5: Meeting the Gang
A/N: Enjoyy. Keep voting and commenting xxx
It's 3:30, why is Selena still asleep? Don't jet lags ware out by now? It's really time to wake her up. I knock on her bedroom door, no answer as I expected. I make my way inside to see Selena peacefully sleeping on the bed, under the covers. She looks like an angel, wait what? I walk over to her and gently shake her ,"Selena, Selena! It's time to get up now it's 3:30 in the afternoon"
"Mom. Five more minutes! Please" I laugh at her remark.
"Selena this isn't your mum. This is Harry and it's 3 in the afternoon. You really need to get up now!"
"But I don't wanna!" I can't help but smile at how cute she sounds.
"Selena, I'm going to count to five and if you don't get up, I promised I'll throw a bucket of ice cold water on you!"
"Alright, Alright I'm up. Jeez you're so annoying!" She grumbles as she throws the covers off her body.
"Come on go freshen up, lunch is downstairs"
"Asshole" she mumbles which cause me to laugh
"I heard that!"
"You're supposed to!" And with that I head downstairs.
Suddenly my phone rings, I look at the ID and it's Louis.
H~Sup Mate?
L~I'm good Harold but the boys and I haven't heard from you in a week mate. How much time are you spending with this Selena?
H~Just showing her around, she's really nice and not to lie extremely beautiful.
L~Beautiful aye? Hazza I haven't heard you use that word for a woman in a long time. I'm happy for you mate. So when do we get to meet this miracle worker? The guys and gals are all dying!
H~How about tonight? She won't mind for sure. All of you guys decide a place and text me? Selena and I will reach there then?
L~Sounds like a plan mate. Okay done. So I'll text you time and place. Don't be late Haz, we're all dying to meet this girl!
H~You guys are going to love her, trust me! Okay do tell me. Bye Lou.
L~Bye Harry.
With that I end the phone call and see Selena descending down the stairs.
"Morning sleepy head!" I joke.
"Morning" she says with a smile. I walk into the kitchen and take out her plate and hand it to her. We sit on the couch and turn on the telly.
"So Selena. Any plans for tonight?" I ask.
"Considering the fact that I literally know no one or nothing, nope. No plans."
"Good cause I want to take you somewhere. A dinner with my four best mates and their significant others. What do you say?"
"Sure! I'd love to make some new friends around here! But like what if they think I'm annoying and don't like me?"
"Chill. They'll love you! Be ready by 8!" I say as I get up.
"Wait Harold. Fancy or casual?" She asks.
"Wear a dress. Look sexy, like you usually do" I kiss her cheek and make my way up the stairs.
After final touches on my hair I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a skin tight, dull yellowish dress, with a golden pattern in the middle from my collar bone till the hem of the dress which reaches a little above my knees. It's has a sleeveless dress. I have on golden high heels and a golden clutch. My hair is in my natural curls reaching my lower back and my makeup is very light. Just a little mascara and lipstick. And I've painted my nails black. God I hope I don't look over dressed, I hope they like me-
My thoughts are interrupted by Harry screaming my name," Selena! We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!"
"Hold your horses Harold" I say as I grab my purse and head out the door. I reach downstairs and speak,"What do you think?" I ask Harry and give him a slight swirl.
"Wow. You look gorgeous. Wow" I blush at his comment.
He's wearing suit pants and a fancy shirt, with a hat over his head. "You look handsome" I compliment.
"Why thank you! Shall we?" He asks extended her hand for me.
I grab his hand, "We shall".
The entire card ride I was extremely nervous, what if they don't like me? Am I over dressed. Harry noticed my erratic thoughts and placed his hand on my knee.
"Calm down Sel. They're going to love you. You look amazing, you're not over dressed or anything. Just breathe" I giggle which causes him to question," What?"
"This is the first time you've called me by my nickname."
"You don't like me calling you Sel?"
"Nope I do" with that he shots me a smile. Harry pulls into a parking area near a very expensive looking restaurant, looking at the people entering and exiting I sighed in relief knowing I'm not over dressed. Harry opens the door for me and intertwines our fingers together, which I don't mind at all.
We walk inside and a waiter immediately confronts us,"Hello, how can I help you?"
We both shot him a smile,"Reservation for Tomlinson"
"Right there sir" the waiter points to a full table involved in their own conversation and Harry nods at the waiter.
Still hand in hand, Harry walks us over to the table. He squeezes my hand reassuring me that everything is going to be fine. As we reach the table everyone gets up looking at us. A couple approaches us first, "Hello love, I'm Louis and this is my wife Eleanor!"
"Hi I'm Selena!" I take out my hand for him but he hugs me, which catches me by surprise but I hug him back. He pulls away and then Eleanor hugs me as well. "Sorry we're hugers" she says with a smile on her face.
Next another couple approaches us, the girl speaks up,"Hey. I'm Sophia and this is my fiancee Liam!" I reintroduce myself and I'm embraced in their hugs.
Next a single guy comes to me," Hi love, I'm Niall. The single one!" He says and hugs me.
Next the last couple comes. The girl is behind the guy so I can't see her face the guy speaks up, "Hello love, I'm Zayn and this is my girlfriend."
"And I'm-" the girl begins to speak but her eyes widen as they see me, mine widen as well.
"SELENA?" She squeals.
"G, is that really you?" I ask in a all hyped up voice. We hug for what felt like forever and pull away to see everyone staring at us in confusion.
Harry begins,"How do you two..?"
"Selly and I went to high school together, then we were roommates in college making us even closer. I've been trying to contact you for so long Sel. My phone got stolen and I lost your number!"
"I see you on the cover of every magazine, you're a supermodel G! Finally living your dream. Figured. I tried contacting your agent but she wouldn't budge."
"Don't take her shit personally. She's a bitch"
"Let's dig in shall we?" Niall suggest
"So Selena when was the last time you saw Gigi?" Liam asks.
"About 7 months or so. Like during college and after she had started modeling and I knew she would make it big time, I was just surprised that within a few months she's huge! So wait the British guy you were dating was Zayn?"
"Yeah. Almost one and a half year now"
"So Selena, how do you like London? Missing America?" Eleanor asks with a smile.
"Yes and no, I mean I needed a change but I really miss Gemma and my little sister Gracie"
"How many siblings do you have?" Sophia asks with a smile.
"Just one. My younger sister"
"How is Gracie? Haven't seen her in so long? How're your parents?" Gigi asks.
"Gracie's good going into first grade soon. My parents got a divorce. So now custody battle over Gracie." Gigi puts hand on top of mine.
"I'm sorry Selly. How's your no good of a boyfriend Sam?" She asks while rolling her eyes.
"I finally broke up with him!" I say.
" Really! Thank God! You deserve so much better Selly. What made you open your eyes?"
"Well...he kinda.."
"Wait did he cheat on you? I swear to God I'm going to cut his balls and shove it up his ass-"
Everyone laughs at Gigi's comment including Me.
"I'm with you Gigi. I'd kick that bastards Ass" Harry speaks up.
"Guys. I really appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. I don't care about him"
Eventually all the girls moved on one side of the table and all the guys on the other. Eleanor was telling us about how Louis and her spent their wedding anniversary, after she was done, Gigi leaned in on all try girls so that the guys won't hear,"Sel, just so you know Harry keeps checking you out" I blush at her words.
"Gigi is right Selena, he so likes you. I'm telling you. He's looking at you right now" Sophia tells me. I use my side eye and indeed Harry was looking at me. Oh God! I'm probably red as a tomato right now.
"You know what Louis told me guys?" Eleanor asked. We all nodded in unison for her to continue.
"When Lou was on the phone with Harry, Harry kept telling Lou that we would love Selena and he also called you gorgeous and beautiful. "
The three of the girls silently gasped.
"Sel, since his ex, he refers to girls as items, calling them hot and sexy and saying how he could tap that. He hasn't used a word like beautiful for a girl in a long time" Gigi tells me.
"Look she's blushing, she definitely likes him too." Sophia remarks.
"I do not." I say while they all wiggle their eyebrows.
"Ladies, the guys and I have decided we want to head to the club. What do you say? Wanna join?" Liam inquires.
"Yes" we all say in unison.
We slowly exit the building one by one following Niall after who all the couples are following.
Harry laces our fingers together. I love the feeling of his warm hand in mine. Maybe the girls are right. Maybe I do like him?
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