As I walk over to the sleeping area of the room, it is super hot. The air conditioner is on, I look at her. I cover my chest with my arms because my nipples are still hard and- I just don't want her to see my nipples period. They're all tingly because of Jungkook and his actions, ugh! I'm going to have to take another shower. A cold one.
A really cold one.
"The both of you didn't keep your hands to yourself.. did you?" she shrugged. "It was just kinda hard the second I was completely alone with him, we were against each other. And I was just so needy for him, it was like I hadn't had him in forever. Even though I barely had him in the morning.","Well, I can imagine how it would happen." I shrug, I act like I wasn't jumping on Jungkook right now like a flea on a dogs ass.
"It was so great though, like.. Jimin is SO generous." she blushes. WELL THEN, didn't need to know that. "Like he only cared about me again, he touched me and did things that every sexually active teenage girl deserves." she nods. Oh, so she is a sexually active teenage girl now. "That is very nice Jae."
I walk away from the mustiness of the sleeping area, we need some febreeze up in here. It's not that it smells, it just feels really hot. A very uncomfortable hot, the kind of hot that makes you feel sticky. It's humid basically. I walk over to the wall nearest to the bathroom, it is much fresher on this side of the room.
I almost forget about the damn mark on my neck, I pick up my shoulder and try my best to cover it if it's showing. "So how was it with my brother?" she asks, my stomach drops to the thought of what we could've done and the sweet time I had with him. Honestly, I wish the context of this question was in the way that it actually happened.
I wish that we could be on the same page, her knowing that I'm with her brother and she's okay with it. Unfortunately, I know it would never happen. It may be far fetched for a lot of people, but I know Jae. I've known her basically all my life and I already know what she would say about her brother and I.
"He slept all night thankfully." I nod, he slept all night with me in his arms and we kissed a lot. "Okay, good.. I was nervous you'd get caught." Yeah, sure. Bet you were so worried about me as Jimin's weiner was getting freaky deaky. I pretend I believe her, "Yeah, I was nervous too." Just like she's a big fat liar, I'm a big fat liar.
I was all cozied up next to her brother.. sniffing his neck and loving his warmth. Yeah, I've got major issues. They're called Jungkook issues. It's pretty crazy how in the span of a few days being with her brother and I've become a really good fibber. I was never this good in the past, but honestly I think I've just always had to lie about Jungkook.
But then again.. it wasn't an issue until recently when he started trying to make it obvious and it's even worse now because we are actually together. Wow, that feels so nice to actually admit that Jungkook is in a relationship with me. "Good thing he likes to sleep in." she adds. "Yeah, he slept the whole time I was up waiting for Jimin's text." she nods.
"He likes his sleep, he would sleep until twelve if he could." I think she's trying to make conversation so the atmosphere isn't awkward because I know she just got laid. "Really? He doesn't seem like the type." I mumble. "Hmm?" she hums in the tone of a question. "Oh no nothing, he just seems like the kind of guy that wakes up early." I shrug.
"Eh, yeah.. I guess. I wouldn't know I suppose, since our bedrooms are on different floors." I lean my hip against the wall. "You know, I owe you big time." she smiles. "Yeah, you do." More time with your brother. Oh bitch, shut up. I then shake my head, "No.. you know what, don't worry about it." I tell her. "Why not?" she looks confused and a bit surprised.
"Because people do things for their friends that make them happy." I look down at my nails, "Even if it is totally risky and crazy, I'd do anything for you." I instantly regret my words. "Well, if you ever have a boyfriend one day, I can do big favors for you too." She chuckles. "YeAh." I mumble feeling a little sad that it can't be Jungkook.
I wish it could be as easy as so many people think is should be to tell Jae about us, but it isn't being in my position. Especially knowing how Jae is, she already doesn't like Jungkook and I being friends.
"Well, as of right now I don't think that it will be required that you distract my brother. Jimin said that we could try to see each other during the week, so hopefully Jungkook will want to go with his girl this week." I lick my lips and try not to smile, knowing that I'm Jungkook's girl makes me feel so nice. "Yeah, maybe." I nod. "Mmm." She starts and I look at her.
"That kinda means that we can't hang out as much anymore during the week, we can hang out if Jimin and I don't want to hang out. Which most likely will be all week." I stare at her in disbelief. Just goes to show how easily she is willing to give me up for some dick, Jimin and his dick. Why is it that I've always known that this would happen if Jimin came into the picture?
I know how much Jae likes him, now her whole life revolves around him. And I'll just have to be here when she decides she wants to be my friend, when she isn't doing acrobatics in her bed with that mut.
I know I should be happy because that means that I could literally be with Jungkook all the time, but the fact that she immediately jumped to that conclusion and it's so easy for her to just not need me anymore.. Boggles my mind. "Please don't get mad at me." She frowns, and I wonder if she actually means it.
"I'm not mad, I'm just honestly thinking about how you're going to get Jungkook to leave." I try to hide the fact that I'm a little butt hurt that she would instantly choose Jimin over me. Only because he has a fucking penis, I bet he thinks it's amazing and shit but it's not. He's probably just lucky that Jae was a virgin and has never had anything better.
Oh my gosh, why am I thinking about this. I have to really just accept that Jae doesn't need me when she has Jimin. It sounds harsh but this is the reality now, and I can't act like I didn't have anything to do with this. I was the one that told her that there was something going on with him, I was the one that told her that he seemed to have a thing for her, I was the one that pushed her to talk to him.
I'm the one that played Cupid.
I had a big part in this, I put this on our relationship and I just have to let this run out. I have to let her see who he really is and get bored of him, haha.. I have such high expectations of her. "I don't know, I don't know if he's been talking to that girl. I don't even know who she is or what she looks like. I wonder a lot about her and if she is nice, I wonder if I'd like her."
She licks her lips, "Honestly, I want to ask him who it is." My mouth goes dry, her eyebrows knit. "The only person I've seen him talk to is you." she looks me up and down, as if disgusted. "Don't forget that you're the one forcing me on your brother, don't get any ideas." I quickly say out of nervousness. "No, ew.. I wasn't thinking of you and my brother."
That hits me in my heart and stomach. Why is it that she can say 'ew' about Jungkook and I, but it's not ew about her and Jimin. Honestly, I should be saying ew to her because literally their relationship is just a sex thing. It isn't even a relationship. I could bet that they literally had sex all night and morning, they didn't even have a single conversation.
I bet the only conversation they had was, 'does this feel good?', 'Yes'. "I was thinking that you could ask him who it is, so I can talk to her and tell her she should hang out with my brother." She then chuckles. "I bet if Jungkook ever lost his virginity, he would be all over her like a little baby." Wow, sounds familiar doesn't it? You with Jimin.
"I don't think guys are like that." I say. She looks at me, "What?" She asks. "Yeah, guys aren't all that with virginity. I mean, maybe your brother would care.. But not other guys, like how guys don't really care about whose virginity they take." Her eyebrows knit, "Are you trying to tell me that Jimin didn't care?" Well, she jumped on it really quick.
"It's just something to think about, I'm not saying he didn't. Maybe he cared at least a little." She looks really pissed now. "What?" her tone is really mad, "You don't think that he could be caring about me?", "Jae, JIMIN IS A FUCK BOY." I finally spit. "You don't know anything about him." She rolls her eyes, what is with her attitude? Holy shit.
"I know that he cares about me Yuna, and you can't say anything that is going to change my mind about it because he has even told me that himself that he likes me." I shrug and lick my lips, "All I'm going to tell you is unless Jimin is a baby and needs you to change his diaper, he's not going to change for you. You can't change people Jae, that's the harsh truth."
I tell her and her face softens. It gets very silet very quickly and she walks over to her bed and begins to fix the messy covers. "What time do you think we have to be down?" She changes the subject, but at least I know that I told her something. "Probably in a little bit." I tell her, "Okay.." she nods.
"We should get our things ready to go so that we won't have to when they send us up for our bags before we leave." She suggests. "You're right." I just go along with her and fake that everything is okay. I'm sure that this is what is best for us right now, we shouldn't be fighting about something I know she is invested in.
Jae is very hard headed, she is getting what she wants right now with Jimin. It's the one thing that she's wanted basically all her life, and nothing that I say is going to change her mind about him. Not me and not anyone else, probably not even her own brother can change her mind. Not now, not until Jimin physically does something.. And this is what worries me.
I don't want her to have to accept him and his mistakes that he will continue to make, just because she is so stuck on the idea of him. Though Jae acts like a spoiled brat ninety nine percent of the time, I still don't want her to get hurt.
So if I have to keep my mouth shut and let her figure it out on her own time with her own terms, I will let her. That is the only way she will learn, but I at least know that I tried to help her. She obviously hates when I'm being honest, she just doesn't want to hear it. But then again, she's heard it from me for years now.
I'll just be here, waiting.. I guess.
I quickly get a change of clothes and head into the bathroom to take a shower, I think we both need a moment away from each other after that heated conversation. I strip off my clothes and blush when I see the small mark in the mirror, and my breasts that he was kissing. Out of habit I cover my chest with my arms.
Jungkook would be upset.
He would tell me not to cover my body, as the water warms up, I tilt my head and look at my hips. They look a bit wider than I remember, should I be worried? When I notice the mirror fogging up, I turn and use my hand to check the water temperature. It's perfect, I step into the shower and my body feels relaxed instantly.
As if the tension that built up from Jungkook and Jae has been released from my body, I let out a relaxed breath. I pull my face into the water and let it soak my hair along with my whole body, I then turn and face the opposite direction of the water flow. I stare at the wall and I run my hands through my hair, making sure it's all wet and I can start to wash it.
I bend over and grab the hair wash, I scrub my scalp. Then grab the body wash and clean my body, when my hands got to my lady bits I'm not even in the mood to relieve myself because of the conversation I had with Jae. So I gently clean away the substance that coated my skin during the actions with Jungkook.
I quickly finish my shower and dress, I dry my hair with the towel and walk out of the bathroom to see Jae laying in her bed. I say nothing.
Basically the rest of the last day was one last tour and practicing English a lot more. At the end of the time in Paris, we were required to all share something in English that we did on our trip. How do I translate, "Lying to my friend." from Korean into English. "Shopping." is what I said, but sexy- I mean, Mr Kim said that I needed to say more.
"When I went shopping with.. Jae.. and I got a sweater." I tried to say as fluently as possible. He seems very pleased with me, "I am very proud of you." He nods. I bow to him then straighten my back, I feel eyes staring at me. Mostly the girl that was trying to touch my mans dick, why does she want his so bad?
Because it's good? Because I can say it is and she will never ever have it, and I'll just laugh in her face. Her eyes look me up and down, she rolls her eyes and slightly turns her head to face another direction, what is her issue? Can't she find dick somewhere else? I see like... twenty other boys there, okay.. exaggeration but there are like fifteen.
Can't she go and want to touch theirs? Her friends seem to be too infatuated with Mr Kim to dog me along with her, I don't know why they would.. but whatever. "Standing with.." it is Jae's turn and she turns to me and I help her. "My friend.. Yuna, under the tower. Nice lights." she nods, I'm honestly surprised that she is even saying something about me.
Maybe she's forgiven me for being a real bitch and telling her the harsh truth that no one else will say. "Next time, please try to do it on your own.. but that was very nice." Mr Kim smiles, I can hear all the girls literally peeing their pants. I ignore them, "Hanging out with my friend Jimin, was so cool." I hear Jungkook say, I honestly uwu so hard.
I just want to kiss his cheek and pet his soft hair. I see a lot of girls smiling, get off my mans dick! Oof, I'm being a little possessive. When everyone is done, we are all advised to go back to our rooms and grab our things to get onto the bus. We have about thirty minutes to get going, in the lobby I feel my blood boiling so fucking much.
That bitch, I don't even know her fucking name. She walks up to Jungkook with her hands behind her back, she tries so hard to look cute. "Hi Jungkook-ah, I was wondering if you were talking to someone?" She bats her eyelashes at him.
She has done her makeup today, like she's trying to impress him or something. Which is such a childish tactic, I've never done that. I'm always bare faced because if Jungkook is going to like me he will like me even with my ugly face. And he does so jokes on her.
His eyebrows slowly pull together, he scratches the back of his neck and he licks his lips, he seems to be uncomfortable with her stare. "Yes, I am actually." I see her dig her nails into her hands, why is she so mad? "Really, who is she?" She steps closer to him, he takes a step back. "That's really none of your business."
He tells her in the most kindest but pettiest tone I've ever heard in his voice. I lightly chuckle to myself and proceed to the elevator, I press the button to call an elevator. "Oh, well.. If that doesn't work out, think of me." She smiles. He says nothing and she skips past me, an elevator opens and she takes it for herself.
She smiles at me and sticks her tongue out at me as the doors close, okay.. Whatever. I slowly smile to myself. "Hey, you." He says as he stands next to me and we wait for another elevator. I look up at him as I raise my shoulder in a very coy way, "Think of me." I say in an annoying mimic, he chuckles.
I look around and there are no other students around, this elevator is taking forever. I pull my hands behind my back and bat my eyes at him, he just looks at me with a grin on his lips. "You'll think of me, won't you?" I tilt my head up at him, a small dimple appears on his cheek. I finally hear an elevator arrive and I turn towards it.
I then feel his hand pull mine from behind my back, he walks in front of me and enters the elevator as he faces me. The biggest smile on our lips, "You're my girl Yuna." He says in a low tone, only for me to hear as the metal doors close. Since we haven't put in a level yet, the doors stay closed and there is no movement of the metal cart.
"Even if I can't say it to the world, everyone will know that someone already has my heart." He then pulls up the hand he's holding, to his neck so that my fingers are touching his soft skin. My eyebrows knit and his expression changes, "I wish I could just.. Be with you and not have it be an issue, I want to show you off as mine." I bite my lip.
"One day, we can." He nods, his tone makes me want to cry so hard. I shut my eyes and pull his neck so our foreheads are against each other. His hand holds my face and I shut my eyes tighter, then I feel his thumb lift my chin. I wait for his soft lips and he kisses me slowly. I gasp against his lips when the elevator makes a 'ding' sound as the doors open.
Jungkook and I are off each other in seconds, it's just a random person and they walk in with a smile. It's a woman. She presses her floor and Jungkook presses ours. I look at him and he slowly slips his hands into his pockets, his eyes looking back at me. The woman gets off at her floor and we proceed to ours, when the doors open we walk out.
I'm the first to turn the corner, my eyes widen to the size of the damn moon. Jae and Jimin making out in the hall, how could they be so damn reckless? I turn and push Jungkook back, his eyes just look at me. Maybe he just thinks that I want to makeout with him, okay. I push him against the wall and he let's me, I look straight into his eyes.
"See me this week." I whisper, he slowly nods and he's about to lean forward when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn my head and it's Jimin, I give him a look and he slightly looks confused. Fucking idiot. Jungkook kisses my jaw before he gently removes us from this position. It's like his little tease to remind me we have a kiss waiting for later.
He simply walks away and my eyes fall to his ass, oooooooof. I wish I were those pants. Jimin is about to walk away when I shove him, "What?" he groans. "He could've fucken seen you fucken idiot, don't do it outside in the open." I whisper to him in an angry tone. "Fuck, sorry." he shrugs. "You don't care if you get caught do you?" I ask him.
He shrugs again, UGH!! I'M GONNA MAKE HIM SHRUG SO HARD THAT HIS HEAD WILL FALL OFF, BITCH. "Thought we were supposed to be allies." I mumble to him. "I'm just a fuck boy." he says, and I'm assuming that Jae told him. I just stare at him, "Stop saying shit about me, stop trying to make her think of me that way." he says sternly.
"Prove me wrong." I shrug, oh great.. it's contagious. "Don't cheat, don't micro cheat. Just leave your old habits in the past." he just stares at me and I don't know if he even understands what I'm saying. He's kinda stupid, it's like talking to a rock. "Just don't hurt her." I slowly shake my head, "That's all I ask." my eyebrows knit.
"Because she truly believes that you're the best guy in the world." I let out a breath, "She's so devoted to you." I turn away from him, "And if it were up to me, I wouldn't let her." I let out another breath, I shouldn't be so hard on him. For all I know, he probably actually does like her.
"I just don't want to be proven right, because if you really are the way I think of you being.. that just makes everything worse." it's silent, and I check to make sure this bitch didn't just walk away. He looks at me, "I get it, I really do. I get why you would tell her those things, but I let myself do all those things because I couldn't have her. Which is no excuse to act that way, but I was addicted.. I was trying to drown myself. Just like an alcoholic but with.. girls."
I stare at him. "I'm not doing this to use her, or to make her think I like her when I don't." he runs his fingers through his hair and I want to slap his hand to stop. Yuna, bitch, be nice. "It's far from that, I can't stop thinking about her. The way Jungkook feels about you is the way I feel about her."
I let out a breath, "Just.. keep your dick to yourself a little, she kinda can't stop talking about it." I roll my eyes, he smiles and even blushes. "Sorry, I just can't keep my hands off of her. I'm sure it's the same for you and him. It's all that sexual tension that has built up over the years." Ooooop, how'd he know. "But I'll try." he chuckles.
"You know, for a bitch.. you're not half bad." his mochi smile then goes away and he walks toward the room he shares with Jungkook. "Smell ya later." I tell him and he throws his tiny little middle finger up before he gets into the room. I laugh and head to my room, Jae already has the bags ready. I let out a small breath, I should apologize to her.
I was way out of line. "Jae." I call her, and she just stops moving the bags. "I'm sorry." I tell her, "I was out of line, I guess I'm just mad that all of a sudden it's about Jimin. And I just don't want you to get hurt because I thought I knew what he's like." She then faces me. "I just.." I look down at my nails, "I just talked to him outside." I shrug.
Again with the shrugging, punch me please.
"He was pretty mad about what I've been telling you and he set me straight." I then look up at her and she smiles, "Jimin is not that bad actually." I confess. "For now though, I want to see if he is telling the truth." I let her know that I'm still going to keep an eye on Jimin, I won't let him get off the radar so quickly. I'll be ready to snip his balls at any moment.
She smiles and raises her shoulders up to her ears, "He's really great, you ought to hang out with us one of these days." She suggests. "Eww Jae, and be the third wheel while he touches you under the table?" She blushes, "Fine, maybe it's not such a good idea since I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable anyway."
So what she's telling me is that I was speaking the truth, Jimin would touch her under the table.
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth, huuuu.
"Yeah, I honestly would." I licked my lips as I grab my duffle bag and sling it on my shoulder. She also gets her bag and we head out of our room making sure that we have our hotel key, it's a swarm of people in the hallway from our school. I feel a little hand grab onto my arm as I lead the way. We have to wait a while for the elevators, then everyone tries to cram into the three elevators.
I try to breathe as I get a little claustrophobic, "It's okay Yuna. It's only for a few seconds." Jae reassures me, I nod and try to breathe. But I feel myself hyperventilating, and I only get more anxious when I accidentally inhale a girls hair into my mouth. I'm relieved when the doors open and everyone pushes out, I step out and walk far away from the group.
I shut my eyes and drop my bag as I set my hands on my knees and try my best to breathe, my heart is racing. "Yuna, are you okay?" Jae asks me, I slowly nod. "Mmmhmm.", "Here let me take the keys, you stay here and breathe." I shake my head, "Don't leave me." I tell her. She frowns, "Oh! Jungkook, come over here really quick." Jae calls her brother.
[ R E V I S E D ]
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