"That was amazing!" I yelled, enthusiastically.
I couldn't imagine how loud I was being. For the last hour and a half all I could hear was the roaring of the engine.
Grant laughed. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You were great out there. If you keep going like that, I'll be out of a job in no time."
I placed my hand on his arm. "I had a great instructor."
Before I knew what was happening, Grant lifted me onto the car. He sat me on the hood. He pulled me into him, kissing me. I kissed him back, full of passion.
When he put me back on the ground, I could barely stand. He helped steady me. It was that kind of kiss, the kind that makes you lightheaded and your legs wobbly.
"Are you okay Rinnie?" Grant looked at me concerned.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm great."
"You sure?"
After a few minutes, I came back down to earth.
He leaned me carefully against the car. "Are you good to wait here while I pull the car around?"
"Yeah, I'll be good." I smiled reassuringly at him.
He stared at me a moment, hesitant. "Okay, I'll be right back."
"Okay." I responded.
My heart raced when I saw him driving back to me. He was in a ginormous shiny black limo.
He hopped out and opened the door for me. "You like my new ride?"
"No, I love it." I walked over and climbed into the passenger side. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He closed the door behind me.
When he got back in, I turned to him. "This is yours? You have a limo?"
I knew Grant had money, but I never in a million years thought he'd own a limo. He just didn't seem to care about those kinds of things.
He laughed. "I have a limo."
"Not that I have a problem with it, but what are we doing in your limo?"
He started up the car and headed down the road. "It's a surprise."
"Another surprise? Grant, you've done more than enough for me. You don't have to do anything else. You're spoiling me."
"You better get used to this, because I will always spoil you. There are never too many surprises Rinnie. Besides it's way too late to go back now." He let his one hand hang.
I took his hand and held it. I sat there, full of excitement and anticipation. I wasn't sure what I did to deserve Grant, but I knew for a fact there was no way I'd ever let him go.
The building we parked at was astounding. It was a huge golden castle-looking building. There were a ton of fancy cars in the parking lot.
I faced Grant. "Where are we?"
"I'll show you." He got out and opened my door.
When we walked in Grant headed straight to the people at the front desk. "Goldsworthy."
I looked around to see everybody all dressed up. I felt out of place in a racing uniform. Grant didn't seem fazed, which eased my nerves a little.
Grant thanked the lady and took my hand.
"Grant, this place looks amazing, but everyone looks so fancy. I just have this." I hoped I didn't sound unappreciative or rude, I was just confused.
He stopped in front of me. "That's no true. Your dress and shoes are waiting for you in here."
I immediately turned to see where we were. We were standing in front of a changing room.
"How'd you get it here? It was at my house." I asked, stunned.
He smirked. "I asked Vanessa to make a little pit stop on her way back through.
I went to speak, but he stopped me. "I'll see you when you're ready."
My head was spinning. I kissed him gently, then headed into the dressing room.
Inside was a pretty young girl with a huge smile. "Hello! You must be Mrs. Zephyrine." She held out her hand.
"Yeah, that's me. Hi." I shook her hand, returning her infectious smile.
She looked me over. "Wow, you're really pretty. This is going to be fun." There was a light in her eyes as she realized I didn't know who she was. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Rachel, you're personal stylist."
My eyes grew wide. "My personal stylist?"
Rachel nodded as she plugged in a curling iron. "Mr. Goldsworthy insisted you have a personal stylist for the occasion."
In that moment, I wished Grant was there, so I could kiss him. "He's the best. Thank you."
She moved her attention to a large makeup box. "Of course, honey! Now, let me help you into this beautiful dress. The colors are going to make your eyes looks so good."
I smiled. "Thanks."
When Rachel was finished with my hair and makeup, she spun me around to see myself. I was astonished. My hair was curled and tied in a some-hair-up some-hair-down style that made a bow in the back. My makeup was light but made me look so much more alive. I felt like royalty being pampered like this. Then, she insisted I needed to stand up so I could see the full look with my dress and all. The hair and makeup went perfectly with the dress.
I turned to her. "You're very talented Rachel."
She began fidgeting with my dress. "Well, you made it pretty easy on me. Mr. Goldsworthy will be very pleased to see you."
I smiled. "Thank you."
"My pleasure." She took a step back, beaming. "Let me take you to meet Mr. Goldsworthy."
I followed her up a flight of stairs and down a seemingly endless hallway. Then, she took me up another wide golden staircase. She stopped me at the top. "Just wait here honey, he'll be up in a minute."
"Okay, thanks again." I smiled at her.
She hugged me. "Have fun sweetie."
With that, she turned and walked away.
I stood at the top of the staircase, feeling small in the large ceilings and endless hallways. Everything around me was beautiful. I didn't know where to look.
"Rinnie?" I heard Grant call from the bottom of the stairs.
I had wandered down the hall a bit. I made my way back and began to walk down. When Grant saw me, his eyes and smile enlarged. He walked quickly up the stairs in a Beauty and the Beast type moment.
"Wow." He said, looking me over. "Rinnie, you're so gorgeous."
I was stunned too. "Wow yourself." I said, rubbing the sleeve of his tuxedo jacket. I hadn't seen Grant in a tux for years. He looked irresistible in his green tux. It matched the green on my dress. His hair was spiked up and looking great. The tux fit him perfectly. We stood still for awhile, staring at each other.
Grant broke the tension, taking my hand. "Follow me."
I followed him silently down the hallway. We passed what felt like a million rooms until he finally stopped me in front of two large double doors.
"Before we go in, you'll need this." He reached into the pocket on his jacket and handed me a masquerade mask.
I took it. "Masks?"
He took out a beautifully dark black mask of his own and put it on. "Masks." Was his response.
He pressed a button by the doors, and they swung open. Inside was a ballroom, where everyone was dancing.
"Masquerade ball." He whispered and kissed my neck.
"It's beautiful." I said, admiring the room.
He led me to the dancefloor. "May I have this dance."
"Of course, Mr. Goldsworthy." I smiled.
He pulled me snugly against his body. "Now, this is our first date."
"Probably the best first date in history." I laid my head against him.
We slow danced for hours in that room. I never once felt tired. The energy around me had a positive effect.
When we finally stopped, Grant took my hand. "There's one more place I want to show you."
"There's more?" I said, surprised.
"There's more." He led me out of the ballroom.
We walked past three more doors before he stopped. "Something more private."
He took me into the room. I froze. It was another ballroom, except this one was vacant.
Grant stopped in front of me. "I didn't know if you'd prefer a large crowd or a private party, so I figured why settle?"
I looped my arm in his. "You're amazing, you know that?"
He smiled. "Hungry?"
In the back on the room there was a neatly seat up diner table. On it was a buffet of my favorite foods, hot wings, salad, cheese fries. "This is awesome! I'm not sure how you managed hot wings at the fanciest place I've ever seen, but I've never been happier."
Grant laughed. "I'm not sure how I managed to get the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but I've never been happier."
I met his eyes. "This is perfect Grant."
"You're perfect." He said, smiling.
Once we finished eating, Grant led me back onto the dance floor and we slow danced until we could barely stand. The last song we danced to was "Crazy in Love," the Somo version.
"Wanna see my favorite part of this room?" Grant asked.
"Of course."
He took me out onto a balcony that was connected to the room. I looked out over the edge. The town bellow us was lit up. I was completely dazzled.
"I love it." I said hugging him.
As I pulled back, Grant grabbed my face and kissed me.
We stayed on the balcony as the crisp night air started creeping in.
I shivered.
"Here." Grant took off his suit jacket and put it on me.
"Thank you." I smiled.
Looking into his eyes, I realized something. My nerves soared, and I guess my face showed it, because Grant looked at me, full of concern. "Rinnie, what's wrong?"
I didn't know how to say it. This was not the type of thing Grant typically liked to hear. After everything he'd done for me though, I had to be honest.
"I'm falling in love with you." I watched his expression as I spoke. He looked shocked at first, then I couldn't read his expression.
Without a word, he kissed me. His hands moved gently to my waist. He moved hair away from my ear and whispered. "I'm falling in love with you too Rinnie."
After that, Grant took me to the most beautiful bed and breakfast where we spent the night.
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