Chapter 2
David's POV
The next morning I woke up. Em was just stirring.
"Morning Em." I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled.
"I'd get ready for our date." I said.
"Causal?" She asked. I nodded. I told my mom what we were doing. I went to my room and put on clothes. I put on skinny jeans and a red v-neck. I put on red vans. I brushed my hair. It was slightly curl.
"Don't straighten it." Em said leaning against the door frame.
"I like it." She said.
"Then I'll kept it." I said and smiled. She laughed.
"Ready princess?" I asked.
"I'm ready Bats." She said. I chuckled.
"Technical I'm not Batman yet." I said.
"One day besides you're my Batman." She said.
"And you're my princess." I said and kissed her forehead.
"Come on Jake!" She said.
"Make up your mind! Which did you like better Touch or Gotham?" I said.
"I loved Touch but your still my Batman." She said.
A week later it was our birthday. I had a special plan. We had been on a date every day of the week. I held a peach rose in my hand. I knocked on my front door. Em opened it up.
"Em. I really like you. I've liked you for a long time. You mean the world to me. You're my best friend but I love you more than that. Would you do me the honor on our birthday and be my girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yes!" She said. Her eyes were wet as I handed her the rose.
"I got your favorite." I said.
"Thank you so much. My gift doesn't equal this." She said. I laughed.
"I still have to give you your actually gift but it's from your heart. I know you picked something cool out." I said. When we opened presents she had gotten me a phone case with pictures of my cast from Touch and Gotham.
"Thank you!" I said and hugged her. She opened her present from me. It was a phone case with pictures of us throughout the years.
"Aw! I love it." She said. She put it on her phone case and I put mine on.
When recording started again I brought Em to the set with me.
"David come here." My manager Tim said. Em was talking to the actor that plays Penguin. She loves Penguin
"You need to break up with that girl. You'll date Rowen. It's better publicity for both of you." He said.
"But I love her." I said.
"I'm sorry." He said. He went and explained it to Emily. She walked over after he was done.
"My parents and I are going to England for three months for a movie. I'll see you when I get back. We can still be friends right?" She said.
"Of course. I'll miss you Em." I said.
"See you David." She said. That broke my heart. Her calling me David was a sign that she was hurting.
After a month Rowen and I were dating or faking I watched an interview with Emily.
"So why did you and David break up?" The lady asked.
"We both agreed we need to see other people and it just wasn't working out." She said. I knew she was covering for me.
"Are you dating anyone else? We know you brought a friend." They said.
"No. And yeah. I brought my friend Thomas." She said. I was glad she wasn't dating anyone. I noticed she still wore her key necklace.
"That necklace looks like yours." Rowan said.
"I did give it to her." I replied.
"Then you shouldn't wear yours." She said.
"And I shouldn't be dating you. We all want something." I said. Rowan looked so mad that she was about to blow.
"Well we need to go to an interview about our relationship." She said. I got up and we left.
"So are you two happy together?" The interviewer asked.
"Yes." Rowan said.
"No." I said at the same time. Rowan looked at me.
"Why not young man?" He asked.
"Because my manager is making me do this. While the girl I actually love is in England covering the real truth to protect me." I said frustrated.
"I understand. Anything you want to say to the lady next to you?" He asked. At least he understands.
"Yeah. You are the most selfish self-absorbed girl I have ever met. You only care about what the public thinks and get more money in your pocket. Emily might not be famous but she has a heart a gold where as you don't even have one." I said.
"I think your fans agree with you son." He said. On the screen most of my fans were saying stuff like:
I miss Damily.
Many said: We won't end up marrying you sadly but Emily makes you happy. We can see it in your eyes.
Rowan just wants the attention for herself.
"I'm glad my fans agree. I wouldn't be here without them. Or Emily. I've know her since we were 2." I said. Rowan was fuming.
"I hate you!" She screamed and ran off.
"What do you have to say to that?" He asked.
"Couldn't care less." I said and smiled. My phone stood to vibrate. I pulled out and looked Emily. I text her to call back in a few.
"That's a cool phone case. It has pictures of you and your cast from touch and Gotham. Where did you get that?" He asked.
"Emily." I said.
"It was for our 15 birthday." I said.
"Our?" He asked.
"Yeah. We're both born on February 19, 2001 in the same hospital. Our moms were right across from each other." I said.
"That's neat. Well that's all the time we have for today. Tune in tomorrow to see Weird Al." He said. I got off the couch and went backstage.
"Well David you have guts. I'd go get your girl if I was you." He said.
"You mean I can date Em without you on my back about it?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yeah next time don't do this ever." I said. He nodded. I called Em.
"Hey Em." I said.
"Hey Bats." She said. I smiled knowing she had forgiven me by calling me Bats.
"I'm sorry about everything. I will make sure it never happens again." I said.
"I know you will." She replied.
"So will you be my girlfriend again?" I asked.
"Of course Dav. By the way we're coming home this week cause we finished film early." She said.
"That's great. I can't wait to see you." I said.
"Same here. I have to go. Bye Bats." She said.
"Bye Em." I said and hung up. I smiled I have my princess back and that's all that matters.
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