Name: Yuejing
Constellation: Cetus
Birthday: March 2
Region: Liyue
Title: The Founder of Liyue
Occupation: Deal maker
Affiliation: Teahouse deals (Her own business)
Crush: None at the moment
Best friend: Zhongli
Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Bow
Personality: Mischievous, blunt, serious, witty, strong, gloomy
Quote: "People are so toxic, that's why I choose to screw them over."
Backstory: Of course like all the other founders she is extremely powerful. Most of her life was spent watching over Morax in secret since she was interested in him but she knew that Morax knew that she was watching over him but didn't say anything. Later on she got herself out to civilization and let people know that she was the founder and became a friend of Morax and Guizhong. Back then she had been easy to manipulate which Morax used a lot to his advantage back when his personality was more chaotic but at some point she got greatly annoyed and became harsh on him and disciplined him to become the man he is in the present. She has helped Morax a little during the archon war but wasn't able to save Guizhong. After a while she decided to start making deals to where when someone wants something she will get if they do something small in return. These 'small' things have been things such as missions, entertainment, and objects. If the client doesn't bring it back by then then they will be punished with whatever she chooses.
Fun facts:
- [ ] Her founder magic does emotional damage to herself
- [ ] She used to be a shy person before she changed
- [ ] Used to have a crush on Morax before she got tired of his acts
- [ ] Has multiple panic attacks but doesn't show it in front of others except those she trusts a lot
Skill: Hydro snakes targets a enemy and bites causing hydro damage, when the enemy with the snake bite gets close to another enemy it also takes damage ever five seconds
Burst: Creates a ginormous hydro snake from the ground that swings around like the ruin serpent for 1 minute
Perks and consequences: Hydro attacks becomes stronger in the rain
Voice lines coming soon!
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