25: Surprise!
"Her debut album Revival sold a million copies in just two weeks. She just had her third consecutive #1 single. Ladies and Gentlemen put your hands together for Selena Gomez!" Jimmy Fallon announces.
The curtain lifts and I walk on stage, I wave and smile at the audience. I reach Jimmy who gets up and hugs me. I take a seat and so does Jimmy.
"Hi how're you doing? You look gorgeous!" Jimmy compliments.
"Thank you! I'm doing well, how are you?"
"Good, good. Thank you for asking. Hands to Myself is your third consecutive number 1! Congratulations! How do you feel?"
"Thank you, honestly all of this feels like a dream. I'm so grateful for all the support I'm getting and my fans who I've recently leaned are called "Selenators" are super supportive of me on social media especially. I feel so lucky!"
"Well the album is great. Hands to Myself is literally always on repeat at my house. My wife especially loves it. But indeed your fans at amazing. I was reading that your Revival World Tour that starts on March 4, like a month from now is all sold out and several fans are demanding bigger arenas!"
"Yeah that's true. My manager Anna was telling me about all the shows being sold out and I was shocked. However about 10 or so seats are still available in every arena, the fans can enter a contest. You can go to selenagomez.com for the details!"
"Well you guys better log onto it now! There's still a chance for you to see her live!" Jimmy says looking towards the camera as I just smile.
"So where are you starting your big tour from?"
"Here actually. From New York! My hometown!"
"And where is your last stop and when?"
"My last stop will be on 2nd February next year in London!"
"So the tour will last about a year. You mentioned that New York is your hometown but you don't live here currently do you?"
"Actually no I don't. I live in London"
"What made you move to London?"
"Well actually I was previously a dancer and got transferred to London. After that I just fell in love with London!"
"Did you fall in love in London or with London?"
The audience and I laugh at Jimmy's comment,"Both actually!"
"So besides London's actual beauty, there are several people that make you not want to leave London?"
"Well yes."
"So now Selena, I'd like you to play a game with me. If you don't mind?"
I smile at him,"Sure! Let's do it!"
Jimmy and I played "The Acting Game" and then I went to get dressed for my performance. I've been in New York for more then a week now and as much as I have missed this place, I want nothing more then to go back to my Haz. Tomorrow is actually Harry's 30th birthday and I'm throwing a surprise party for him with the help of Louis, Gigi, El, Soph & Zayn. We haven't told Liam and Niall about the party yet as both of them can't really keep a secret so it's just us for now. We're inviting all of his friends and family who live in London. It's going to be great!
"Sel, come on. You're going to be on stage in 5!" Theresa says.
I follow her out of the dressing room and intertwine our arms together, "Sorry I just got distracted!" I apologize.
"Thinking about Harry aye?"
"Ah, you know me so well! I'm so excited about tomorrow!"
"I'm sure you are!" Theresa smiles at me.
I got on the still dark stage and stand near the microphone.
"Her revival tour is starting March 4th! You can still win tickets, just log onto www.selenagomez.com for the details. This is her third number one single! Ladies and Gentlemen Selena Gomez with Hands to Myself!"
The audience starts clapping and lights on stage turn on,"Can't keep my hands to myself, no matter how hard I'm trying to.."
I finish the song that everyone starts to clap. Jimmy comes and joins me on stage with my record in one of his hands. "Go log onto to selenagomez.com to win tickets. Selena Gomez ladies and gentlemen! Revival out Now!" Jimmy announces and then gives me a hug.
Theresa and I head to Gemma's apartment to grab our stuff as we don't want to be late for our flight.
"I'll see you in a month Gems! I love you!" Gemma and I hug and say our goodbyes!
On the way to the airport I call Harry,"Hey Haz!" I try to sound a little disappointed.
"Hey, how was the Jimmy Fallon Show?"
"It was great. I had a blast. However I have some bad news."
"What is it? Everything alright?"
"My flight for tonight got delayed. Due to some technical difficulties. The earliest flight to London is actually at 10 pm tomorrow. I won't be able to make it tomorrow!"
"It's alright Sel! I'll see you soon though" I could tell he was a little disappointed. Meaning he bought it.
"Harry, it's your birthday tomorrow!"
"I know. But it's alright Selena. Don't worry about it!"
"You sure?"
"Yeah Selena. We'll celebrate when you get back. Listen babe I gotta go, I'll talk to you later?"
"Yeah okay. I'm sorry Harry!"
"Hey, it's alright. Take care. I love you!"
"I love you too. Bye" with that Harry hangs up.
"He bought it?" Theresa asks.
"Yup!" I smile at her.
As we reach the airport I take out my luggage and head to the gate. I give Theresa a big long hug,"You'll come to London in two weeks right?"
"Yes Sel I will. I'll miss you though. Now go throw Harry the best birthday ever!"
"Thanks T! I love you!"
"Love you too. Byee!" Theresa smiles at me. I wave to her and head inside the gate.
Hopefully this will be Harry's best birthday ever.
I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of bumped they Selena won't be here for my birthday, the first one since we've been together. But it's not like it's her fault. She can't make it, she has no choice. Plus I can celebrate a day later. It's alright. I just want to see her soon. I miss her way too much. And it's only been 10 days. What the fuck will happen to me when she's on tour?
I was casually watching telly when my phone rang, without looking at the ID I answered it. "Hello?"
"Hey Haz!" Zayn speaks on the other line.
"Sup Mate?"
"Nothing really was bored decided to call you up. So Harry what are your plans for celebrating the big 3-0 tomorrow?"
"Well it's a Monday, so work till 7 also Selena's flight got delayed so she won't be coming tomorrow. So I'll probably just be spending the next day with her or something"
"Selena won't be here tomorrow? Well that sucks. I'm sorry. Maybe if you aren't too tired after work, all of us can gather at a restaurant or club? Whatever you like."
I smile,"Yeah that'd be nice! You guys make a reservation and let me know. I'll come there at around 8?"
"Sounds like a plan! Haz, Gigi is calling me. I'll have to go! Talk to you later mate. Byee!"
"Bye!" I say and Zayn hangs up.
The next day goes by pretty fast. Honestly it doesn't even feel like my birthday. Just a few texts from friends and family. My parents called me and so did Gemma. People at work wished me but other than that nothing special. I really wish Selena was here with me on my special day.
At around 6:45, I say goodbye to my co-workers and head back home. I reach at home at around 7:15. I unlock my door and as soon as I turn on the lights a bunch of people scream,"Surprise! Happy Birthday Harry!" A smile automatically appears on my face seeing all of my dear friends and family.
"Guys. You didn't have to do all of this for me! Thank you all so much!" I go and greet everyone.
"Haz, why don't you go upstairs and freshen up. The party isn't going nowhere!" Gigi suggests and I nod.
I head upstairs to my bedroom. As I close the door a voice speaks behind me,"You really didn't think I was going to miss your 30th birthday did you?"
I know that voice too well. Fingers crossed that I'm not dreaming. I turn around with a smile on my face and see Selena standing next to my closet looking gorgeous as well in a pink dress. I run to her and hug her and lift her off the ground. I put her down and kiss her lips. Our lips move perfectly in sync we both pull away to catch our breath, our foreheads touching. We smile at each other.
"I thought your flight got cancelled?"
"I lied. I really wanted to surprise you. I got her at around 2, been working on this party for a month now!"
"You are really are the best. You know that? I love you so much. Thank you for all of this. Even though my birthday would have even been perfect just spending a day with you!" I smile at her.
"I love you too. Is this your best birthday yet?"
"Most definitely!"
"Then my mission is accomplished!" Selena exclaims proudly causing me to laugh at her. "Now go on, freshen up! Your guest are waiting for you!"
"Right, right! I'll be back." I say and head to the bathroom.
Once I'm all freshened up, Selena and I head downstairs hand in hand.
"Thank you so much for doing this guys!" I say to my friends.
"Hey, this was all Selena! You're really lucky you have her!" Louis says.
I look at Selena who's across the room laughing with Eleanor about something,"I'm the luckiest man alive!"
The party was amazing,I had a great time and this is definitely a day that I would not forget. Everyone just left and now I'm just cleaning the place up.
"Selena, for the last time put away the broom. I want you to rest. You're probably exhausted and jet lagged. I can do this myself!"
"Harry, I have no problem helping you our cleaning so hush up!"
So Selena and I ended up cleaning the place within half an hour. By now it was 11 pm. We were both sitting on try living room couch.
"Wow it's late!" Selena exclaims.
I grab her hand and give it a little squeeze,"Stay with me tonight?"
"I would want nothing more." Selena smiles at me.
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