Chapter 28
Luke and I returned to the dining room with the knife pointing down and in my hand. I set it beside the cake that was already filled with eighteen lit candles. Harry sat in front of the cake, his hands clasped together in his lap as he stared at the flames. Louis was behind Harry and had his arms around his neck. His nose was no longer bleeding, that's good.
Luke sat at one side of the table and he pulled me onto his lap, his arms securely around my waist. I felt some butterflies in my stomach when his hold tightened around me. It just felt so nice.
Niall sat on the other side of me and Luke and Michael sat across from Harry. Calum was standing behind Michael, his elbow resting on his shoulder.
Liam and Zayn were standing behind Michael and Calum while Anne and Gemma were behind Niall.
"Okay, let's sing!" Niall exclaimed. "I want cake already!"
"If you're going to sing, do it well," Harry laughed, sticking his tongue out at him. Niall just rolled his eyes and we all proceeded to sing happy birthday to Harry.
After finishing the song everyone began clapping and Louis planted a kiss on Harry's cheek, causing the curly haired Brit to giggle. Zayn and Michael began howling and Niall was making kissing noises.
"Make a wish," Anne said, and Harry closed his eyes. The room fell silent, like if we were all quiet enough we could hear what Harry was wishing for. Then his eyes opened and he blew out the eighteen candles. Everyone was cheering and clapping really loudly. Gemma walked out of the dining room to get plates and forks.
"Yay, you're eighteen and old!" Niall exclaimed.
"Mate, you're already eighteen," Zayn reminded.
"Yeah, I'm a grandpa."
"Hey!" Louis frowned, but he began laughing. "There are older people, you know." Once Gemma came back, Niall just smirked at Louis.
"Shut up and let's eat cake."
Harry picked up the knife and began cutting the cake into eleven pieces. Everyone was given cake and they all went into the living room except for me and Luke. We stayed right where we are, but mainly because Luke didn't feel like getting up or letting me go. His excuse was that he was too comfortable.
I had my piece of cake in my hands while Luke's was on the table, one arm still around me while his hand of the other arm held a fork. Luke was poking at his slice, obviously debating whether or not he should eat it.
I set my plate down and began moving off of his lap, but he held onto me tighter.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, looking up at me.
"I think I'm going to stand," I answered, smiling cheekily.
"Standing's too tiring to do. That's why you should sit on my lap."
"I can sit on the other seats."
"But my lap is better than those chairs."
"They're pretty comfortable."
Luke pouted. "Am I not comfy?"
"Are you seriously getting jealous over chairs?" When his eyes averted from mine, I laughed. "Okay, fine. Have it your way." Luke glanced back up at me and grinned before he resumed to poking at the cake again.
It doesn't seem like he's having an easy time.
"If you can't eat it, you don't have to," I told him, but he just shook his head.
"No, I can do this," he huffed, stabbing a piece from the cake and hesitantly bringing it up to his mouth.
"Don't push yourself. Take baby steps."
"I'm not a baby though."
"You're my baby."
"Do you have some kind of daddy kink?"
"Luuuuke..." I gave him a stern look, even though my face had gone red.
I don't. Honest.
He turned to face the cake on his fork, sticking his tongue out and poking it. "I'll help you eat the cake, okay?"
"But then you'll be eating extra and you'll get fat."
"You're far more important to me right now, so don't worry about me." I gave him a peck on the cheek and then I split his cake in half.
Luke finally ate the piece of cake and grimaced as he chewed. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression, because it was funny and adorable at the same time.
I finished my and half of Luke's cake before Luke could even finish two tiny bites. He was stalling, so his cake looked as if it was untouched.
"Okay, if you don't want to eat your cake, we can save it for later." I picked up my and his plate, stood up, and walked over to the kitchen.
I put my empty plate in the sink and looked for the plastic wrap for Luke's cake.
"You gonna eat that?" I spun around and saw Zayn smile at me before he brought his plate over to the sink, rinsing it briefly with the water.
"Hi," I said, "and this is Luke's. I'm saving it later for him."
"I see." Then he was about to walk out, but I grabbed his arm.
"Are you... okay? I mean, earlier..." I trailed off, because I couldn't finish.
Okay, I'm starting to regret bringing it up.
"I didn't see anything," he said with a blank expression. Is he serious?
"Oh, um... okay..." I tried to think of something else to talk about. "So, how are you going to get back at Haz?"
Zayn just chuckled before whispering, "I'm not."
"Wait, what?"
"Don't tell him that. I'm just getting into his mind is all." Then he started walking out. "Oh, and lock the door next time, but remember: I saw nothing."
Shit, he remembers. But for someone who passed out, he seems pretty calm about it. I thought that it would've traumatized him.
"Ash?" Luke called as he poked his head into the kitchen. I turned to look at him, giving him a smile.
"Hello," I said, wrapping my arms around him.
"My mom called. She's wondering where I am..."
I pulled away. "What? You never told her?"
"I guess it must've slipped my mind, but then I told her I was with Calum, and she's okay now." Well, that's technically true, but he's mostly hanging out with me.
"Harry's opening presents!" Niall shouted. "Ashton! Luke! Get your sore asses here right now!"
"Language!" Harry shouted followed by a smacking sound. I just laughed and then Luke grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers together, and led me out to the living room where Harry was seated on the couch between Gemma and Anne. Everyone else was standing around the table where the three presents were.
Niall had smacked a bow right on top of Louis's head and told him to sit on the edge of the table, with Anne's consent, of course. He then took the present from the guys and placed it on Louis's lap before skipping over to squeeze himself in between Liam and Zayn.
"Open! Open!" Niall jumped up and down, his arms thrown over Liam and Zayn's shoulders.
"Pick a present, any present," Michael beamed. When Harry began reaching for the one that was from Gemma, Michael then said, "Not that one."
"I'm picking it anyway," Harry announced, sticking his tongue out at Michael. I bet if Harry's mom wasn't here Michael would make some sexual remark like he always does.
Knowing Michael, I can guess what he'd say.
Harry picked up Gemma's present to him and began removing the paper covering it. It was a shoe box, and Harry's eyes widened when he lifted the lid.
"Oh, my God!" he exclaimed happily as he pulled out brown boots. "I've had my eye on these for months!"
"And now they're yours," Gemma smiled. Harry pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm going to look so sexy in these!"
"God, Harry, you're such a teenage girl," Louis joked.
"But you love me anyway." Harry then grabbed Anne's present and began opening it. It was also another shoe box, but when Harry shook it it didn't sound like anything was inside. When he took off the cover he gasped at the colorful bandannas that were inside.
"Do you like them?" Anne asked.
"Like? I love them! Thanks, Mum!" he threw his arms around her and gave her kisses on the cheek. I swear, Harry gets happy with whatever you give him. He pulled out a black bandanna and wrapped it around his head.
"Here," Louis said, holding out the guys' present to Harry. When Harry took it into his hands, he wasn't expecting it to have some weight.
"Wow, this is heavy," Harry commented, and the guys just nodded. I don't even know what's inside, and I feel kind of bad that I wasn't a part of this present.
Harry ripped the wrapping off and it revealed a large photo album. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw the writing on the cover.
It was a message, and it read:
To the coolest Harry Styles we know...
"Wow," Harry breathed as he opened up to a random page. The page he flipped to was filled entirely with photos of me and Harry. Our names were written on the top, and I examined each picture.
There was a picture of me and Harry with our arms thrown over each other's shoulders. We both had up rock hand signs and we were pulling funny faces.
I remember that picture. It was taken back in our freshman year, and it was the very first photo of us.
"This is amazing," I heard Harry say in awe. He flipped onto a random page and this time it was of him with Liam. He went to another page to find one with Zayn this time. Then he went near the back of the album and his eyes widened at what he saw.
A bunch of tiny pictures of him and Louis. Despite the photos being small, they still took up two pages.
When he flipped towards the next page there was a long letter along with two photos: one with only him, Michael, and me. The other one was with the rest of the guys. There were words written right under the pictures that said:
Stay curly and amazing, Haz
"And then here's the second part of your birthday present," Niall said as he gave Louis a nudge toward Harry. Louis just glanced at Niall with a half smile before shaking his head.
"Guys, this is beautiful," Harry smiled as he closed the album and let his fingers feel the leather cover. "This is the best present you guys could ever give to me."
"Louis's part of the present," Zayn reminded, making Harry chuckle. Louis slowly scooted closer to Harry before the younger boy spread his arms out, welcoming Louis into them.
Louis sat on Harry's lap and the two just hugged tightly, and they seemed like they forgot about everyone else.
Louis whipsered something that I didn't quite catch, but then I heard Harry whisper back, "Mine."
After that everyone just hung out, played games, danced to music, went to the kitchen to eat and drink, whatever of that sort. Even after a few hours the party was still going, but then Michael had pulled me to the side and told me that Calum was conked out in Harry's bedroom.
"I don't know how he lost so much energy so quickly," Michael said. "This party is far from boring."
"Well, I guess we should head back," I replied. I looked around to see Luke talking with Louis. They were laughing and Luke seems to be having a good time. I think he and Louis will be great friends despite their first encounter with each other.
"I'll go get Cal. We'll meet at your car." I nodded as Michael headed off to Harry's room. I walked over to where Luke and Louis were standing and I gave them both a smile.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt," I began once their attention was on me, "but Luke and I must really get going."
"Oh, okay. No problem," Louis said, showing off his smile. Then he glanced up at Luke. "I think that's it for this lesson. I'll be going to Haz now." He gave Luke a pat on the shoulder. "Take care!"
"Later, Midget!" Luke shouted back, earning a weirded look from Louis before he shook his head, chuckling.
"I guess that's your nickname for me?" When Luke nodded, Louis just laughed before continuing to get to Harry.
"What were you and Louis talking about?" I asked as he and I went to the kitchen to get his unfinished cake.
"He was just giving me some tips, that's all," he shrugged.
"Of what?"
"Football. He said that he, Calum, and I should meet up and he'll teach us some new moves." I nodded, picking up the plate of cake once I got to the kitchen. When we left the kitchen I saw Calum. He was wearing my backpack that I completely forgot about while Michael was carrying him on his back. They were by the front door.
"Okay, we're going now!" Michael announced as Luke opened the front door. Everyone chorused, saying bye to us.
"Wait, Ash!" I turned and saw Harry running up to me and he pulled me into a hug. I wasn't really expecting it, so it took me a few seconds to finally return the hug with one arm since I was still holding the cake. Even though the music was loud, I could still hear Harry say quietly, "Thanks for being the bestest best friend anyone could ask for, and I wish nothing will change that."
I smiled. "You're my best friend, too," I said back. Then we pulled away and I said bye. Niall told me to wait, ran back
The four of us reached the car, and I told Michael that I was going to drive so he cans it with Calum in the back. He didn't argue, so he helped Calum into the seat and then he got into the car.
Luke sat in the passenger seat and Michael handed me my car keys. I handed the cake to Luke so I could start the car. I waited for everyone to be settled in before I began driving off.
"So, any idea where Calum lives?" I asked, giving Luke a brief glance before returning my eyes back onto the road.
"I don't think his parents are home yet," he said. "They both work in the day."
"Then, I guess he'll just have to stay at your place, Mikey."
"What? Why am I stuck with him?" Michael asked.
"Did you not want to watch him? Do you want him to be alone?"
"N-No, but you can watch him, too..."
"Except I can't, because Luke and I are going to go shopping for food for tonight." It was partially true. We were running low on food at home.
"We are?" Luke asked and I whacked his arm. "I-I mean, yeah." Then he turned in his seat to look at Michael. "So you and Cal will be alone together."
"Um, okay..."
The rest of the ride was quiet, so Luke decided to turn on the radio and sang softly when Check Yes Juliet came on.
When we reached my place, Michael carried Calum while I opened the door for them. Once they were inside Luke put the cake on the kitchen island and then we went back to the car.
"We're really going out to buy food?" he asked as he sat in the passenger seat.
"Yes. It was an excuse at first," I explained, "but we really are going to buy food. We're going to make spaghetti tonight!"
"... Yes, Ashton, I would love to help you make dinner. If only you asked me sooner."
"Oh... right. Sorry." Luke laughed and then pressed a chaste kiss on my cheek.
"Don't worry about it, Ash. I really will help. And... maybe eat."
"Maybe? You will eat, but I won't give you too much. Okay? The least you could do is finish your plate."
"I don't know if I can do that..."
"Yes, you can. I'll give you a small amount, okay? Whatever you can't finish I'll just eat it. And no, I'm not going to get fat."
I started the car and during the drive, I heard Luke mumble, "I'll try for you."
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