Chapter 3
David's POV
I stood at the airport with my parents waiting for the Láfe family. Or Em in my mind. When she came off the plan I hugged her tightly and picked her up.
"I missed you so much." I whispered in her ear.
"I missed you too Bats." She whispered back. I held her in my arms for a few minutes longer. I quickly kissed her cheek and picked up her after I let her go.
"I can carry my own bags Dav." She said.
"I know. I'm being a gentleman." I replied. She smacked me lightly. She hates when people do stuff for her. I grabbed her hand and we got the other stuff. When we got to our houses I realized just how big Em's is. Ours is big but her's was like a mansion.
"Mother hired me a servant." She said.
"I hate the idea of someone doing stuff for me." She said. I smiled knowing her.
Emily's POV
After David and his family left we stood on the step.
"Andrew. Come get Emily's bags." My mom said. A boy come out. He was about 15 with brown hair and brown eyes.
"I'll show you to my room." I said. He nodded and followed me. Mom's butler got her and father's bags.
"Here you are Miss Emily." He said.
"Thank you. Please when my parents are around call me that. When with me just all me Emily." I said. He nodded.
"You are free to speak as you please around me Andrew." I said.
"Thank you Emily." He said. I smiled.
"I do need help putting up fairy light." I said. He nodded and helped me put them around the border of my room. There was a knock on my door. Andrew opened it. David stood there.
"Bats!" I said and hugged him. He kissed my cheek.
"Andrew this is my boyfriend David." I said.
"Nice to meet you sir. She has spoken highly of you." He said. I blushed. David put an arm around my waist.
"That's good." He said and kissed my cheek.
"Our parents are making us go to dinner. I have to go change. Bye Em." He said. I nodded and he left.
"Thank you for your help today Andrew. You are dismissed for today. My mom will you want you here by 6:30 sharp. If you come early and make her coffee she'll be very proud of you." I said.
"Thank you." He said. He bowed and left. I changed into a black strapless dress with light gray tye-dye towards the bottom and black sandals. I brushed my hair and did a waterfall braid. I put my key necklace on again. I grabbed my phone and looked at my case. It was beautiful. I looked at my room. The walls were mint green with a gray design on the one with my bed. My king size bed was up against the wall and on the wall across from it was a TV and then the door to my walk in closet. On the other side was the door to my own bathroom with a shower. I had a white table in the corner by my bed which had a camera and an Apple laptop on it. My parents really only care about money. I don't even go to public school. I'm homeschooled. I have friends but their mostly actors. Thomas, Robbie, Mitchell, Gus, Kevin, and Spencer. I don't like most girls cause their stuck up. I walked downstairs to the family room.
"Oh good. Let's go darling." My mom said. We went to a restaurant by the beach. After dinner we changed into swimsuits and went to the beach. I was wearing a peach bikini. Bats grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. We walked down the beach.
"You look beautiful Em." He said and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you. You're so handsome." I replied.
"Thanks. I know I haven't said this before but it's true I love you." He said. I smiled.
"I love you too." I said. He kissed my cheek. The sun was starting to set. We sat down on our towels. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine. I felt his arm around me. When we stood up to leave I put my jean shorts on and my gray tank. I forgot a jacket. I'll survive. I felt David put his jacket on me. I put my arms through it.
"Don't say a word." He said. I smiled and he kissed my forehead. I don't know how I got so lucky.
David's POV
I'm so lucky to have Em.
"Movie night." Our parents said. We laughed.
"It's the kids turn to pick." My mom said.
"Alright. Let's change and then you come over." Mrs. Láfe said. We nodded. I went to my room showered. I changed into gray sweatpants and a navy v-neck. When we went over Em was in the movie room. She was wearing black leggings and a red shirt.
"Here's your jacket." She said and handed it to me.
"No. You keep it." I said and sat down on the couch next to her. She pulled her legs up and put her head on my shoulder. I put my head on hers and my arm around her to pull her closer. Our parents walked in and handed us one bucket of popcorn.
"What do you want to watch?" My mom asked. It was a Saturday and it was only 7:30.
"I'm fine with whatever Em chooses." I said.
"Um.. Catching Fire." She said. I smiled. Em pulled a blanket over us. After the movie the parents chose a movie. Em had fallen asleep and I joined her a few minutes later.
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