Chapter 25
Louis and Harry, who're finally fully clothed, were cuddling on the couch while everyone else had pushed all the furniture aside to make the living room a dance floor. Niall's idea, that crazy bastard.
Harry had these speakers where you can plug in your music player and start blasting out music at a volume where your ears might bleed and fall off. Niall wanted us to go deaf, but Liam, being the responsible person he was, forbade him from touching the volume knob at all.
Of course, Niall's a sneaky one. He'd still crank up the volume little by little when Liam's not paying attention.
Zayn was teaching Michael and Calum some dance moves, but the two were failing miserably. Especially Michael. He was literally all over the place, it was really funny. If only you guys could see him.
Luke and I were standing by the snacks. I was trying to get him to eat at least one goldfish cracker, the rainbow one that was reserved for us. Stupid Michael. He refused, but I gave him a pointed look, and he eventually gave in. His expression showed discomfort as he swallowed. Then he pecked my lips with his.
Then he told me for every goldfish cracker he eats he gets to kiss me on the lips. Knowing he wouldn't eat that many, I agreed.
He surprised me when he grabbed the entire box of the fish snack. I forced him to put them back, though, because this was a horrible way to get him to eat. I mean, I certainly don't mind kissing him, but if he's going to force down a cracker just to kiss me, I'm not accepting that.
I knew he didn't want to eat the goldfish crackers, because when I told him he didn't have to eat goldfish crackers just to kiss me he let out a relieved sigh.
"Why do you want a kiss, anyway?" I asked.
"Why not?" he asked back. God, I hate it when people do that. I slapped my hand on my face and shook my head.
"If you want a kiss, just ask," I told him.
"Okay," Luke said. "Can I get a kiss?"
"Never mind, don't ask. That was so embarrassing." I started walking away to where Harry and Louis were, Luke following right behind me.
"You weren't the one who said it! I should be the embarrassed one!"
"Asked what?" Harry quizzed as he looked up at me. I took a seat next to him, and Louis's arms slid around Harry's waist.
"For a kiss," Luke pouted, standing right next to me.
Harry just laughed. "Ashton, I know you want one. Just go for it."
"Yeah," Louis chimed in. "Aren't you supposed to kiss your boyfriend?"
"Luke isn't my boyfriend," I said. Louis raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, my bad." Then he looked at Luke. "Why do you want a kiss? Do you like Ashton or something?"
"Yes," Luke bluntly said, taking a seat next to me. "I like him a lot." His arms wrapped around my stomach and he rested his chin on my shoulder. "Therefore, you should kiss me."
"Friends don't kiss on the lips."
"So you two are like, friends with benefits?" Louis asked.
"That's my name."
"So you two frickle frackle?" Harry cocked an eyebrow. "You lost your virginity to Luke?"
"I didn't lose my virginity to anyone! God damn it, Haz, just shut up!" I turned my head slightly to look at Luke. His eyes were wide and he was staring at the ground. "What?" I asked him, confused.
"So..." Luke said slowly, "frickle frackle is... Oh. That's frickle frackle..."
Oh. My. God.
"FUCK YOU, HARRY!" Harry jumped out of Louis's arms and ran off and I started chasing after him. He ran into his room and locked it and I started banging my fist against the door. "OPEN UP!"
"You're going to murder me! What did I do wrong?!"
"Open the door and I'll explain your fault." I heard the door click and then I twisted the knob, running inside and tackling Harry to the ground.
"YOU LIED TO ME!" Harry yelled as he flipped us over and now I was beneath him.
"Fuck your strength!" I cursed.
"Can't do that. It's not a person. And don't go cheating on Luke." Harry got off of me and helped me up. Then we took a seat on his bed. He rested his elbows on his knees and looked up at me. "Okay, kill me after you tell me why you're mad, because I'm confused as to why you are."
"You pretty much just told Luke what frickle frackle meant," I said. He just blinked.
"Okay, and?"
"That's it."
"Wow, Ash, you suck." I slapped his shoulder and he rubbed where I hit him. "You know, Lou hurt you. He should be punished."
"... Please tell me that isn't an innuendo." He just raised his eyebrows. "Oh, my God."
"When did you and Luke frickle frackle?"
"Never. The most we ever did was kiss."
"Aw, Luke loves you! And if you don't see that, then you're either in denial or blind."
"I wanted to believe that Luke likes me, but I don't want to start thinking that it's true unless he tells me so."
"So, are you going to give your virginity to him?"
I frowned and shook my head. "I don't think I'm ready for that. And no, because we're not together."
"But you're friends with-"
"He lied!"
Harry raised an eyebrow and sat up straighter. "He knows what it means?" I nodded, and then he laughed. "Luke so wants your D." I groaned and leaned back so my back was against his bed.
"I don't know anymore," I sighed.
"You're lucky I cleaned the bed up, because Louis and I just-"
"Oh, fuck!" I shot up and jumped off the bed.
"It's clean! I swear!"
"Haz?" Harry and I looked at the door and saw Louis standing there with Luke beside him. "What are you two doing in here?"
"Just talking about Ashton's sex life," Harry said. "Care to join?"
"No, they do not," I hissed, glaring at him.
"Right, because you don't have one."
"Fuck you, Styles."
"Mine!" Two voices shouted as Louis pulled Harry towards his chest and Luke threw his arms around me.
I just stared at Luke with wide eyes. Then I noticed Harry was starting to make his way out of the room while Louis was still holding onto him.
"We'll leave you two alone," Harry said as he dragged Louis away from us, shutting the door.
Are you fucking kidding me?
"Okay, what are we supposed to do?" I asked. "Everyone else is out there having fun while we're in here."
"Or," Luke began, "we can do something. Just the two of us."
I looked at him weirdly. "What?"
"Think of something fun! Like, I don't know. Truth or dare?"
I eyed him as we took a seat on Harry's bed. "Usually when I play that it leads to something bad."
"I don't think this one will. Trust me."
'I sucked in my lips, thinking, before finally agreeing. "Okay. So, do you want to ask first?"
"Okay. Truth or dare?"
"Ah, so you're that kind of person? Taking it the easy way." I just rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Okay then. If you could be any of your friends for a day, who'd it be, and why?"
"What a boring question," I laughed. "Probably Zayn, because he's pretty good looking. I wouldn't mind being as hot as he is."
"But I'm hotter," Luke said, pretending to flip imaginary long hair.
"Whatever you say. Truth or dare?"
He brought a finger up to his chin and began tapping it, like he was thinking hard. "Which should I choose? I'll go with truth."
"So you're that kind of guy?" I mimicked his voice, and then he lightly bumped my shoulder.
"I'll say dare next," he spoke up.
"All right. Um... when did you have your first kiss?"
"What a boring question," he said, trying to match the same tone of voice as mine. I flicked his cheek when he started laughing. He cleared his throat and began to talk. "It was way back in my younger years. Probably when I was five. It wasn't supposed to happen, though. I was at a park and this one kid... let's call him Lenny... was running around and I was playing in a sandbox. He tripped and then landed on me, our lips and teeth smashed together. I lost a tooth that day."
"What about a real, intentional kiss?" I asked, but then he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hey, you already had your go. Truth or dare?"
"I'm going with truth again."
Luke let out a sigh. "Don't be a pansy. If you say dare, I won't give you something ridiculous."
"Still going with truth." He blew a raspberry as he tried to think of something.
"Okay, prepare yourself." I nodded. "On a scale from one to a hundred, how much do you want to date me?"
My eyes bulged from my head and my jaw dropped. Fuck, does he know?!
"W-What was th-that?" I asked, my face starting to heat up. Oh, my God. Please tell me I heard him wrong.
"How much do you want us to be together, from one to a hundred? And be honest."
"... Is it too late to switch to dare?" Because I really don't want to answer that.
"Ashtoooooooon, just answer me. It's just a question. No harm to it."
I looked down at my feet and let my hair fall in front of my face. "Um... ninety-nine..." I mumbled the number, hoping he wouldn't hear it., but he did.
"Really?" he asked, surprised. Shit, he's going to know. He already knows. I glanced up at him and began to speak, but I kept stumbling over my words.
"L-Luke, I-I'm sorry I di-didn't tell y-you-"
"I would've gone for a perfect hundred," he said, shrugging, "but I guess ninety-nine is close enough." My eyes widened, because I really wasn't expecting that. I thought he would've flat out rejected me or something.
Wait, a hundred?
"Okay, I told you I'd pick dare, so... what's the dare going to be?"
... I haven't thought of one. I can't think of anything right now.
Well, I could maybe dare him to pretend to be in love with me and then tell me he loves me. But what kind of a dare is that? I need to think of something else. Something like...
"I dare you to go out and profess your love for and to Niall." I don't know why I said Niall. He was the first person that came to mind.
"Aw, but wouldn't you be jealous?" Luke questioned.
"N-No, it's a dare. You're not really in love with Niall... are you?" Instead of answering he just chuckled, stood up from the bed, and went out. I followed him and watched as he approached the dancing Irish.
Niall twisted around when Luke tapped his shoulder. "Oh, hey Luke!" he yelled through the music. "I was wondering where you were!"
I held back a laugh when Luke took Niall's hands into his own and he got down on one knee. Niall looked surprised and he nervously looked around. I think he's looking for me, probably making sure I wouldn't jump out of nowhere and then murder him.
Hmm... I just got an idea.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Niall asked. Everyone had stopped dancing, even Harry and Louis were paying attention to Luke and Niall who were standing in the middle of the room.
"Niall... whatever the rest of your name is," Luke spoke when Michael lowered down the music. Oh, my God, this is just too much. I need this on film." I've been meaning to tell you this for quite some time now. I, Luke Hemmings, am in love with you."
The look on everyone's face was priceless. All of their jaws hit the floor and Michael looked like he was flipping some serious shit. Harry looked angry, though. His hand that wasn't wrapped around Louis curled into a fist and he had a scowl look on his face.
Oh, my God, I might pee myself. Don't laugh, Ash! Don't laugh!
"FUCK! NO! YOU CAN'T BE!" Niall pulled his hand out from Luke's, but Luke just stood up and grabbed Niall's face.
"But I am."
"B-BU-BUT-" Then Luke started leaning in, and I felt like he's taking things a bit too far. Time to put my plan into action.
"NIALL JAMES HORAN!" I exclaimed as I emerged from where I was hiding. All ours were on me, and Niall looked extremely terrified. I tried to keep an angry look on my face. I was really trying my hardest to not let a smile slip onto my lips.
"You wanted me, babe," Luke said in a seductive voice, winking as he began approaching Niall.
"Niall, calm down," Harry began. We looked at him, and he no longer had an angry expression. Did he figure me and Luke out? "This is some kind of trick. There's no way Luke would be in love with you." I guess not.
"I don't know whether I should be relieved or offended," Niall frowned. "I'm pretty damn sexy."
"You said it," Luke added, earning a glare from Niall. Then the Irish turned to me. He was scared shitless. Oh, my God, I don't know whether I should just tell him or not.
"I'm innocent! I have no intention on frickle frackling with Luke!" He rushed behind me and pushed me towards Luke. "HERE'S MY OFFERING TO YOU!" Then he ran off into the kitchen, screaming how this is all a dream and none of it was real.
"I feel like Niall's going to start questioning his sexuality now," Michael commented.
"Oh, my God," Louis breathed, chuckling and shaking his head. "You two are horrible for doing such a thing to Niall."
"Wait, what?" everyone else asked. Then Luke and I broke into laughter.
"What just happened?" Zayn asked. "What are we missing?"
"These lads," Louis began to explain, "planned this little act. I know the difference between real and fake, and they were faking it all."
"How did you know that?" Calum asked.
"I'm majoring in Theater and Drama. I know my stuff. Plus, I know amateur acting anywhere."
"Amateur? That looked really convincing to me," Liam commented as he headed towards the kitchen. "I'm going to go check on Niall now to make sure he isn't going to do anything stupid."
"So, Luke isn't in love with Niall?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Not at all," Luke replied, shaking his head. "I've got my eyes set on someone else."
"LASHTON!" Michael and Calum exclaimed together and began cheering and bouncing up and down. I think Michael has taken over Calum's mind.
"Aw, my Boobear is so smart," Harry cooed, nuzzling into the crook of Louis's neck. The smaller guy just laughed and playfully pushed Harry away.
"It was a dare," I explained. "Luke was to profess his love to Niall."
"Why Niall?" Zayn asked.
"He was just the first person that I thought of."
"Not me?" Harry and Michael chorused. They shot each other a glare, before they started cracking up.
"Let's go back to the room and continue where we left off," I said, taking Luke's hand and pulling him towards Harry's room. Oh, God, that sounded so wrong.
"If it isn't anything sexual, may I ask what you two are playing?" Louis quizzed.
"Truth or Dare," Luke said.
"Let's all play!" Calum suggested. "This will be fun!"
"Sure, I don't mind. But first..." Luke turned to me. "Truth or dare."
"I'm feeling a bit energetic right now, so dare," I said, grinning.
"Okay. I dare you tooooooo..." You could feel the suspense in the room when Luke slurred the last word. I'm pretty sure everyone's breath was being held in. I was still waiting for what Luke's dare was going to be. What is he going to ask?
Please, not something stupid, ridiculous, or totally embarrassing.
Everyone's eyes turned to Michael. What the hell, Mikey? "JUST GET IT OVER WITH! WE ALL KNOW YOU TWO WANT IT!"
"Mikey, I think you need to calm your Lashton-obsessed mind," Calum spoke softly, pressing a brief kiss to his cheek. Hm, I guess those two got together.
"Ashton, I dare you to pretend to be in love with me and to still be upset with Niall for stealing 'your man'," Luke said, adding air quotes.
Well, I can easily pretend to be mad at Niall, but pretending to be in love with you isn't necessary.
"Oh, this just got good," Zayn said, taking a seat on a recliner. "Bring the action in here. I'm feeling comfortable where I'm sitting."
I just shrugged before making my way to the kitchen. I saw Niall standing by the sink and Liam beside him, rubbing his back. Niall was hyperventilating; he's still freaking out?
"Luke likes me," he said, "and Ashton's going to kill me. I just know it."
"Niall, listen-" Liam began, but Niall suddenly twisted so he was facing him.
"I'm going to die! I unintentionally stole Ashton's man, and now I'm going to pay for it with my life!" Time to put on a straight face.
"NIALL!" I shouted, causing the blond to jump and face me.
"Ashton, please don't kill me!" he begged. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" Liam just groaned and slapped his forehead.
You guys don't know how hard it is right now for me to keep a straight face.
"How could you?!" I yelled, feigning a sob. "My best friend! How could you just do this to me?!" Oh, God, Niall's reaction's going to be the end of me. I buried my face into my hands and rushed off into the living room, hoping Niall would follow.
"Ashton, please!" Yep, he followed. "You have to understand! I didn't do anything!" A smile was on my face, but I quickly wiped it off as I removed my hands and glared at Niall.
"You took the only person I love, and now I'll take away what you loved!"
"No, don't!"
"Say goodbye to your precious Nando's."
"NO- wait, why is Zayn laughing?" My eyes landed on Zayn who was now leaning forward, his arms clutching his stomach. Then he threw himself back and let out a shrill laughter.
"Fuck! Niall, you gullible, little shit!" he cackled. Then everyone else started to join in on the laughter, leaving Niall confused.
"Idiot," I heard Liam mutter as he appeared beside Niall. "I've been trying to tell you, but you kept interrupting me: this was all staged."
"... Huh?" Then Niall looked over at me, and I couldn't help but let out another strange laugh. "You fucking- ASHTON!" He looked over at Luke. "So, you're really not in love with me, right?"
"As much as you want me to, I'm not," Luke answered.
"Cocky bastard you are, aren't ya?"
"Got that right."
"Whose idea was it? Yours or Ashton's?
"This mastermind here." Luke threw his arm around me and pulled me close to him. "He dared me to."
"LASHTON SHALL HAPPEN!" Michael shouted. "NO NUKE! Or is it Liall?"
"Mikey, calm yourself!" Harry shouted.
"Wait, can I dare you two?" Niall asked me and Luke.
"Sure, whatever," Luke shrugged.
"Good." He didn't even wait for me to answer. Soon a mischievous grin formed on Niall's lips. What in the world is he going to dare us? "I dare you two to go to Harry's room and get freaky in his bed."
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