This boy hes...different
Before I start this chapter I'd like to give a thanks to Sndfoxx for recommending this. Thank you very much! Enjoy!
☹︎CC's pov☹︎
It was just the same as always they pick on me, they laugh at me, they pity me, they call me names. It never changes but just because I'm used to it...doesn't mean the tears don't stop falling from my eyes. "Stop it! Please!" I beg the kids to stop but of course it doesn't work. One of the kids shoved me to the ground and poured water on me and threw the bottle at my face.
'Great. Now my shirt is soaked.'
After that all the other kids behind started to pull my hair. Once they all start laughing I curl up into a ball and cry some more. I couldn't stop crying. "Hey! Leave him alone!" I didn't bother to look behind me because that person is most likely not talking about me. No one would ever do something like that especially for me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when one of the kids was thrown to the ground. I start to hear whispers around me. "Doesn't he know about him being a you know..." "Exactly what does he think he's doing?" "I know ri-" "Hey I can hear you two over there! And I don't like what I'm hearing! So go away!" I look up to see another boy. He's a bit taller than I am, he wore a blue shirt with two white stripes in the middle, he had brown hair, along with strange but beautiful golden brown eyes. I was so concentrated on the boys appearance I didn't even noticed that the kids who were picking on me ran off. "Are you okay?" The boy asked me I got scared and backed up. "Hey it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you!" The boy said with a smile on his face. "I'm Gregory! What's your name?"
"Evan." "Nice to meet you Evan! Are you hurt? I got some things in my school bag that might help." "Not really." I mumbled. "That's good. Do you wanna be friends." I was shocked when Gregory asked this question it's something I never heard before and thought I'd never hear. "I-...I would like that." He smiles before looking me up and down. "Your shirt seems to be soaked...I got an extra hoodie in my bag if you want." "No no I-" "To bad!" He says before dragging me to the bathroom. I blush as he's holding my hand. He takes off his back pack and pulls out a hoodie that might be a little big on me. Why should I complain about it though something is better than nothing right? He give me the hoodie and I thank him. "Thank you Gregory." "No problem!" I go into one of the stalls and change into the hoodie.
'I was right it is a little bit I big on me.'
The hoodie went past my waist and the sleeves kept rolling down. The pockets were filled with lollipop sticks and candy wrappers. I exited the stall and Gregory smiled at me I blushed. "You look great Evan." "Really?" "Mhm. You should keep it." "Are you sure isn't this yours?" "Don't worry about it I have a ton of hoodies anyway." "Okay. Thank you Gregory." "Like I said no problem!" We go to the play ground since it was still break time.
'These things he's saying..."No problem" and "You look great" no one has said these things to me at this what having a friend feels like? If so I like it.'
☺︎Gregory's pov☺︎
'This boy...he seems very shy and timid and when I tried to help him he looked scared. Is he usually like this?'
☹︎CC's pov☹︎
I noticed that Gregory has been stareing at me for a while. Why? I don't know. He seems in deep thought.
'His face is really cute like this...wait a minute. Shut up shut up you shouldn't be thinking these things!'
I shake my head to get the thoughts out of my head. Then something unexpected happens. Gregory moves closer and when I say closer I mean closer.
'So close...'
He fixes my hair and puts his hand on my forehead. I turned pink and pushed him off of me screaming before hiding my face in the hoodie he gave me. "Ow ow ow!" I hear Gregory yell. "Eh?" "I'm sorry Gregory! I really shouldn't have done that. You just-" "It's fine I know you didn't mean it. Say your forehead it's very hot. Are you sick? If so I can take you to the school nurse." "No no I'm alright it's just...umm" Gregory tilts his head. "What?" "Nothing." I say looking away. "If you say so. Just don't make me worry like that. Even though I've only known you for a little while I do care about you."
'He cares about me...'
The bell rings and we both pack up for home but before I could get my back pack Gregory stopped me. "Hey do you have a phone or maybe an ipod?" "I have an ipod." "Good good. Here text me when you get home." He says handing me a piece of paper then running off.
»»————> Time Skip <————««
Once I got home I went straight to my room and texted Gregory.
Texting with (number)
Evan's pov
Hello is this Gregory?
Yeah how was your
ride home
That's good n if u
want u can put my
contact as GG
GG? I don't
GG Gregory
Glamrock 😂
Oh. Alright then.
What is the picture
U mean emojis
Emojis? I also don't
understand this.
Dude haven't u
texted someone
No. Sorry.
It's okay do u see a smile
face in the corner of
ur keyboard
Okay tap on that
I tap on the smile face and more pictures come up.
Okay those are
emojis u can use
them to say how
u feel try one
Oh did I do
No I'm just
always sad.
'Well now I'm kinda lying since when I'm with Gregory I'm really happy.'
Dude...u okay
I can't pay for
it though.
Oh my goodness
Gtg cya at school
I was disappointed that he had to leave but he has a life.
'What does gtg mean?'
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