As I look down I see his shoes in front of me, "What's wrong? Yuna, are you okay?" He asks. "No, she's having an anxiety attack. Can you please try to calm her down? I have to return the key very quickly then I'll be back." Jae says quickly, "Okay." Jungkook says. She walks away quickly but the lines are long because other people who stayed here also are leaving at the same time as us.
I didn't notice how packed this hotel got over the weekend.
"Yuna, baby, talk to me." He whispers as he squats in front of me, I inhale and I feel my body shake. I feel like I'm getting constricted and I struggle to breathe, "Yuna, can you hear me?" He asks and I nod as my breath is short. "You need to breathe, take a deep breath in." I try to take one but fail, I try to concentrate on it.
"Deep breath in, through your nose." He says calmly, I shut my eyes tight and inhale deep through my nose. But then I think about how it felt to be so enclosed, I start to hyperventilate. "Yuna, Yuna.. breathe." I set my hands on my chest and I try to listen to him. Though I have my eyes closed, I feel people staring.
But thankfully Jungkook is talking calmly, and he isn't making a scene like I am right now. My hands shake as I cover my face, "Yuna." He calls me calmly, "Please reply to me." He says slowly. I'm about to when my lips shake, "O-Okay." I peep. "Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it.. slowly."
I attempt again, I slowly inhale like he said. "Hold it for three seconds." He explains as he counts to me in a whisper before I slowly let it out. It's a long shaky breath. "Do you think you can do it one more time?" He asks, I slowly nod. He does the process with me one more time, and I drop my hands from my face. I feel a whole lot better, "You okay?" He asks, I nod slowly.
"Here, stand up straight." He tells me, he gently grabs my hands and makes me stand up straight. I shut my eyes, "Yuna." He calls me. "Look, baby, you can move your arms. You're not in a small space." He tells me. I stretch my fingers and I finally look at him.
He grins, "Just breathe." He whispers calmly. I take a deep breath through my nose, I hold it for a few seconds before I let it out. My heart rate slowly goes back to normal, and I pull on him and hold him. "You're okay.." He tells me as he rubs my back, I turn my face into his shirt and tell myself I'm going to be okay.
His warmth and his scent makes me feel so much better, I tell myself to just think about him. I can smell the softener off his clothes, the slight smell of his cologne. I slowly grin to myself as I turn my face into him. I can tell that he's holding me gently, making sure not to hug me tight like he would normally.
"I'm back, you okay Yuna?" Jae asks, I nod quickly. Trying my best not to look like I was enjoying her brother's company, and look more like I had to hold someone. "I just needed to hold someone... I'm fine now.", "Here come." She calls me, I can hear a certain tone in her voice. Makes me think about how she probably doesn't want me hugging him like that.
Of course she wouldn't want that.
I let go of Jungkook and I hold Jae, I'd rather be holding Jungkook but I'm doing this so that she doesn't get mad at me for being all up on her snack of a brother. "Thanks Jungkook, I really appreciate you helping her.", "It's really nothing, I'm glad I could help." I'm finally okay and I pull away from her, Jungkook looks at me with concern all over his face.
I feel horrible for putting him through this because I don't like people worrying about me. I feel ugly for having a stupid reaction like that in public like this.
"I'm okay now, I'm so much better." I smile feeling normal again, I meet his eyes, those brown ones that stare into me. Like trying to make sure that I'm telling the truth, studying me. "Thank you Jungkook, I'm sorry if it worried you.", "It's okay, as long as you're fine now." He nods. I smile, "Yes, I'm fine."
For a few seconds we kind of just stand here, I awkwardly look away from Jungkook. When I look at Jae, she's of course on her phone. And of course, I see bitch ass Jimin's name on the message name. Ugh, I hate him. I then look back at Jungkook, he slowly grins at me and my whole stomach explodes.
I'm so very pregnant.
I feel my face get all hot and red, I slowly look up at the ceiling and then back at him and raise an eyebrow with my lips pulled together. Trying to give him a little bit of an attitude, it only makes him smile bigger, I turn my face away from him now. My face is too fucking hot right now to hide and he needs to stop.
"Who are you texting?" He asks Jae all of a sudden, my eyes widen. I feel Jae secretly shit her pants. "I wasn't texting anyone." I hear her reply. I slowly look at them, "I saw you on K-", "I think Mr Kim is calling us." She looks up and around frantically. She's so fucking obvious.
I look at Jungkook and he just shrugs while he rolls his eyes, I don't know why that is the hottest thing but it is.
After this very short conversation, everyone is done checking out so everyone meets up with Mr Kim so he can give us our plane tickets. He hands them out by group and I take the first two on top, Jimin and Jungkook take the next two, ooop.. well possibly be sitting together. The first thing everyone does is look at their seat numbers to see if they're sitting next to their friends.
My eyes widen.. How are Jae and I separated if we took the two next, Mr Kim laughs when he sees everyone's expressions. "I've shuffled up the tickets, no switching!" He explains. Everyone puts their ticket in their passport, I keep mine out and I stare at the seat number. Wouldn't it be great if, "Oh hey, our seats are right next to each other." I look up and my face turns pink.
My face gets so very hot, which makes everything so obvious.
"Ooooooh, hi Taehyung." I say, "Hey, Yuna right? You hang out with Jungkook's kid sister?" He gives me a boxed smile, I'm sure all girls die over it. I stare at him with a straight face, "She's the same age as us, but okay.", "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, completely ignoring my comment. "Why, I-" I'm about to ask, I'm then cut off.
"NO! She doesn't, she doesn't have a boyfriend. She's so very extremely single." My eyes widen and I look at Jae with fire in my gaze, feel my wrath. Burn bitch. She just smiles cheekily, "What? He's cute." She whispers, "I'm not interested." I mumble to her. "Just try him out.", "He's not a free sample." I add. "Soooooooo? You can taste him like you would a free sample."
I stared at her with a straight face, can I slap her across the face? "Your life is full of nothing exciting, try him out!" She whispers excitedly, I'm surprised that no one hears. Jae is kind of a really loud bitch, and since when does she get a say in what boys I think are cute? Oh shit. Yeah. When she made it evident she doesn't want me deep throating her brother.
I don't want to try Taehyung though, I'm sure he's a very- he's not as dense as he makes himself out to be? I don't know, I just don't want to try him like he's a bag of chips, nope. I can feel Jungkook's burning gaze. I could feel it in my neck like someone was burning me with a lighter on my bare skin. He should be burning Taehyung's skin, not mine.
I shake my head at her, "I don't want to." I finally tell her, loud enough for him to hear.
"Hey, Yuna. It was a joke I was just kidding." He laughs nervously as if embarrassed that he'd been rejected, which is probably something he's not used to. I look at Taehyung and Jungkook steps out behind him, "That sucks dude, you never get rejected. And now you're going to have to sit next to her all the way home." Jungkook says and I try to bite back a smile.
I know what he's doing.
"Awe shit dude, that's going to be awkward. I can't deal with that." He mumbles hysterically to Jungkook, "Hey, I'll tell you what, we can switch tickets and you can take my seat." Jungkook suggests. "Really? You'd do that?" Taehyung asks excitedly. "Yeah man, anyways.. my seat is next to that girl." Jungkook points to a girl behind me and I slowly turn to check.
It's that girl that kept trying to get on his dick, I can hear her bragging about how her seat is next to Jungkook's. How she's going to talk to him the whole ride home and he's going to finally like her back. "Oh she's cute." Taehyung says, "So do we have a deal?" Jungkook asks while holding out his ticket in front of Taehyung's face.
Taehyung quickly grabs it and shoves his ticket in Jungkook's chest.
Taehyung quickly walks away to God knows where and I put my ticket in my passport, and Jungkook puts his away as well. A body crashes into mine and I almost fall forward, I honestly hadn't even noticed that she had left. Better, I guess she didn't see Jungkook getting Taehyung to switch tickets. "Guess who I'm sitting next too?" She asks.
"You don't even need to tell me." I mumble. "So you should really talk to that cute guy and so we can have double dates hehe." I wonder if she would be mad if she knew that Jungkook got Taehyung to switch tickets with him. "He gave his ticket away." I tell her, "WAH!? To who?" Lie Yuna, just think up a lie.
"He gave it to the first guy he saw, which was your brother, I guess when I rejected him out loud he didn't want to feel awkward sitting next to me." She lets out a breath, "You were so close dude, how come you didn't say the truth? You don't have a boyfriend." That's not the truth though. "Now you have to sit next to my dumb annoying brother." She mumbles.
"He seems okay to me." I shrug, "Okay, well... whatever he's annoying to me." She tells me. "Of course he is, he's your brother. That's how being siblings works." I explain, "How do you know? You don't even have siblings." I chuckle, "Years of watching you." I pat her shoulder. She chuckles nervously, "Ooooooh."
Finally the whole group heads over to the bus that is waiting for us. It's a rather quick process to get through the airport and security, in no time we are on the plane. Jae smiles at me as she takes her rightful seat next to Jimin who is already looking at her with a certain gleam in his eyes. He catches me looking at him and he goes straight faced.
I give him a huge smile and flip him off, he rolls his eyes and looks back at Jae as she sits down next to him. I make my way about four rows away to sit with Jungkook, he stands quickly. "Do you want me to put your bag up there?" He asks, I nod and he helps me. I quickly look in Jae's direction but she's too distracted talking to Jimin.
"Thank you." I tell him shyly, interacting with him in such a small environment with all my classmates is a little nerve wracking. I'm a little scared to get caught, and I really don't want to get caught or have someone suspect something. The more I look around, everyone seems very occupied. Also, seems like everyone basically changed tickets to be with friends.
Everyone probably did that on the bus, I don't blame anyone. And Mr Kim thinks he was so smart to try to get everyone to be friendly with each other. He was really hopeful, not hopeful enough I guess.
We both sit down and he smiles at me, "What." I chuckle. "Nothing." He shrugs with that smile still on his face. I look down at my seatbelt as if checking if it's there, his stare is making me nervous. "Hey." He says trying to get my attention so I'm looking at him, which he succeeds. "Can I ask you something?" He asks, I nod. "How long have you... been like... claustrophobic?"
The first thought in my head is, why is he so nervous asking me this? It's not like he's asking me something completely inappropriate like.. something about my vagina. I don't think it's that big of a deal.
I pull my hair behind my ear, "Ever since I was little, I've always hated being in small places. It gives me really bad anxiety and I feel like I'm suffocating.." I explain. "That's why when we are in like a cramped bus, I make sure to get the seat next to the aisle seat, I try to control it as much as I can."
I shrug, "I don't really like to talk about it for some reason, I'm kind of ashamed of it. I don't like that I can't control myself that well when I have an attack. I don't like making a scene, and the thought of making a scene makes it worse." I meet his eyes, "Your sister is really the only one that knows, that's why she knows how to help me."
I stare at his face for a few seconds, "I'm pleased with the fact that you took care of me very well, you were really calm." I grin. He nods, "It's really the only logical thing to do when someone is in that state. Jae used to get a lot of anxiety attacks when my parents' business just took off, and she hated when my parents would be away for so long."
I remember that, it would happen a lot. "She kind of has really bad abandonment issues, I guess that's why she either latches onto you or me.. she doesn't like being alone." He lets out a breath, "Who is she sitting with anyways?" I try not to let my eyes pop out of their sockets. He sits up a bit, "Oh.. just with some girls." He says.
I sit up and look back, what the hell was he looking up at? I don't see Jae at all, he probably just looked quickly. Well, as long as he thinks she's sitting with- where is Jimin and Jae? Ugh! Whaaat the fuuuu- "Do you feel claustrophobic when I-" he whispers so low I almost don't hear him.
He takes my mind off of what the nasties could be doing right now. I sit back down in my seat.
I know what he's hinting at, when he lays on top of me. I blush and shake my head, "I actually really like it." I whisper just as quiet. He smiles, "Noted." Before we can talk about anything more we are instructed to put on our seatbelts and prepare for takeoff. And now I wonder if Jae and Jimin are back in their seats.
Once we are up in the air, it gets rather loud and there's a lot of talking in the cabin, I turn to him and he's already looking at me.
I smile and he leans against his seat and faces his body toward me, "Are you going to explain the gaze you gave me when your friend was trying me?" I ask, his face twists. "What gaze?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow and he blushes, "I was just getting jealous." He mumbles, I chuckle. "Why?" I ask. He looks down at his nails, "I don't know." He whispers.
I lean against my chair also, facing him completely and bringing my feet onto my seat. I wrap my arms around my knees and bring them to my chest, as if hiding my heart from him. It pounds for him so much, I blush. "You know I'm yours, right?" I say quietly only for him to hear, "In case you've forgotten." I look at him and he blushes.
"For a second I did." He whispers. I smile, "Maybe I can remind you somehow." He blushes really hard, "I wish I could kiss you." He whispers almost so very silent I couldn't even hear him at first, which makes me wonder if I was even supposed to hear. We then get lost in conversation, talking about more stuff we don't know about each other.
We did kinda like a 21 questions thing, and it was very interesting to find out more about something I thought I already knew so much about. We somehow fall onto the topic of our parents.
"I just feel like a stranger to my parents." I shrug, he nods. "No I get it completely, I feel that way about my parents too. They're always gone that it just feels like most of the time Jae and I don't even have parents, they send us money and that's it. Like when we get back home, they're already going to be gone for another trip." He shrugs and scratches his head.
"I wish I had like... more time with them." He looks down at his bitten nails, "And Jae is really lucky she has you.. you kind of distract her from that." Well now she's really going to be distracted by someone else, she doesn't need me anymore. "Hey." I scoot my head toward him, "You have me too." I tell him, he grins. "Yeah, I know." He whispers.
His eyes looking into mine. He picks up the arm rests that separates us, I drop one of my hands and hold it so that it's near my body so no one can see. He smiles and lets out a relaxed breath. I want to kiss him so very bad. His thumb runs up and down the side of my hand, I relax a lot against the seat. A flight attendant stands next to me, "It's pretty chilly, would you like a blanket?" She asks in English.
"Yes, please." I nod, knowing the word blanket luckily. And obviously seeing her with a cart of them. She hands it to me and I smile at her, I drape it over myself. It's not big enough to cover Jungkook, but he says that he's fine. I hold his hand on my lap since no one can see now. I feel all the blood in my body drain as his hand holds my thigh, inner thigh. I look at him and bite my lip, his face is very relaxed.
I leave his hand and hold my chest, my legs slowly opening without me even thinking about how this can get us in trouble. I see him sit a little stiffer, his hand massaging my inner thigh. I let out a heavy shaky breath. I move a bit in my seat, closer to him. His hand stops just inches away from the area I'm wanting him to touch.
His eyes stay staring into mine, they seem to sparkle. My tongue runs over my lips and I bite down hard as my hand touches his, I gently pull his wrist. I feel my body heating up as his fingers brush over my skin above my leggings, his lips part and I see him breathing rather hard. He extends his fingers and gently touches.
My hand grips his wrist. I feel myself get instantly turned on as his finger touches the right spot, my body reacting immediately to his fingers. My body must hate that we stopped this morning, it only wants what it needed at the time. My other hand pulls the blanket over my mouth, I inhale deeply. He gently leans his arm on my body, making sure to get the right angle.
I feel myself soaking my panties, this is so hot. Public things!? I never would've thought about doing stuff like this! I didn't think of him as the type either. I let out low breaths and try not to make too much noise, it feels amazing. My shoulders go up as I feel an intense stream of pleasure.
He's so soft I almost can't feel him at one point, I push down a bit on his fingers and I feel my whole body quiver like crazy. My eyebrows knit and I shut my eyes, "Fuck." I cry under my breath, I nearly kick the seat in front of mine when he brings his hand down the front of my leggings. With his hand down my pants I can feel how wet I am, I'm sure he can too.
He entered his fingers a little, then used his coated fingers to gently rub my nerve again. I'm trying so very hard to stay quiet and it doesn't help that I feel myself getting close to the part of this session where I begin to pass over the bridge of orgasm. Wow, my lady was very deprived.
I feel myself scratching extremely hard at his arm, when I look at him.. he's breathing very hard and his hand is over his- "I have to go to the bathroom." He gets up quickly and leaves our aisle. I'm then able to slow my breath, my part tingles in remembrance of his touch, pulsing for relief. I think he stopped at the right time before it would've been harder for me to control myself.
I mean, yeah, it's unfortunate that I didn't get to finish. But, I'd rather us not get caught because I can't shut up. Now I'm just uncomfortable and wet, like, really wet. Don't call me nasty, but I feel it in my crack. I'm going to have to go and clean myself after because, Jesus. I sit and wait for him to come back, my mind just keeps jumping to how good he is.
It's really unbelievable actually, how gentle he is. I wonder what got him off, the playing with me part or the fact that I couldn't stop scratching him. Maybe both, I know if I were to jerk him off it would be really hard for me not to get turned on. I already feel myself getting extremely wet just thinking about it.
Finally, after maybe twenty minutes, he comes back. I watch him sit slowly and he stays staring forward, "I'll be right back." I tell him, but he says nothing. I get up and walk toward the bathroom, I enter the small room and lock the door. I look at myself in the mirror, a smile slowly creeping onto my face.
I go pee and clean myself as much as I can, of course my underwear is basically a lost cause, which sucks because that's what's making me feel so uncomfortable. Good thing I'm wearing black leggings too, because they're pretty wet too. I look at myself in the mirror as I wash my hands. I dry my hands, fix my hair a bit, and head out of the bathroom.
I look down Jae and Jimin's aisle, and guess what they're doing!? Jimin's hand is suspiciously under her blanket, hmm. Good for them I guess. I quickly look away and head back to my aisle, I sit down and look at him. "I- um- don't know what got into me." He mumbles. I stare at him for a little bit, "Did you not want to touch me?" I reply, just as low.
He looks at me quickly, "No! No, I did. Believe me, I wanted to so very badly. That's why I did it, I meant.. the whole.. me-" I blush, "That's okay." I grin at him. "Is it though? You don't think it's gross?" He asks. I shrug, "What's gross about it?" I ask him. "I don't know, it was about you and.. I just got all-" he stops.
I smile at him, "That's okay." His eyebrows knit, "How is that okay?" I don't get why he's so very concerned about this. It's not like he was doing something bad by getting turned on. "You understand that if it was the other way around, I'd get turned on too.. right?" His expression changes. "I think it's a pretty natural thing, to get aroused when doing something to someone."
I blush, "Especially if you're doing it to someone you really like." He looks down at his wrist and I bite my lip really hard, FUCK. "Honestly, this was probably the thing that turned me on the most." I try not to let my mouth fall wide open, does... does Jungkook like pain!? I stare at him in utter shock. He smiles a little to himself as he runs his fingers over my nail marks.
I can see his veins sticking out, I don't know what's more hot. The fact that Jungkook might be really into BDSM, or the fact that his veins are sticking out. Don't ask me how I know what BDSM is.
He then looks at me and I know my face is all pink, he grins a little. "You didn't finish, did you?" He asked. I slowly shake my head, "Well, I guess I owe you one. Huh?" He mumbles in a certain voice that makes my part pulse, as if she was replying to him with such eagerness. I really don't know how to react to this side of Jungkook.
I would've never imagined that popular, good looking, shy and quiet boy Jeon Jungkook, would be into- "Noted." He smiles. I just stare at him as he gently covers up his wrist.
[ R E V I S E D ]
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