Chapter 21
The apple fell from my mouth and I ran up to the restroom door to jiggle the knob, only to find it was locked.
"Luke! Open the door!" I yelled, banging against it with my fist. I could hear the sound of him emptying his stomach, but he didn't seem to be responding to me. "Please, Luke! Let me in!"
Michael appeared beside me. "What's going on? What's wrong with Luke?"
"Mikey! Help me open this door! Please, Luke needs me! He needs me!"
"Calm down, Ash!" Michael grabbed my shoulders and made me turn to him. I made attempts to form sentences, but I was too busy taking in sharp breaths. "You need to tell me what's going on! What's Luke doing in there?!"
As if on cue Luke started coughing, and I was starting to freak out again.
"Luke!" I pulled myself from Michael and was back to pounding the door. "Open the door!"
"I'll go find something. Does this door have some kind of key to open it?" I remembered it did, but only God knows where the hell that is now. "I think a card should do. The space between the door and the wall doesn't look too close. How does the door lock?"
"It's like a button. You press it and it locks," I told Michael. He nodded and then ran off. I'm pacing around in front of the door, trying to think of other ways to get into there. I could always kick down the door. But if my mom saw that I'd be in serious trouble. Besides, I'm already doing things that she doesn't want me doing behind her back, like leaving the house while my siblings are still at home and inviting friends over.
Yeah, my mom doesn't really like my friends. Especially Harry. She's met him before, and she thinks he's a bad influence, yet I still invite him over.
Ugh, I'm getting offtrack here. Right now Luke's throwing up and I'm not there for him!
Mikey appeared with a paper clip and I immediately began straightening it out so I could unlock the door through the circular keyhole. Then I bursted the door open, shouting Luke's name. But my face twisted in confusion when I saw what was before me.
"Mom?" I asked. She was facing the mirror and was wearing a robe. She had headphones over her ears, the music audible from where I was standing. She must've saw me through the mirror, because she turned around.
"Good morning, dear," my mom greeted in a hoarse voice as she rested her headphones around her neck. "Did you need something?"
"Uh... I heard retching and coughing. Are you okay?"
She shook her head and then pointed to her neck. "Strep throat." I noticed Michael mutter 'ew' before taking a step back.
"Why are you using this restroom? Don't you have the one in your bedroom? Actually, don't answer that. You need to rest your voice. Drink lots of fluids, take some medication, and stay in bed. I'm going out to Liam's house later, okay?" My mom gave me a nod. "Get better, Mom." Then I began making my way to my room.
I almost had a heart attack. I'm really relieved that it wasn't Luke who was in there, but I do hope my mom gets better.
"Hey, Mama Irwin!" Michael exclaimed before catching up to me. When I walked inside I saw Luke lying on my bed, talking on his phone. You've no idea how happy I am to see him in my room rather than in the restroom throwing up into the toilet.
Luke glanced over at me, and I gave him a huge smile. He smiled back before sitting upright. "I'll call you later. Bye, Cal." Then he hung up. I don't know what came over me, but when he stood up I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his body. "Whoa, what's gotten into you?"
I just pushed my face into his shirt and tightened my arms around him. "I'm so glad you're okay."
"He thought you were in the restroom throwing up, but it turned out to be his mom," Michael explained. Then I felt Luke's arms go around me, his hand rubbing up and down my back. "Why was he freaking out so much?"
"It's nothing," Luke answered, "don't worry about it."
"Um, okay. I'm going back to the kitchen." With that Michael left, leaving me and Luke alone in the room. Then I heard Michael kick something against the wall before muttering 'Stupid apple'.
"Ashton, what happened?" Luke asked as he and I began making our way to sit on the edge of my bed.
"I was going to my room when I heard someone in the restroom," I began. They were gagging, a-and-"
"You thought it was me," he finished. I nodded. "I told you, I'm going to actually put effort. I mean, my mind was telling me to, but I knew it'd upset you like this, so... I fought back the urge to purge." I chuckled weakly at the unintentional rhyme, but it faded as quickly as it was here. I'm just really glad that Luke is okay. "I'm sorry for making you worry."
"It's not your fault," I murmured. "All that matters is that you're okay."
"I'm okay..." Luke began laughing. I began to pull away, but he just brought me back to him. "I'm okay, Ashton. I'm okay, so don't worry."
I was still in a bit of shock from thinking that Luke was throwing up in the restroom. "Are you really trying? I mean, when Aleisha was helping you, you said you wouldn't..."
"If you're with me, then I'll do it for you." My heart skipped a beat from that. "Didn't you say you needed to do something?" I nodded. "Okay, then." His arms started to leave me, but I was still holding tight. "Ash..."
"Just a bit longer," I said.
"I'm still here, you know. I'm not going anywhere."
"I know..." And I couldn't be any happier for that. I heard Luke sigh, and then he placed his hand on top of my head, ruffling my hair just a bit. "I'll do what I need to do later."
"I'll maybe let it slide, depending on how important what you need to do is. So, what is it?"
"Just need to buy a new battery for my phone."
"Hm? Why?"
"Because some guy had my phone since Thursday morning and I just got it back yesterday during lunch. and then he took the battery out of it."
"You mean Mason took your phone and he has your battery?" When I didn't answer Luke took that as a confirmation that Mason does have my phone battery. "Hold your money. I'll get it back."
"Luke, no, it's okay," I assured him. "I don't want to get involved with him again."
"You're not. I am. I'm going to make sure he doesn't bother you again. If Mason messes with you, then he's messing with me, too. I'm getting your battery back, so don't even think about going online to buy another one."
I frowned, but he seemed adamant about his decision. I sighed, not even going to bother.
"Let's go to Mikey," I said to Luke. "He's probably going to assume weird things."
"Like?" he asked.
"I'm not answering that."
"I'll ask him then."
I glared at him, and then pulled away. "Let's just get going." He shrugged and then we made our way out of my room and into the kitchen where Michael was stuffing himself with the oreos. He was also on his phone, no doubt texting Geordie. I cleared my throat to make my and Luke's presence known. Michael twisted around and looked at us.
"Took you two long enough," he stated, hopping off of the stool he was sitting on. "What were you two doing?"
Before Luke could ask his question, I slapped my hand over his mouth. "We were talking. He calmed me down."
"Hey, let the freshman speak." Michael walked over to us and removed my hand from Luke's mouth, and Luke immediately started talking.
"What do you think we were doing?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrows. Was that really necessary?!
"Did you two frickle frackle?"
"We wouldn't be able to do that within a few minutes!" I snapped at Michael.
"What's frickle frackle?" Luke questioned.
"Oh, this will be fun to explain," Michael smirked. Then he looked at me. "Would you like to demonstrate?"
"No!" I yelled, my face turning red from embarrassment. "Mikey, just shut up! Can we go now?"
"But what's frickle frackle?" Luke pouted. "Why are you leaving me in the dark?"
I groaned and faced him. "Frickle frackle is a phrase that Michael will never use around you again."
Luke frowned. "Well, that's a disappointing explanation."
"Let's go, you lovebirds!" Michael exclaimed as he picked up the oreos and began pushing me and Luke towards the front door. "Your keys are on the rack, Ash. I'll get your backpack." Then Michael ran off, leaving me and Luke alone. Again.
"You're never going to tell me, are you?" Luke quizzed.
I shook my head, grabbing my keys. "No, I'm not."
"Well, that sucks."
"Ashton sucks!" Michael yelled as he appeared with my backpack over his shoulder. "In more ways than one!"
"Mikey!" I shouted, my face becoming red.
"He likes it up the-"
"I'm going to kill you!" Michael bolted around me, swung open the front door, and hurried out. I let out a loud, irritated groan as I ran out after him, but Luke latched onto my shirt, preventing me from chasing after Michael. "Luke, let go!"
"Wait," Luke stated. "What Michael just said..." I stopped trying to get out of his hold and twisted around to look at him, my eyes wide. Where is he going with this? "That girl you were talking about last night... isn't really a girl, huh?"
I bit my lip, looking down at the ground. "Wh-What do y-you mean?" I questioned hesitantly, even though I knew exactly what he meant. He's starting to suspect that...
"You're gay, aren't you?" Then his hand fell from me.
My entire body went tense, and I was starting to burn up. My hand clasped over my mouth as I tried to hold back tears that were starting to threaten my eyes. I don't know why I'm going to cry, but soon tears started to come down my face.
He's going to hate me. Luke's going to hate me and not want to see me. I don't want Luke to hate me, but he's going to.
"Ashton." His voice is more stern now, and it's scaring me. He hates me. "Why didn't you just tell me you were gay?"
"I-I..." I couldn't finish, because a lump formed in my throat and I started choking on my sobs. I felt a tear fall from my face and onto the floor.
"You know what? You don't have to answer that." His tone of voice really is intimidating me. "Well, then I guess I should tell you this now rather than later."
Oh, God, he's going to leave me. We're not even together, but I don't want him to leave.
Please, Lukey, don't leave. Don't hate me.
I love you.
"I'm sorry, Ashton." No, this isn't good. This isn't good at all. "I should've told you first so that way you wouldn't have to feel like this."
My teary eyes that were red no doubt looked up at Luke's face. "What?" I managed to say.
I was taken aback when he moved closer to me, his arms circling around me. Why is he hugging me? Isn't he supposed to hate me?
"I'd rather much have the roles in this situation reversed, where I'm the first to tell you so that way it'd be a relief off of your chest."
"Ashton... I am, too." I glanced up into his eyes. He had a smile on his face, and he let out a small chuckle. "I'm gay, too."
My breathing hitched when I heard that, because I wasn't expecting that to happen. Well, I was sort of hoping it would happen, and it actually did, and I just can't believe this is happening.
"You d-don't hate me?" I feebly questioned. His arms around me just tightened.
"I could never hate you, Ashton." He pulled away slightly and pressed multiple kisses near my eyes. "Now, don't cry. Everything's okay. Nothing's changed between us."
Even though the last part was meant to make me feel better, he pretty much said that we're still friends.
Yeah, nothing's changing that. But we being friends is better than him hating me, because I'm gay.
"This is such a load off of my chest," I mumbled. "You have no idea."
"I know exactly how it feels," Luke spoke. "I'm in the closet. The only ones who know I'm gay are Calum and Aleisha. I was probably like you when I told them, but they were totally cool with it. Now you know, and I'm glad I could tell you." There were tears coming out of my eyes, but they were more of happy ones instead. Luke used his thumb to wipe them away. "You're still crying."
"But now it's because I'm really happy that you don't hate me. I was freaking out inside, thinking you would, because I can't imagine my life going back to before I met you."
"I was afraid to tell you, you know. But seeing how you were in tears, I wish I went back in time and told you sooner so it'd be easier for you. I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." He went back to kissing my face, and a weak laugh escaped from me. "Are kisses really necessary?"
"Kisses heal."
"And what are you healing exactly?"
He shrugged, pulling away so our faces were now only inches apart. "I guess I'm just kissing your tears away. I'm trying to put a smile back on your face, because that's where it belongs."
I chewed on my lower lip. "You want to make me smile?"
He nodded, "Yeah, very much."
"Then..." I was trying to think of something he could do to make me smile when my eyes flickered over to his lips, and I unintentionally licked mine.
I noticed that his mouth curved up into a smile. Then he tilted my head up and pressed a kiss to my lips.
It was a simple kiss, but it was probably the best one we've shared together so far.
My arms slipped around him, pulling his body closer to mine. I smiled, and I felt him start to do the same.
"You're smiling," he said into the kiss. Our lips parted, and leaned his forehead against mine. "Sorry, I wanted to see your smile."
"You're strange," I laughed.
"But you like me, right?" For a moment I thought he knew I'm in love with him, but then he could mean that I like him as a friend.
"Yeah, I like you." Except I don't. I'm in love with you. But unless you feel the same way I can never tell you.
"I like you, too." Yeah, as a friend.
"Come on, you two! I've been waiting forever for you guys!" Luke and I looked over at Michael, and his eyes widened. "Oh, my God. Ashton, were you crying?"
"He knows," I said, gesturing to Luke. Michael's jaw dropped.
"Oh, shit! Is it my fault?! Did I out you?!" He ran up to me and pulled me out of Luke's arms, clasping his hands over mine. "I'm sorry, Ash! Forgive me! I didn't mean to go that far!" Michael then got onto his knees and began kissing the floor.
"It's okay, Mikey," I weakly laughed as I pulled one hand from his to wipe another slipping tear. Michael got back onto his feet and embraced me.
"Still, I'm sorry! I promise I won't out you to anyone else ever again!"
"Okay, I get it. You're sorry." I pushed myself away from Michael and chuckled a bit when he still wasn't convinced that he was off the hook.
"How about I buy you a new phone battery? You don't even have to spend a single coin."
"I'm already taking care of that," Luke spoke up. "Besides, we're burning daylight here. Isn't there somewhere we're supposed to be right now?"
"Right! Come on! We need to get going now!" Michael ran out of the house and then Luke followed after him. I finally walked out, making sure the door was locked. Michael offered to drive, and I wasn't even going to argue, because I really didn't feel like driving, so I handed him my keys.
I was going to sit in the passenger seat, but Luke took my hand and led me to the back instead. I sat at the seat behind the driver and Luke took a seat in the middle as usual. He slung an arm over my shoulder and rested his head on top of mine. Michael looked at us through the mirror and raised an eyebrow.
"Did something happen?" he asked.
"No, nothing at all," I answered, putting my head on Luke's shoulder.
"I don't understand you two. You two act like a couple. You might as well just start dating." Michael twisted himself around so he could pull out of the driveway.
"What if we are?" Luke questioned. Michael slammed on the brakes, causing us to jolt suddenly.
"WHAT?!" he exclaimed.
"MICHAEL! YOU'RE DRIVING! DON'T KILL US!" I scolded. Luke pressed a quick kiss on my temple, causing Michael to drop.
"We're not..." I cleared, hiding the hurt that I was feeling. Michael glared at Luke who just shrugged.
"Don't lie to me like that." Luke laughed as Michael returned to driving. I tried to bring myself as close to the door as possible, because really, Luke shouldn't joke about dating someone, especially if the person he's saying he's dating really is in love with him and wants to be able to call him theirs.
"You shouldn't confuse people, Luke," I muttered to him, my eyes glued to the window.
"If you say so," he simply said. I didn't say anything after that. Instead I closed my eyes and leaned against the door.
By the time I opened my eyes my head was somehow on Luke's lap. What?
"Let's go, Ash," he whispered, giving me a gentle shake. I lifted my head and rubbed sleep from my eyes.
"I'm still tired," I said quietly.
"I know, Ash, and I'd stay with you in the car, but Michael's complaining how he isn't an octopus." I whined, but i reluctantly made my way out of the car. Michael was already standing outside, impatiently tapping his foot.
"Took you long enough," he huffed.
"It's only been a minute," Luke laughed.
"That's enough time to waste. Now, let's go find the perfect cake!" Michael marched into the bakery and Luke and I followed behind.
I was still feeling a bit drowsy, but I managed to walk on my own.
"You okay?" Luke asked me. "Do you want to lean on me?"
"No, thanks," I said, waving my hand at him. "I'm fine."
The three of us walked into the bakery and Michael was already looking at cakes.
"Could it be any kind of chocolate cake or is there some specific one we're supposed to get?" he asked.
"Just get whatever looks good," I grumbled. Luke stepped by my side and wrapped his arm around me. I then leaned my head onto his shoulder, closing my eyes again. I don't know why I'm feeling so tired; I just am.
"Look over there," I heard some girl say.
"Yeah, but they're probably gay," said another girl. "It's a shame, because the shorter guy is cute and looks like he's my type."
Luke must've overheard, because then his arms tightened.
"Ash and I will be at the bench," Luke said.
The next thing I knew he was walking, and I let my feet follow him, even though I didn't know where we were going. I felt him lower himself down.
"Sit," he said, pulling my arm down. I tried to take a seat next to him, but he pulled me onto his lap. I was too tired to protest, so I just leaned my head back onto his shoulder, my face pressed into the crook of his neck. His arms snaked around me, holding me close to him. "Tired still?"
"Mhm," I mumbled. He pushed my fringes out of my face as my breathing evened out.
A girl groaned in disgust, but I paid no mind to that. It was probably for something else.
It wasn't until I heard her say faggots did all my drowsiness left me and I was scrambling off of Luke. Right, it isn't normal for two guys to be together, even though Luke and I aren't.
My head was turned away from Luke, and I was blushing. God, I was like a child, sleeping while the parent has to take care of the child.
When I looked back at Luke, he was gone. I started panicking as I frantically searched around for him, and I saw him chatting with a girl and a guy. I didn't know what they were saying, because their conversation wasn't within my ear range.
"Okay, I got the cake!" Michael announced as he made his way over to me. "Where's Luke?"
Right after he asked that I saw the guy shove Luke backwards. I gasped when Luke nearly fell. He maintained his balance and began talking again. He looked like he was telling the guy to calm down, but it didn't seem like he was having any of that. He swung a fist at Luke, hitting him right in the stomach. The exact same spot where his large bruise was.
I was soon running over to them.
"Stop it!" I yelled, going to a hunched over Luke.
"Tell your boyfriend to keep his germs away from us," spat the guy. "We don't want to be infected with your AIDs."
"Okay, first of all, your bitch called us faggots," Luke snapped, straightening himself up a bit.
"She's not a bitch! She's my girlfriend!"
"You definitely didn't pick a good one." Then the girl stepped up to Luke and slapped him across the face.
"You gays are pathetic. You're the reason why we have all these STDs in this world."
"Don't forget, it's also because sluts like you want to sleep with every man you see. I know I'm attractive, but you have a boyfriend. Shouldn't you only want to get into his pants?" The girl gaped at Luke and I began pulling him away as the guy did the same to the girl.
"I don't want to cause trouble, so we'll be on our way now," I said, leading Luke away from the scene.
"C'mon, babe," I heard the guy said to his girlfriend. "Let's not waste our time here."
"You're not going to defend me?!" The girl screeched.
"They're not worth fighting against. I'll make it up to you, okay?"
"Then fuck me tonight." That's when I tuned them out by focusing myself on Luke.
Yep, she's definitely a slut. She's only a fuck-seeker.
Michael rushed over to us. "You shouldn't jump into every fight, Luke!" he exclaimed. "You just end up getting hurt."
"How's your stomach?" I asked worriedly. "He punched you there, I saw."
"It wasn't that bad."
I frowned. "You already have a bruise there."
"Someone's gonna have to take care of that," Michael muttered in a singing tune. I shot him a glare, and he was looking elsewhere, whistling innocently.
"Let's just go get snacks now." I was relieved when Luke could still walk. I need to keep an eye out for him. If he keeps getting hurt there I might have to lock him up in my room until his wound heals.
N-Not that I would do that, no.
"But seriously, Luke, you need to stop getting into pointless fights," I told him as I wrapped an arm around his waist.
"But because of what that girl said you got off my lap."
"Wait, is that what that was all about?" He remained quiet and I started laughing.
"Don't laugh," he pouted. "The next bench I see we're sitting."
Michael turned around to face us. "You sure you two aren't dating?" he asked. "Or are you two friends with benefits?"
"Oh, I guess Ash and I can be friends with benefits..." I stared at Luke with wide eyes.
"Do you have any idea what that means?!" I quizzed him.
"I know exactly what it means," he grinned. My entire face was red when Luke winked at me.
And Michael was literally rolling on the floor laughing.
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