honestly I've been shifting for awhile now. Just when I was 14 I started to change my eyes. When I was 15 is when I got my tail. Oh my stars it was so hard to move, I wasn't used to it. Now since I turned 16 I fully formed but yet to get used to my form as a mermaid. And worst of all I couldn't tell anyone what we really are. Even though Sulani is filled with mermaids and even sirens which are terrifying but mother insists to not let anyone know cause of safety.
My parents lived around the island of Mewni but decided a new change before they came here and settled on the island of Sulani. Our new and beautiful home.
I was told mother was in pain on the ocean floor as she was pregnant with me. She told me I was born on a stormy night on the outskirts of the island. What was worst was she and father were in siren territory. Nalani protected my mother with others as mother gave birth to me. I'm pretty sure if Nalani wasn't there I wouldn't even exist nor my parents. Til this day I still speak to Nalani. She is a gem to Sulani as she helps and enjoys being in our community that I've called our home. She's also my mermaid teacher and it's amazing but also stressful. But with time I'll get there.
As we made it to school I noticed Marco was being quiet the entire time. I didn't mean to yell but he pushed my buttons. "Hey, I have an idea. To make it up to you why don't we go to the waterfall after school." He smirked as he nods. "Really? Or you just pulling my leg?" I giggled as I hugged his arm "No I'm being forreal. It feels like we don't hang out like before so I wanna make it up for missing tonight." He nods and laughs a bit. "Alright. Don't leave me hanging." I nod "I won't. See you then." I pinched his cheek as he groans "Star cut that out." He said as he rubs his cheek "Never. Later Diaz!" I rushed off to class as I pulled my phone out to call mother. I have to hang with Marco if not I could potentially lose my best friend and that's the last thing I want to happen.
"Mom." "Yes star? What's the matter?" "I'm going to be a little late to practice." She groans in annoyance as I bit my bottom lip. "Is this because of marco?" "Uh yeah. He's knows I'm acting suspicious and I had to lie to him saying it's a family matter. I hate lying to my best friend." She sighs as I hear water running. "I'm sorry darling. I know Marco means a lot to you but we can't have more people trying to take proof that we exist. Especially the sirens that are our threat." I looked down at my feet and sigh. "I know. It just really sucks. I'll see you later." "Alright. Love you." "Love you too." after the call I went to class and just spaced out. I really hated the fact that I was lying so much to Marco and its bothering him. I can feel it.
After school Marco and I rushed towards our secret hangout which everyone goes to but not all the time cause of how far it is. We rushed home and took my dad's canoe as we headed there. I was so excited and happy to see Marco smile and just be happy to finally hang with me for once. "So, we collecting frogs again?" I giggled as I shook my head. "Actually, I heard from Mele that there is a cave that hold crazy stuff." He scoffs. "Sweet old Mele said that? Are you confusing her with Lia?" I shook my head. "I'm being serious. If you're scared we don't have to go." Marco raised a brow. "I ain't scared." I nod. "Sure you aren't." We laughed as we made it on shore. It was pretty quiet as we trekked up the mountain to the waterfall. "At least we can hang at the waterfall."
I smiled as we made it. Marco walked right into the water as he held his hand for me to grab. "Come." I was worried that I could shift but mother told me when I'm submerged completely in the water my mermaid form comes out. "Star? Are you afraid of the water?" I shook my head as I took his hand. "No. It's just I had a weird dream that something happened." He tilts his head as we walked closer towards the waterfall. I was glad the water was only below our knees. Any higher and I was exposed. "Isn't it amazing?" I nodded as Marco took off his tank top as I slid off my white shorts. "You got wandering eyes Diaz." Marco faked coughed as his face was flushed pink. "I wasn't looking at you star." I smiled as I see small frogs swimming around. "You're beautiful.." I looked behind to see Marco red as he tried to stay cool. "Aw thanks." He nods as he turns and acts odd. "Marco? You ok?" As I approached he splashes me. "MARCO!"
"Oops. Were you there?" I scoffed and splashed back as he faked being hurt. "Star! That hurt my feelings.." I laughed as we had a splashing fight. All you could hear was our banter and laughter. "Alright! You win star." I smiled in victory as Marco grabbed me from behind and pulled me closer to the waterfall. "MARCO! STOP!" I started to panic but before I could be submerged Marco stopped completely as he stared at nothing. "Uh marco?" I snapped my fingers as he blinks as he looks at me. "Where did I go?" Oh shoot I kinda mesmerize him for a second. "You spaced out?" I chuckled as he holds his head. "I guess I did. Weird?" After a few seconds I decided we should go explore the cave.
"Star is this cave even worth it?" I nodded "Totally is. Imagine finding treasure and other cool things?!" He chuckles as we finally made it to the entrance. "It looks sketchy to me." I rolled my eyes at him as I took the lead. "You big baby. Come and hold my hand so you don't get scared." He took my hand as I smirked. "I'm not scared. I'm just holding your hand so I don't get lost." "Right.." he nudged me a hit as I giggled as we walked down the cave. It was dark as heck and had streams of water in every direction. There were graffiti on the walls and even some seashells laying around. Pretty standard. After a good 20 minutes we came out with seashells. The sun was setting and I had to be back home for practice.
"Marco I'm gonna go home. You take the canoe back." He raised a brow at me. "But how are you going to get back?" As I was going go answer. "I'm picking her up." I jumped seeing my mother as she had her hair down. She swam her quickly. "Oh. Alright. I'll take the boat back. Later Star." He hugged me as I held back. It sucked. "Bye Marco see you at school." He left our sights as I groan at mother. "Really? You decided to pick me up? You know I'm capable of swimming bqck home." She rolls her eyes. "You are but you'll expose yourself in front of him and even sirens." My eyes widen at the mention of those evil creatures.
"Sirens?" She nods. "We are near the key point. Sirens are typically around this area. I'm surprised you didn't know. Didn't Nalani tell you in her lessons?" She might have but I wasn't paying attention. "Y-yes?" She shakes her head. "Let's go star." I nod as I followed mother towards the ocean. I watched her walk in as she dived in and her beautiful white tail whipped up. I sigh as i did the same and my blue tail popped up. I'll never get used to this.
A/n updated again. Like I said it's pretty solid. Also I have like prewritten chapters so most likely I'll have 5 chapters up for you guys. And then the mini series is over. Anyway hope you enjoyed!
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