Chapter 30
My mom was too weak to come out of bed, so I had to bring the spaghetti to her. I hope she gets better soon.
Lauren and Harry grabbed their helping of spaghetti before running off to their rooms. I didn't stop them, mainly because even I felt a bit awkward to eat around them.
I filled my plate up with spaghetti and I gave Luke just a little bit, at his request. Then he and I took our food up to my room, and I saw that Michael and Calum were sitting on my bed, talking with each other. Once Michael saw us, he got up from his spot, ran over to us and took the plates from our hands.
"Thank you for bringing me and Calum food!" he exclaimed. "Now you can go back and get yours."
Calum giggled and I just gave Michael a playful glare before Luke and I left the room to get our food. Again.
"Can we eat on the couch?" Luke asked once we got to the kitchen. I opened up the plate cabinet, but frowned when I saw there were no more plates. I took out two bowls instead and carried it over to the pot of spaghetti. Once I had finished putting food into our bowls I went over to the drawer and pulled out two forks and stabbed them into the spaghetti.
"Yeah, sure," I said, handing Luke his bowl. We walked to the den and I flipped the lights on. Luke already took a seat at the couch and I did the same. I began eating my spaghetti, but I noticed that Luke hesitated to eat his. "Small bites, okay?"
He glanced over at me and gave me a short nod. He twirled his fork around to collect a small amount of spaghetti. Then he brought the fork up to his mouth, sticking his tongue out at it. I stared intently as he opened his mouth, but when he looked at me he pulled the spaghetti away and started laughing.
I frowned at him, "What's so funny?"
"Your face," he laughed. "You were mimicking my actions."
I slapped a hand over my mouth and pulled away, feeling my face burn up. Luke let out another laugh before he grabbed my bowl of spaghetti and set it on the table. Then he put his down beside mine and he leaned in towards me.
"You're cute, you know that?" he whispered seductively. He wrapped his arms around me and he leaned back, pulling me with him. Then his back was against the armrest on his side and our chests were pressed against one another. I was in between his legs and he hugged me close to him.
"Are you trying to get out of eating spaghetti?" I asked, earning another chuckle from him.
"No, I just really love having you close to me," he answered. "I'll eat after you kiss me."
"I can do that." I brought my face up to his and kissed his lips, but when I tried to pull away, he'd lean in after me, keeping our lips connected. I was going to protest, but I decided against it, because I wanted to kiss him as much as he did.
Without breaking contact he flipped us over so now he was on top of me. Our lips moved in sync as I felt his hand slide down my back to the hem of my jeans.
I pushed his hand away as I pulled my lips from his, panting out, "Fuck, you're a horny freshman."
Luke let out a small laugh before he pulled himself off of me. "Sorry, I'll hold back."
Yeah, like I'm going to believe that.
I picked up his bowl of spaghetti and pushed it his way. "Eat."
He stared at the bowl before looking up at me. "Can I eat you instead?"
"... How about after?"
"Oh, my God." I stood up from where I was and he frantically did the same.
"Sorry, sorry! I'll shut up now." I eyed Luke before I slowly sat back down. I watched as he pretended to zip his mouth shut and throw away the invisible zipper. He sat back down, took his spaghetti bowl, and then set it on his lap. He didn't eat it, though. He just sat there doing nothing but staring down at the food.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked. He glanced up at me and pointed at his lips that were pressed into a thin line. It took me a while, but then I realized what he meant. "You're such a dork." He just gave me an innocent closed mouth smile.
Luke's seriously doing this? He's stalling, I know it.
"Luke, just hurry up and eat. I'm not playing around."
"Hello, Lashton." I turned around and saw Michael entering the room. "Are you two having fun doing whatever Lashton does alone?"
"Luke's not eating," I frowned. "He pretended that he zipped his mouth shut and that he threw the zipper away."
"That's lovely. Now, where do you keep your Monsters Inc. disc?"
"Mikey, help me."
"Fiiiiiiiiine." Michael walked over to Luke, took in a deep breath, and said, "If you, Luke Hemmings, do not want to frickle frackle with Ashton Fletcher Irwin, then you have the right to remain silent."
I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face into them when Luke scrambled onto his feet and ran off into the direction where the nonexistent zipper was. I was mentally facepalming and I was also laughing, because- seriously Luke?
I can't believe I love this horny idiot.
I felt Luke sit back down on the couch, saying, "Found the zipper."
"What the hell, Luke?" Michael began. "You could've just stopped messing around."
"I wasn't messing around, what are you talking about?"
"What does Ashton see in you?"
"Well, like you, I have a stomach, heart, lungs-"
"Okay, you know what? You're impossible. I'm going back out. Have fun, you two." Then I heard Michael leave.
I lifted my head and gave Luke a glare, but I ended up laughing. "Really? Just- Just eat. I know what you're doing."
"I'll seriously eat this time," he said in a determined voice. "I can do this!" He picked up the fork that was still wrapped around by the spaghetti and stuffed the food in his mouth. He pulled the fork out, set it in the bowl, and then crossed his arms over his chest.
I was staring at his jaw as he began chewing. My eyes landed on his throat, but it didn't look like he was swallowing.
"... You're just holding it in your mouth, aren't you?" I asked.
"Mhm," Luke whimpered. He leaned his head on my shoulder, shaking his head. "Mm mm mm m."
"I've no idea what you just said. You have to swallow." He threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I looked at his face and he had a twisted look on his face. Then I heard him swallow and he let out a heavy breath. "Don't rush yourself, Luke. Baby steps, remember?"
"Luke is a big boy," he began. "Luke doesn't need to take baby steps."
"Luke needs to talk in first person, because Luke is being ridiculous right now." Luke pulled away, laughing before reaching for his bowl of spaghetti.
"Small steps, okay. So... one small bite at a time?"
"Yeah, small bites."
Within ten minutes Luke finished his small portion of spaghetti. I didn't even touch mine, because I was too busy making sure Luke was doing what I was telling him.
Now since he finished his food he was staring at me, waiting for me to finish as well. He looked like a curious kid trying to learn some new technique when he was watching me.
I swear it's like everything I do entertains him. He'd probably be amazed if I brushed my teeth.
Who gets fascinated by watching their boyfriend brushing their teeth? Luke Hemmings.
Every bite I took of my spaghetti Luke would wince, but he didn't dare turn away. He's not missing anything if he turns away except seconds of me, but that's just about it.
After I finished my dinner I took our bowls to the kitchen and put them in the sink. And for some reason I just now realized that it was free of any dirty dishes. It must've been either Lauren or Harry that washed them, because I don't think my mom has the strength to do any chores.
I went over to Luke and he was clutching his stomach.
"Are you okay?" I panicked, placing a hand on his back.
"My stomach..." he groaned.
"You- I think you're just not used to it. You just need to fight it somehow, that's all."
"How? Ashton, I feel like I need to throw up."
"I-I don't know what else to tell you other than fight." Luke began to whimper and he reached his arms out to me. I complied with his request and he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his forehead to my stomach.
"Ashy..." he grumbled, discomfort in his voice. "My stomach hurts."
"Um, am I still able to kiss it even though it's, you know...?" I asked. He nodded and then he pulled away so he could lie down on the couch. I climbed onto the couch, settling myself in between his legs. I watched as he lifted his shirt, revealing his torso. "Okay, where does it hurt?"
"All over," Luke answered. I gave him a nod before proceeding to give his stomach kisses as he told me where to kiss. "A little lower... a bit more... a little more."
"Luke, if I go any lower, I'd be at your pants," I told him as I looked up at him, seeing a smile form on his face. "Oh, my God." I whacked his thigh and pulled away as he began laughing. "That's not funny! I really thought your stomach was hurting!"
"I was feeling more uncomfortable than hurt, but now it really does hurt, because I've been laughing too much."
"You're an idiot." I sat as far away from his as possible.
"Aw, Ash, don't be like that. Hey, I need to use the restroom. May I?"
"Whatever," I muttered. I didn't even give his question my full atten- What?
Luke stood up from the couch and I jumped at him, causing the both of us to fall to the ground. I heard a thud when we fell and I was now on top of Luke.
"Ow!" Luke yelled, grasping his elbow. "You just made me hit my funny bone against the table! Now it doesn't feel right!"
"I'm going with you!" I blurted out, earning a strange look from Luke.
"To the restroom. I'm going with you." He can't throw up. I won't let him.
"Uh, okay. If you want to watch me pee, all you had to do was ask."
"... Oh." I turned bright red as I pulled myself off of him.
Luke just chuckled, "I know why you want to come with me. I don't blame you. If it makes you feel better, you can go with me to make sure I don't, you know, throw up."
"I think I'll just stay here. Promise me you won't try to throw up?" He nodded, pressing his lips to mine.
"Promise." He stood up, holding a hand out at me. "Don't do that again. You're not hurt, right?"
"I'm fine. How's your elbow?"
"It's feeling a bit funny, but whatever." Then Luke walked out of the room and I took a seat on the couch. I know Luke promised he wouldn't empty out his stomach, but I couldn't help but worry anyway.
He said he'd really try for me, and I want to believe him, but there's a little part of me that still doubts him.
The door opened and I turned to face it, only to see Calum and Michael standing there.
"Hello," Calum greeted. "Can Mikey and I sit with you?"
"Go ahead," I said. Michael sat beside me while Calum sat on the other side of him.
"So," Michael began, "did you and Luke have fun?"
I cocked an eyebrow. "Have fun eating? Sure."
"The spaghetti, or..."
"Shut up. We're not doing any of that on the couch."
"So, if you were in bed with him then you would do it? Is that what you're saying?"
"Oh, my God..." I glanced over at Calum who just had his head turned away, not even looking in our direction.
"So where is your boyfriend?" Michael asked, glancing around. "Is he hiding somewhere? In your pants, perhaps?" I grabbed Michael's cheek, pulling it out, earning multiple whines from him. "It hurts!"
"Yeah, you dork, of course it'll hurt." I squeezed his cheeks harder and I could've sworn there were tears forming in his eyes.
"Let go! You'll rip my face off!" Michael then jabbed my side with his finger, causing me to squeal and release his face. He began rubbing where I squeezed, glaring at me. Then he turned to Calum. "Kiss it better!"
"That's Luke's thing, not mine," Calum said, his head finally turning to face us. Michael huffed before looking at me. My eyes widened.
"Oh, no, I'm not going to kiss it better. I only do that with Luke."
"Ash, fuck your kisses!" he snapped. "I'm just mad at you for hurting me." I watched as Calum grabbed Michael by the chin and forced him to turn his head. I just watched in shock as Calum kissed Michael's cheek.
"Better?" Calum asked, letting go of Michael's chin.
Michael began to show a goofy smile. "Yeah, better."
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