Chapter 20
It was around eight in the morning when I woke up, and I wasn't expecting to see Luke's face pressed against my chest while his arms were still wrapped around me.
And I surely wasn't expecting to see Michael in my bed.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He was on his side, tapping on his phone. He then looked at me after a few seconds.
"Hm? Did you say something?" he quizzed.
"Why are you in my bed?"
"Well, because I was sleepy. Isn't a bed used for sleeping? Well, you wouldn't know, because you probably use the bed for different things with Luke, am I right?"
"Fucking dork."
"Aren't you the one who's fu-." I removed myself from Luke's arms and leaped at Michael, aiming for his neck. He let out a screech as he tried to protect himself. I still got my hands around his neck. "Sorry! Sorry!"
"You better be!" I yelled, but then Michael slapped a hand over my mouth.
"Shut up, you firetruck, Luke's asleep." Then he removed his hand. "And are you okay? After last night's incident... You seem to look a lot better than you did. What about Luke?"
"I don't feel any pain. Not anymore. Not sure about Luke, though." I want to believe he's okay, but I'm not entirely sure. Louis hit him pretty badly. Luke tries to shrug it off, but I know he's hurt.
"Oh, we're going to Liam's later so we can all go to Harry's place together."
"And you're here because...?"
"I had your car, remember? I came back here after dropping off Geordie at her place."
"How'd you get in?"
"I know where your spare key is." Of course, Michael would. "So, did you two frickle frackle?"
"What is with you, Harry, and the phrase 'frickle frackle'?" I glared at him. He just shrugged.
"It's fun to say. It sounds funny, too. Frickle frackle, frickle frackle-" I grabbed his cheeks and pulled them out and he began crying for me to stop. "My cheeks, my cheeks! My poor cheeks!"
Then Luke groaned and shifted on the mattress. I released Michael's face and the two of us froze and watched as Luke flipped himself over.
"Get off me, you fatty," Michael muttered, pushing me off. If he's ever going to call anyone fatty in the future, he better not be saying it to Luke. I wouldn't know what he would do.
"Luke looks so peaceful," I cooed.
"Yeah," Michael agreed. "Let's wake him up."
"No!" I whisper-shouted as I smacked his head. "Let him sleep. He's been through a lot." Michael sighed before standing from the bed and walking to the door.
"Liam asked me to go buy Harry a cake. Want to come with?" I glanced over at Luke, and then at Michael. "Don't worry, it'll be quick. We're not supposed to be at Liam's until around eleven, because we need to get to Harry's at noon. We'll be back real soon. The bakery isn't far from here."
"I'm more worried about Luke though," I told Michael. "What if he wakes up and notices I'm not here?" Also, what if he doesn't eat? He has to eat.
"Leave him a note. It'll be fine. Tell him you'll be back soon. It's not like he can go anywhere." I bit my bottom lip, deciding whether I should go with Michael or not. I really didn't want to leave Luke alone. I looked at Michael.
"I'm staying with Luke," I said. Michael pouted. "Remember, chocolate cake."
Michael nodded before standing up. "I'm going to have some breakfast. What do you have that I can eat?"
"Good enough." He walked out and I followed him. I took one last glance at Luke before closing the door and going into the kitchen. Michael already had the milk out on the island and was now searching which cereal he was craving. He decided to go with Cocoa Puffs. He pulled the box out of the cabinet and set it beside the milk. He went to look for a bowl. "You need to get better food for breakfast."
"Yeah, I'll go shopping tomorrow for some." I sat at the island as he grabbed two bowls. He passed one to me before he began pouring the Cocoa Puffs into his bowl.
"I'd really like some pancakes. You can make pancakes, right?"
"Yes, but Harry's are a lot better."
"Let me know when he stays over, so that way he can make breakfast for the both of us."
"But seriously, I'm craving pancakes now. Maybe pizza." Then he gasped. "Let's go buy some snacks!"
"My snack cabinet's already loaded." I pointed to where it was and Michael shook his head.
"That's not what I meant. I meant for Harry! Like, bring some snacks over for his little surprise party!"
"You can go. I'm staying with Luke."
"But... who's going to help me pick out snacks? Luke can come along, too. Just get him to wake up." I really didn't want to do that. Michael began pouring the milk into his bowl. Once he finished he set the milk down. Then he stared blankly at the Cocoa Puffs that were floating to the surface.
"I forgot a spoon." He walked over to a drawer and looked for a spoon. I grabbed the milk and took it over to the refrigerator. I think I'll have breakfast after I brush my teeth. Plus, I just want to go back to sleep until Michael gets back from buying snacks and Harry's cake.
"I'm going back to my room," I informed him.
"Leave the door open!" he shouted as I left the kitchen, rolling my eyes.
I think Lauren and Harry are still asleep. It's too early of a Saturday morning to be up, so why should I be? Oh, right. Because it's the curly Brit's birthday.
Now I'm being reminded of yesterday. I don't know why I even kissed back. Imagining him as Luke isn't a good enough reason. I should've kept pushing him away. God, I'm so stupid. I hope Harry was drunk enough to not remember what he did. I really don't want to think about it now, but now that I am I can't stop.
Stupid brain won't listen to me. Stop thinking about it.
I entered my room and saw that Luke was still asleep, but this time his left cheek was pressed into the pillow, he was lying on his stomach, and his lips were slightly parted. I walked over to him and sat beside him on the mattress. His snoring is so soft, it's adorable.
I am such a creep, staring at Luke as he's sleeping. He's so freaking cute, it's killing me.
I then heard rumbling sounds, and it wasn't coming from me.
I don't want to wake him. I don't have the heart to. He looks too peaceful to be woken up. But he has to eat. He only had a pizza slice yesterday. Well, minus the crust.
"Penguins forever," is what I think I heard him mumble.
He's sleep talking. So. Freaking. Cute. And penguins? God, have mercy on my poor soul.
"If Ashton's a senior and that guy's a freshman... wouldn't that make Ash a pedophile?"
Stupid Liam. But that would sort of be true. I think.
Shit, in a few months I'm going to be a pedophile. That's if I still am in love with Luke. No, wait... pedophiles are attracted to younger people. I'm just attracted to Luke. So... Lukephilia? I don't even know.
Luke shuffled under the sheets, and then his arm was stretched out. I just looked at him, wondering what he was doing, until he let out a small whine. I raised an eyebrow. What in the world is he doing?
I don't know what came over me, but I reached out and touched his fingers. The next thing I knew his fingers entwined with mine. Then he pulled my hand close to his chest, causing me to go along as well, and he was back to snoring.
I was now on a hand and knees. Luke didn't seem like he'd be waking up any time soon, and he needs to eat.
I've no choice but to wake him up. So I pressed my finger to his side, and he moved away from my finger.
"Luke, wake up," I whispered. "Time for breakfast."
"'M not hungry, Mum," he murmured. There he goes again, claiming he's not hungry.
"I heard your stomach growl."
"No, you didn't."
"Come on, let's go eat," I said a bit more loudly. Suddenly Luke shot up, his hand releasing mine, but he slowly lowered himself as he winced. He looked around around the room, bemused. Then his gaze met mine.
"I freaked out when I heard your voice," he explained. "I thought I was at home."
I laughed a bit at that, and then stood up. "Michael and I are eating breakfast. Do you think you can walk?"
"Michael?" he raised an eyebrow.
"He got in when we were sleeping, I don't even know." Then I repeated, "Can you walk?" Luke nodded slowly before he began to stand up. I held an arm out to him just in case he needed it, but he managed to get onto his feet without any major problems. One arm of his was wrapped around his stomach and he was leaning over a bit.
He was walking at a slow pace, but it was better than yesterday. I don't know how long bruises will last, but I'm sure Luke will be fine by tomorrow evening. Or Monday morning.
We made it into the kitchen and I saw that Michael was starting to finish up his cereal. The two greeted each other and then Luke took a seat at the island. I gave Luke the bowl Michael handed to me earlier. He stared into while I went to look for cereal. I didn't know what cereal he liked, so I asked him.
"Is there anything you want?" I asked Luke. The answer was most likely going to be 'It doesn't matter', but just in case I'll ask anyway.
Instead of responding his eyes meet an apple that was in a pile among other fruits. I noticed his gaze at the fruit and walked over to it. I took the apple in my hand, and tossed it at Luke. He caught it and just looked at it like he's never seen it before.
"It's an apple," Michael said in a voice like he's explaining something to a toddler. "It is a fruit that will protect you from doctors." Luke shot him a glare and Michael slurped down the rest of the milk in his bowl.
"He's not stupid, Michael." But I am for telling him I'm into a girl. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking? God, I hate myself right now.
Luke took a bite out of the apple, his face showing a bit of discomfort. I walked over to him and rubbed his back, whispering to him that it's okay and nothing bad will happen to him. He took another hesitant bite, looking up at me, and I smiled at him, mouthing 'Good job' to him.
"What's with this love aura that I'm sensing? Am I a third wheel? I'll be happy to leave if you want me to," Michael spoke up, causing Luke and I to break our eye contact and glance over at Michael who was now pulling out snacks from my snack cabinet. He took out the oreos and placed them out the island table. I noticed Luke's eyes widen when he sees them. As Michael popped a cookie into his mouth Luke winced. Michael doesn't notice, but I did.
"Mikey, how about you go get Harry's cake and the snacks now?" I suggested.
"Oh! Luke, you wanna come with and get some snacks for Harry's surprise party? You can also come to the party. You'll have lots of fun! Plus there's a ton of food!"
Oh, Mikey, you shouldn't have said that.
I felt Luke freeze, and I continued rubbing circles into his back.
"Well, of course, Niall's going to be eating ninety percent of the snacks, so there will only be a little bit left. That's, if you don't mind."
Luke looked at me, and I nodded. Then he looked at Michael. "Sure. I'll go."
Michael beamed as he set the bowl into the sink. Damn, I need to get the dishes done. But I don't want to get them done. I guess I'll do them tonight.
"Great!" Michael exclaimed. "We'll leave after Ashton eats!" I went to grab another bowl, but seeing that there weren't anymore (because they're all in the sink), I decided to wash one of the bowls. I walked over to the sink and picked up a bowl and began cleaning it. "By the way, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. A bit sore, but fine."
"Oh, I see." I can't see them, but, God, I can hear the pervertedness in Michael's voice. "So did Ash take care of you well?"
"He did."
"Aw, you're blushing."
"I am?"
"And you're smiling."
"I am." It's a good thing my back was to them, or else they would've seen my face go red. I really want to see Luke's smile. It's one of the things that I like about him. His smile is just as amazing as his hair. I freaking love his hair, especially when he gels it up.
"Do you like Ashton?" Michael asked randomly. I snapped my head to him, shooting him a glare. He caught my glower, and then winked at me. Luke then turned his head to me, taking another piece out of his apple. I gave him a smile and a weak chuckle while glaring at Michael again.
"Yeah, I like him," Luke answered without turning away from me. "I mean, we are friends after all. Also, he's fun to mess with."
"I agree with you on the last part!" Michael exclaimed, raising his hand up for Luke to high-five. I frowned.
"I don't like being messed with," I stated, returning to the bowl that I just covered in soap.
"Does that mean you want me to stop?" Luke asked.
"Too bad." Then he and Michael bursted into fits of laughter. Once I was sure all the soap on the bowl was gone I shut the water off and carried the bowl over to the island. The two were still laughing, but when they saw the smirk on my face, they stopped.
"Luke, that smirk isn't good," Michael warned. "Every man for himself!" Then he dashed off. The smile on my face doesn't mean aynthing. Michael just always thinks he's going to die.
Luke blinkd at me, probably debating whether he should stay or make a run for it. If he could run. "He's exaggerating," I whispered to Luke, and he mouthed 'Oh'. He continued eating the apple, but then set it down. I walked over to him, extending my hand out. "You don't have to finish it if you don't want to. Just give it to me. Take it slow, okay?" He eyed the fruit before sheepishly passing it to me.
"Sorry," he muttered.
"I'll eat it, okay?" he nodded. Well, I guess I didn't need the bowl after all. This third-fourth of an apple can be my breakfast for today.
Minutes later Michael showed up from wherever he ran off to and sat next to Luke.
"I'm cleaned up!" he shouted. "You two should as well."
"Right, I need to shower," I laughed. I put the apple down and began walking off. "You two, talk amongst yourselves, but don't go crazy."
"That's your guys' thing," Michael snickered. "Frickle frackle."
Luke seemed confused, and I pray to God that Michael doesn't tell him what it means if he doesn't know already.
By the time I finished showering and just cleaning myself up in general, I began walking to the kitchen with a towel draped around my shoulders. I used the rag to wipe at the water that might've went in my ears. Michael was talking about how cool Luke was for fighting against Louis, and Luke responded with a shrug.
"But seriously, you took a bunch of punches for Ashton. You even jumped in front of Louis just to protect him. That's brave." I stopped walking and remained hidden behind a corner to watch them, making sure that my presence wasn't noticed.
Wait, why am I doing this? I can just waltz right in there and announce that I've returned from the shower. Stupid me.
"When I saw that guy punching Ashton, I wasn't even thinking," Luke answered. "I just did what my instincts told me to do: beat the shit out of that guy for hurting Ashton. I didn't step in to be a hero. I did it out of anger. It's not called being brave. It's called being stupid."
"Stupid? It'd be stupid if you just stood by and watched as Louis pummeled Ashton to the ground."
"Can we not talk about him hurting Ashton? It doesn't make me feel comfortable at all."
Michael stayed silent for a while before opening his mouth to speak. "Do you really care about Ashton, or are you only doing this because of the sports policy? In case you didn't know, it only applies to school. There's no need for you to go above and beyond."
Luke played with his lip ring and looked down at the ground. I didn't realize that I was leaning in. I was still pretty hidden from their sight, but I still pulled myself back. Luke has told me that he cares about me, but what is his answer to the same question when I'm not around? Would it be the same? Please be the same.
"Mornin', Ashton," my brother greeted as he walked past me and into the kitchen.
Freaking... Harry blew my cover.
Michael and Luke looked towards my direction and I stepped out, waving at them awkwardly.
"Hi," I mumbled, my fingers absentmindedly clutching the towel. "Luke, do you want to go clean up? We'll leave right after you do."
"Oh, sure," he nodded, and then he went past me. I glanced over at Harry who was holding an orange in his hand and smirking at me.
"What?" I asked, making sure my irritation was evident in my voice. He just shrugged before walking over to the refrigerator to look for something to eat.
"We need food," Harry stated. Michael jumped up from his seat, pointing between me and Harry.
"That's what I said!" he shouted, then repeatedly kept saying 'Told you!' to me. Suddenly he was sprinting out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with Harry.
"You know, I did that on purpose." I raised an eyebrow.
"Did what?" I quizzed.
"I knew you were eavesdropping on Michael and Luke, so being the amazing little brother that I am, I decided to make sure that they knew you were there." My lips parted and I just stared at him. "By the way, who tops?"
Now my jaw really hit the floor. "Who taught you that phrase? Was it Haz, Niall, or Michael?" It couldn't have been Liam or Zayn. They're way too mature to teach a little kid like my brother something like that. It's gotta be the other three.
"My lips are sealed," he laughed. "But I personally think you'd make the perfect bottom. Have fun wherever you're going. If you two are going to frickle frackle, make sure you have a condom."
"It was Haz, wasn't it?!" I ran after him as he scurried off. I stopped once he reached the hallway. Damn, I'm going to get Harry. Both of them.
I dried off my hair a bit with the towel and then swept my hair to the side. I sat at the island and then pressed my forehead against the surface. I'm so done with everyone. They all just mess with me.
Well, my friends and my siblings cannot do that. I don't mind if Luke messes with me. He can mess with me any day.
What am I saying? No, no he can't!
Michael came back with his phone in his hands. He was texting someone and he was really into the conversation. I can tell, because he nearly bumped into a chair that was randomly sitting in the middle of the room just by the kitchen.
He finally made his way to the island and leaned against it.
"Geordie?" I asked him.
"Mhm," he hummed.
"Would you ever go gay?"
"If that's your way of telling me you secretly want me, then that's a horrible way to do it."
I laughed way too hard at that. "Stop being so conceited. It was just a question, you dork. And you know whom I like."
"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure he likes you back." I raised an eyebrow.
"Why do you think that?"
"Hold on, listen to what Geordie just sent me: I was wondering why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me." I stared blankly at Michael, waiting for an explanation. "Oh, my God! Check this one out! This one's especially for you: having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels." He began laughing, but I still didn't understand. When his laughter died down, he let out a sigh. "You're such a sad, boring person."
"Okay, you know what? Forget you. I'll be in my room on the computer, searching for a new battery for my phone."
"Oh, you found your phone? That's cool. I'm guessing someone stole the phone battery?" I nodded. "They're so stupid. If they wanted something, they could've took the SIM card." I picked up the forgotten apple and held it in between my teeth. Michael returned to texting Geordie and I made my way to my room.
While I was walking to my room, I heard some strange noise. I couldn't make out what it was, so I just shrugged it off.
But then I recognized it as gagging. And it was coming from the restroom.
Oh, fucking shit. LUKE!
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