35: I'm Here
So right now I'm on a plane to New York. Yesterday Selena made me the happiest man alive. She told me that she's pregnant. I'm going to be a father. Selena and I and our unborn child will start our new life together. I can't believe that how amazing everything is turning out these days.
I grab a cab and make my way over to Selena's house. I have a spare key so I just use it and head inside. I quietly place my luggage in the living room and head to look for Selena. I wanna scare her. I see her in the kitchen, her back towards the door as she's cooking something. I walk closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist from the behind. Selena flinches and turns around but as she sees me she smiles. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me. I lift her up slightly and twirl her around.
I give her a small peck on the lips,"How's my beautiful wife doing?"
"Now that you're here, I'm amazing!" Selena smiles at me.
We walk into the living room hand in hand. We sit on the sofa, I wrap an arm around Selena's waist while one of my hands rests on her stomach. Selena rests her head on my chest.
"So are we going to re everyone about the pregnancy thing as well or first just the marriage thing?" Selena asks.
"I think we'll tell both. It'll be better to tell them now then later!" I say and Selena nods.
"So I told my parents I'll be coming over at around 8-9 so you tell yours we'll come around 6-7" Selena says.
"Okay I'll call Gemma right now to tell them" I take out my phone from my pocket and dial Gemma.
She answers immediately,"Hello Gemma?"
"Harry. How have you been?"
"I'm great actually. Listen I'm in New York for a business thing. I got here awhile ago so I wanted to see my family. So if you could go over to mum and dad's tonight around 6?"
"Yeah okay. But are you going to see Selena? Have you talked to her?"
I look down at Selena and smile at her,"I'll tell you about that later. I have to go now. Bye!" I hang up before she can ask further questions.
So now it's 5:30 and I'm waiting for Selena to get ready,"I'm coming!" Selena announces walking down the stairs.
She comes and stands in front of me in a long sleeved black dress with red,blue, green and white stripes that fell to Selena's ankles. Her hair was open and she looked absolutely gorgeous as always.
"You like?" She asks giving me twirl.
"I love" I say and lean in and peek her lips.
"Selena, I want to ask you something."
"Yeah?" Selena says raising an eyebrow.
I get down on one knee and take out a ring box from my pocket,"Selena, I love you, so much. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I never ever want to lose you. 10 days ago when I came to New York on your birthday I never thought that when I get back to London I'll be a married man and that you'd be my wife. Everything was all so sudden but will you do me the honors of marrying me again in front of all our friends and family?" I say and open the box with an engagement ring I had gotten a few days ago im London.
Selena smiles at me,"Yes! Ofcourse I'll marry you in front of everyone! I love you!" I get up and kiss Selena on the lips as we pull away I take out the ring from the box and put it on Selena's finger.
Selena's features soften as she eyes the ring,"Haz, this is gorgeous and too big. Why'd you have to spend so much money on me?"
"I'd spend everything I have on you without any hesitation" Selena smiles at me and cups my face in her hand, she kisses me on the lips briefly and grabs my hand.
"Shall we?" She asks.
"Yes we shall!" I smile at her and we head outside.
We reach my childhood neighborhood. Harry parks the car near The Styles' house and we get out of the car. Harry grabs my hand and smiles at me. We reach The Styles' house, Harry squeezes my hand and knocks on the door.
The door opens by a smiling Anne,"Harry! Selena! Are the two of you back? Come here you two!" She says and hugs the two of us. She pulls away and gives us space to enter.
As we enter the house, Des comes and greets us,"What a surprise seeing you here Selena!" He says after he hugs Harry and I.
We take a seat in the living room Gemma comes downstairs',"Sel? What are you doing here? Are the two of you back together?" She asks as she sits beside Des and Anne on the couch opposite to us.
"Well, about 10 days ago I came to New York on Selena's birthday and one thing led to another. We got married!" Harry says smiling.
"You're married! That's great! I'm so happy for you both! Come here!" Anne says getting up as we do to and hug her.
"Selena, you're legally my daughter! I always wished for Harry to end up with someone like you!" Anne says.
"You got married ten days ago you didn't bother telling me? You're a pretty bad best friend! But I'm happy for you!" Gemma says and she hugs me.
"Also for you Haz! You finally did something right!" Gemma says hugging Harry causing everyone to laugh.
After Des congratulated us, we once again took a seat," There are two more things that you should know" Harry said.
"And what's that?" Gemma asks.
"Well. One, we're going to get married again soon in front of all our friends and family back in London!"
Everyone smiles,"That's amazing! I can't wait!" Anne says.
"And second, Selena's pregnant" Harry says with an ear to ear grin.
"What? Oh My Goodness! Wow! I'm so happy for the two of you!" Anne says.
After an hour or so we decided to head to my house. We knock on the door and it was opened by my mother,"Selly! I missed you!" My mum says pulling me into a hug. Then she hugs Harry,"I see you two are back! I knew you would be!" She smiles.
We greet my dad and Gracie who attaches herself in Harry's lap. Looking at how Harry handles Gracie I just know he's going to be a wonderful dad!
"So the news is that, we got married. On my birthday! A week ago!" I tell my parents.
"Aww, I'm so happy for the two of you!" My mum says.
"Also we're going to get married soon in front of all of our friends and family!" I say.
"That's great! I'll help you with the planning Selly!" My mom smiles.
"Congratulations to the both of you. I know you'll always keep my little girl happy!" My dad says, Harry looks at me and smiles.
"Don't worry Sir, I will!"
"There's also one other thing!" I say. My parents raise an eyebrow at me,"You guys are going to be grand parents by the end of this year!"
Both of my parents jump from their seats and hug Harry and I,"I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you two!" My mom says.
"Thanks Ma" I smile at her.
"So you're going to move to London again Sel?" Dad asks.
"Yeah. Very soon actually"
"You're wedding. Is it going to happen after the baby is the born or before?" My mum asks.
I look at Harry,"We still haven't decided. Preferably before!" I say.
"Yeah I agree!" Harry says.
"Then the two of you better start the planning!" My mom says making us laugh.
I guess we have a wedding to plan!
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