Chapter 18
I desperately tried to push Harry away, but he still kept our lips locked. He tried to force his tongue into my mouth, but I kept my lips in a tight line.
I finally broke the kiss and pulled my face to the side. "Harry, stop it-" I panted, but he grabbed my chin and forced a kiss on me again.
He pushed my legs apart and moved closer to me so that his body was now pressing me against the wall. My hands were on his shoulders, trying to shove him off, but- fuck- why did he have to be so strong?
The worst part is, nobody but us is back here. No one can pull him off of me. No one can save me.
"Louis..." Harry whispered into the kiss.
"I'm not Louis!" I managed to yell when he took a break. Then his lips were back on mine.
He thrusted up against me and a moan escaped from my throat. He continued this in slow movements before they started to speed up a bit.
I disconnected our mouths and kept a hand over his to prevent him from stealing another kiss.
"Snap out of it, Harry! You're fucking drunk!" Both his hands held the bottom of my thighs and pulled me up. He removed one hand and grabbed my wrist, pinning my arm above my head. "Harry- fuck- stop..." Then he was back to kissing me.
"Just like Louis." He took the opportunity of when I opened my mouth to shove his tongue past my lips.
"F-fuck..." I didn't kiss back, but every time Harry jerked forward an involuntary moan came out from me.
Instead of thinking how one of my best friends just forced himself on me, I imagined something else.
I pretended Harry was Luke. That the young blond was the one pinning me up to a wall. That he was the one dry humping me. That his lips were on mine. Not Harry's.
Keeping that in mind, I closed my eyes, finally giving in, and kissed back.
"Luuuuke..." I moaned. My free hand went to "Luke's" hair and began tugging, earning a growl to escape. I frowned when I felt that the hair was not the same, but I still imagined it was Luke.
I let my legs wrap around "Luke's" waist, keeping him in place as my ankles crossed one another. "Luke" dropped his hand from my pinned wrist and I snaked my arm around his neck.
If only Luke was in Harry's place. Then things would've been perfect.
No, don't think of Harry. Pretend it's Luke.
"Shit- Lukey..."
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and I was now lying on the ground. My hand darted for where I was hit and I looked up to see who had hit me.
It was that guy. The guy that I ran into earlier. That guy from the ice cream shop.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled, grabbing me by my shirt and slamming me against the wall. The back of my head hit the wooden surface and I let out a cry of pain. "Why are you making out with my Harry?!"
"My head..." I whined, but he just made me hit the wall even harder, only intensifying the pain. "Stop! You're hurting me!" His eyes were dark and they were glaring right into my frightened ones.
"You had your disgusting hands all over him, and you expect me to not hurt you? Yeah fucking right." His hand turned into a fist and he punched me right on the mouth. I was sent flying back onto the ground. He straddled me and sent more hits to my face, sides, and stomach. My whole upper body was aching from his violent blows. He's really strong for someone who's smaller than I am.
He got up and just admired my physical state. I groaned and then opened my eyes a bit to look over at Harry.
"It's you, Lou!" he gasped happily as he hopped over to the guy's sidr and hug him. Harry seems like he's back into his sober state, realizing that- wait. Louis?
This guy is Louis?
"Haz, let go of me," Louis tried to say as calmly as possible, giving me an threatening glare. "I'm giving him what he deserved."
"But Loooouuuu-" Louis shoved the curly-haired boy back, and Harry fell onto his bum. Louis jumped right at me, and I screamed as I shielded my arms over my face, shutting my eyes tight and curling myself up.
But Louis's punches never came.
I opened my eyes a bit and saw that Louis was thrown against the wall, someone's hands keeping his shoulders in place. I looked to see who had just saved me from getting another hit.
"Don't fucking lay a finger on him!" Luke yelled. Louis shoved him backwards and sent them both flying to the ground.
"No! Luke!" I tried to reach out for him, but arms held me back.
"Don't, Ashton! You'll get hurt!" It was a female voice this time. I turned around and saw that Aleisha was the one behind me. "He can handle it!"
"Why are you holding me back? I have to help him!"
"He doesn't need help! He's only protecting what he-" Aleisha screamed when Louis and Luke got up and came our way. She pulled me aside with her, her arms never leaving me. Louis used his feet and strength to kick Luke off of him, and then he jumped on top of him.
"Keep your boyfriend off of my Harry!" Louis yelled, his fingers attempting to wrap around Luke's throat. The younger boy had his hand holding Louis's wrist to prevent him from strangling him.
"Who are you to say what they can or can't do?!" Luke snapped back. Louis then punched Luke right in the stomach, causing him to double forward. Suddenly Louis was looking up at me. He jumped off of Luke and ran right at me.
"LUKE!" I screamed, flinching when I saw Louis getting closer. Aleisha pushed me out of Louis's way, causing him to run into her. Luke got onto his feet and wrapped his arm around my waist and his hand rested behind my head. He pulled me close to him so our clothed chests were touching.
"You're okay, Ashton," he said to me soothingly. "You're okay now."
"Watch out!" Aleisha cried out. Luke twisted his head around and put himself in Louis's way. Luke suppressed a cry of pain when Louis punched him in the back. I know, because I felt Luke jolt forward and he sounded as if he was gritting his teeth.
Louis reached around Luke and pulled at my shirt, but then Luke managed to turn us around so that Louis's grip was gone.
"Be a fucking man and fight!" Louis yelled, punching Luke once again. Then Luke and I were shoved to the ground, but Luke's arms never left me. He made sure that I didn't hit the ground by flipping us around. Instead he was the one who hit the ground and I landed on top of him. He groaned and had his eyes shut tightly, probably from getting hurt in the same spot where Louis hit him. He opened his eyes and then looked into mine.
"Luke-" He cut me off by abruptly turning us around so I was the one beneath him. He propped himself up on his elbow and knees so that way he wasn't crushing me. I saw Louis raise his foot up and push down on Luke's back, but the blond still kept his position. Then he managed to kick Luke right in the stomach, forcing the air to leave him.
"Louis?! Knock it off!" yelled someone who I recognized as Liam. I saw Louis being held back by him. Michael, Geordie, and Jenny rushed over to me and Luke, kneeling down beside us. "What are you doing?!"
"That guy right there and Harry were making out!" He forced himself out of his hold. Then all of their eyes landed on me.
"Which one? Luke or Ashton?"
"The one on the bottom!"
"Ashton?" Liam's gaze was then directed at me. "You were making out with Harry?"
"Oh, so you're Ashton," Louis said, his voice still dripping with hate towards me.
"Hey, he came onto me!" I protested, gently pushing Luke to move away from me. He obeyed and was now lying flat on his stomach. "I didn't want it! And he's drunk!"
"Bullshit! I saw you had your legs around him and your fingers tangled in his curls! You two are something, aren't you?"
"No! We're just friends!"
"You two were awfully close at the ice cream shop today. He was all sad before you came around. I didn't know who you were, but once that smile appeared on his face I disliked you from then on. And friends don't make out with each other. From the looks of things, you're nowhere near intoxicated."
"What's wrong with being happy when your best friend comes around?! And like I said, he's drunk! When he was kissing me he was moaning your name! He was thinking that I was you!"
Louis looked taken aback by this, since his eyes went wide and his mouth gaped. But then his eyebrows furrowed again. "Then why did you give back? Why did you return the kiss?"
"Because I was pretending that he was someone!"
"Yeah? And whom might that be?"
I opened my mouth to answer, but then cut myself off before I could finish. Everyone already knew the answer to that. Everyone, except Louis, a drunken Harry, Geordie, Aleisha, and the answer himself.
"Louis!" Harry slurred his name as he wobbled over to Louis. "What are you doin' here? I thought you were a busy Tommo?"
"When I saw you and Ashton at the parlor, I knew I had to come, because there was no doubt he'd be there as well."
"How did you get in?" Liam asked him.
"Security knew that I was a part of the band before and just let me in, despite the fact that I withdrew. They just let me waltz in."
"We need better men," Liam sighed, the words almost passing by unnoticed.
"How did you two get in?" Michael asked Aleisha as he pointed at her and then ar Luke. She pulled something out of her back pocket.
"Backstage passes," she answered. "Luke made me get them after the concert."
My eyes widened. He made her get passes?
"Loooouuuu, can I have a huuuuuug?" Harry asked, spreading his arms out at him.
"Not now, Hazza," he said, pushing him off a bit. Harry pouted.
"But.. I haven't seen you in forever. I want a hug from my Louis." He didn't seem to be the slightest bit aware of the situation. Louis sighed and then pulled Harry into a hug. "I like your smell, Lou. You smell niiiiiice."
Louis just huffed in response. "Your hair is as soft as a cloud," Harry continued. "And clouds are fluffy."
"All right."
Then Harry whispered something into Louis's ear, causing the shorter guy to turn crimson. He broke the embrace and began to pull Harry out.
"Where are we goin', babe?" he asked.
"To my place," Louis stated.
"Are you going to punish me?" he giggled.
Then they were out of earshot.
"Whoa, Haz's gonna get some tonight," Michael laughed.
I heard Luke groaning and shifting around on the ground.
"Luke!" I yelled out, moving myself closer to him. I rested his head on my lap. "Are you okay?"
"Well, considering that I took a beating, I'm perfectly fine," he chuckled weakly. But then his smile faded. "You made out with Harry?"
"He was drunk."
"But you weren't."
"I know," I sighed.
"Did you like it?" Luke asked. "The make-out session."
"You need to rest," I said, trying to avoid answering. To be honest, I did, but it was because I imagined it was Luke, not Harry. "I'll take you home, okay?"
"No way." I looked up at Michael. "You're hurt as well. I'll take you both home."
"What about Geordie and Aleisha?" I asked. Aleisha appeared by my side.
"I can find a ride home," she replied with a smile on her lips. Liam walked over to us and stood next to Michael.
"I need to stay for Niall and Zayn. Those two are already drunk." There was a small laughter coming out of all of us, but Luke. He looked too much in pain to make any noise.
"I had a ride here," Geordie said. "I'll be fine. She placed a hand on Michael's shoulder. "Be careful, Mikey." She planted a kiss on his cheek before walking off.
"I'mma keep her company," Jenny added. "Get better, you two." Then she walked off. Liam excused himself as well and left.
"Come on, Luke. Try your best to stand," Michael said to him. "On three. One, two, three!" He hoisted Luke up. Luke groaned and leaned forward. "It's okay, I got you."
The two made their way out of the restaurant and I followed behind, but then Aleisha placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Do me a favor," she began. I gulped, but then nodded. "Make sure Luke eats something. If he says he's not hungry, tell him to eat anyway." I blinked at her. "It could be something small, like a bag of cereal. Just makes sure he eats something." Then she dropped her hand and walked off into the crowd.
I left the shop and Michael and Luke were waiting right outside.
"I have your backpack," Michael told me. "Pull out the keys, I'm driving."
I nodded and then went to unzip the backpack to get my keys. Once they were out, I closed my backpack and then I told Michael to follow me to my car. It hurt for me to walk, but I had to be strong. Luke is in a worse condition than I am, so why should I complain about how I'm feeling?
My car was just parked in a small parking lot that was reserved for the band and crew members only, but Harry granted me access to it. I unlocked the car and then opened the backseat. Michael ushered Luke into the car and then I climbed in after. Luke was sitting in the middle seat again, so I had to take the side seat. He was groaning and lolling his head to the side. Then he decided to lie down and put his head on my lap. His feet were flat against the floor and the empty seat on the other side of him. Luke tried to open his eyes, but I placed my hand over them.
"Just sleep, Luke," I told him. "You need it."
"How come you're not with Jasmine?" he asked softly. "I thought you were with her?"
"Just rest your eyes." He didn't protest, but instead hummed. Then his breathing evened out.
Michael got into the driver seat, started the car, and began driving out.
We reached my place shortly after and both Michael and I carried Luke up to my room. We placed him on my bed carefully, and he let out a groan.
"I'll go get an ice pack," Michael said as set my backpack down and ran out of my room. I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Luke. He looked so peaceful, but he really wasn't. He was in physical pain, and it's all thanks to Louis. But then again, it was my fault as well. I should've resisted more.
I ran my fingers through his hair. He didn't react. He just continued sleeping. I took in a deep breath. He had some bruises on his face from when Louis punched him.
He also stepped on his back and kicked his stomach. I wonder if he's bruised there.
I slowly slid his shirt up, revealing his abs. I felt the bumps as my hand grazed over them. Then his stomach was fully exposed.
He had a huge bruise there. There even was a cut mark under it that showed Louis must've scratched him there.
He got these bruises and cuts, because of me. Luke was protecting me. Even though I've been trying to avoid him, I couldn't be anymore grateful that he showed up.
He even made Aleisha get backstage passes for the two of them. Even though it was unnecessary, because they're only useful for the party, but...
Luke shifted a bit on the bed and I froze, my hand hovering over his abs. He cracked open his eye slightly and smiled when he saw me.
"Hey, Ashton," he said weakly. "How ya feelin'?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I asked, but I was being serious. He still chuckled, but then he groaned. "Don't hurt yourself."
"I could say the same for you. Is your head okay?"
"It doesn't hurt," I lied. I didn't want him to worry about me. He should take care of himself first.
"He really got you good." I raised an eyebrow. "Your lip's bleeding." My fingers touched my lips and when I pulled them away, there was blood on it.
"I'll clean it off with a tissue," I said as I stood up, searching around for a tissue box.
"Tissues aren't very effective," Luke said, trying to sit up. He stopped halfway and began groaning. I rushed over to him and helped him lie back down.
"You need to stay down," I told him. His stomach was still showing, but I did my best to keep my eyes locked onto his.
His hand rested on his bruise and he pressed on it gently, causing his face to twist into an expression showing he was in slight pain. "You were checking for bruises, weren't you?"
"Y-Yeah, I was..."
"Where are your bruises?"
"I-I don't-"
"Take your shirt off. I'll check."
My heart was racing after he said that. My face turned red as I began lifting my shirt over my head. I tried hiding my face behind my hair, but because he was lying down he still had a good view of my face.
"You've got quite a few on you," he sighed. His thumb grazed over the bruises I had and I winced, but not exactly from pain, but because his hand was touching my skin. But he didn't know the reason why I made a face. "My bad."
"I got the ice pack-" Michael stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw me and Luke. We were really close to each other, my upper body was naked, and Luke's hands were on me. Michael hesitantly walked over.
"You can come in, you know," Luke chuckled.
"I don't know," he said slowly. "You two seem to be having a moment here."
"Shut up, Mikey," I snapped.
"Hey, he's telling the truth." Luke pulled himself upright so his back was to the wall. "Just leave the ice pack here." He pointed to the table next to my bed. Michael placed it on the table and scurried for the door.
"Your brother and sister are asleep, so keep your voices at a minimum." He smirked, and then he quietly closed the door.
Did he really think we were going to do it? Not in Luke's condition, we're not.
No, we're not doing it at all.
"Are you hurt at all?" Luke asked.
"No, I'm fine." I bit my lower as I looked at him. "You, on the other hand..."
"Don't worry about it. Worry about yourself."
"Exactly. You need to as well. You took more hits than I did. You have a large bruise on your stomach, and there's a cut right below it."
"Really? I didn't feel it."
"Don't lie to me, Luke. He could've killed you. He may be short, but he was strong. He left without getting hurt."
"That's not true. I got one swing at him."
"Please lie down. It makes me feel better if you do." Luke nodded and slowly lied down on my bed.
"Don't you want to lie down, too?" Luke asked me.
"You need the bed way more than I do."
"I think we both need it." He scooted over so there was room for me. I hesitated at first, but eventually let myself lie next to him. His arm was curled under me, but I could hear him taking in a deep breath as my weight was on top of his bruised arm.
"Sorry!" I said, jolting up. Luke's hands reached for my shoulders and he pulled me back down.
"It's okay," he reassured. "I just wasn't prepared. You can lie down now."
As I lied down, he scooted himself closer to me so there was no room between us. I looked at him and he was looking back at me.
"The ice pack is still on the table," I told him as I reached for it. I placed it over his stomach. He tensed up at first, but then he relaxed.
"Your bruises must hurt," he said.
"They do, but they'll go away soon."
"Allow me." He got onto his elbows so they were on either side of me. The ice pack fell from his stomach and was now next to me. Luke hovered over me, and then he leaned in.
"Kisses heal," he whispered. His hands cupped my cheeks and then he pressed kisses onto the places where Louis had punched me that were visible. I let out a quiet moan where only a deep sigh escaped from my noise.
"You're awfully comfortable with doing this," I murmured.
"It's because I choose to do this." After kissing every bruise on my face he went to my chest and stomach and kissed there. This is making my breathing uneven.
"Luke..." I moaned when his lips touched just a little bit below my stomach. Then they trailed to my sides. "This is embarrassing..."
"Why?" he asked, still kissing my bruises. "No one's here but us." Then he pulled himself up so his face was close to mine. I could feel his breath hit my face. His eyes flickered to my lips and then he frowned. "They're still bleeding."
I glanced over to the tissue box that was sitting on the table, but the Luke pulled my face back so I was looking at him. "No, let me." Then he started to lean in slowly, and so did I.
Then our lips connected, and the first thing that I thought was how lips were so soft, so perfect against mine.
I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss. I could feel his tongue lap at my lips, cleaning the blood off. I took his face in my hands to keep him on place, and his fingers wrapped around my wrist. The next thing I knew our lips were moving together. I almost forgot he was only doing this to clean my lips.
Without breaking the kiss Luke flipped us over so that I was lying on top of him. His arms were around my waist while my hands were still cradling his face.
Simple pressing of the lips turned into open mouthed ones and then our tongues brushed against another. I could feel his lip ring against my lips, and it just felt so nice. It's way better than nice. Words cannot describe how amazing all of this was to me.
I pulled away so I could breathe. Luke stared up, smiling at me. There was some of my blood on his lips, and he licked them away.
"Even though that was meant for healing, that was probably the greatest kiss I've ever had in my life," Luke whispered. I couldn't help but let a huge grin appear on my face.
"Same goes for me," I replied. It caught me completely off guard when Luke pecked my lips again. I gaped at him as he just cheekily smirked at me.
"Your lip was bleeding again," he said. "I had to."
"Yeah, whatever you say." Then he kissed my lips again. I playfully glared at him.
"What?" he asked. "I have to make sure there's no more blood on your lips before you start taking my pain away."
Wait, Luke wants me to kiss- oh.
He grabbed the hem of his shirt and began pulling it up. My eyes went large when I saw all the bruises on the front of his body. I already saw the big one on his stomach, but he had three more on his chest. There were red lines on his arms.
My fingers touched the scratches and trailed down. "This happened, because of me."
"This happened because I was protecting you. I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner, Ashton. If I arrived sooner, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt at all."
I located all the marks on his face and pulled my lips to them.
"Thank you, Luke." I repeated this in between every kiss I gave him. He hummed and I went down to his chest. God, he was shirtless, and I was so close to him! I gave his three chest bruises a kiss, and I could've sworn he inhaled deeply. "Are you for certain kisses heal?"
"Yeah, just keep going," he said quickly. I just shrugged and then continued to his abdomen.
The bruise was large, so instead of giving it one simple kiss I was going to have to add extra ones. I brought my face close to his stomach and pursed my lips.
Then his stomach rumbled..
I felt Luke tense up, and I slowly looked up at him.
"Did your stomach just growl?" I asked him, laughing a bit.
"N-No..." he answered slowly. Then I remembered something that Aleisha had told me earlier.
"Do me a favor.... Make sure Luke eats something. If he says he's not hungry, tell him to eat anyway."
Well, better get him something to eat then.
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